You Can’t Sink a Cork
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE REVEREND Professor Thomas Sheehan’s The First Coming is one of the Book-of-the-Month Club’s selections for December 1986. It is the kind of book that you would read through, if it was the only one you had with you when you were marooned on a desert isle. And you may wish to glance rapidly through it, if you are interested in the Protean versatility of the established superstition that is our racial incubus.
The author tries to make his rifacimento of Christianity acceptable to educated men by jettisoning all the absurd stories about magic and divine avatars that make the “New Testament” patently incredible, and he blames the Jew called Peter in those tales for inventing the stories about Salvation and post-mortem felicity in an eternal amusement park called Heaven, which were so effectively used in the sales-talk of another Jew, called Paul, who peddled the fictions to ignorant and gullible goyim.
In the centuries that immediately preceded and followed the beginning of the present era, Asia Minor and Egypt were swarming with Jewish mountebanks and agitators, and it is a statistical certainty that quite a few of those goetae were named in honor of the tribal hero in the Jews’ great hoax about their conquest of Palestine. [That is, they were named Joshua or Jesus, which are actually the same name. — Ed.] It is likely that confused traditions and folk-tales about some of them were fused together, since all bore the same very common name, and were used by the purveyors of Christianity when they began to scribble gospels around A.D. 130-140. The product, of course, was a plethora of fantastic stories, a few of which were selected for the collection called the “New Testament,” making it a jumble of inconsistent tales from which theologians can extract the parts that suit their purposes, necessarily ignoring or explaining away the rest.
The pious professor follows that technique, and although he makes a great show of learning, he simply chooses to quote and endorse what suits his spiel. His Jesus had no hallucinations about divine parentage, and he was not even a christ, come to lead his people against the civilized races they hated. He merely wanted to instill “God’s immediate presence in the human heart.” God’s presence, as offered by Sheehan to literate but maudlin customers, leaves no room for brains that can perceive reality and reason about it. So we are given a superficially novel package of the old hokum about “Love” and “All Mankind” that has been and is a deadly poison for our race.
It does no good to refute the salvation-peddlers; they promptly come up with another sales-pitch. You can’t sink corks.
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Source: Liberty Bell magazine, March 1987