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Roger Pearson,1927 – 2023
Dr. Roger Pearson, M.Sc. (Econ), Ph.D., (London), has died, age 95. by Mark Cotterill ALL OF US at Heritage and Destiny were saddened to hear of the recent death of Dr. Roger Pearson, who was a long-standing subscriber to our magazine — in fact he was our eldest subscriber, aged 95, when he died…

Us or Them
A screenshot of a recent featured story on pronatalism American Dissident Voices broadcast of 19 November, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE DANGER of downward evolution, a corollary to our Cosmotheist ideal of upward…

Racial Purity
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 September, 2021
by Kevin Alfred Strom I AM ALL FOR racial purity. It’s necessary. It’s needed. Maintaining it is the essence of virtue. Going…

A Neat Problem
by Revilo P. Oliver A FEATURE article in the Midland, Michigan Daily News was reproduced photographically in the Christian News, 20 October 1986, accompanied by a commentary intended to prove that good old Jesus administers heart-balm to the afflicted and sorrowing. The facts are that a man and woman…

The Law of the Blood, part 2
by Douglas Mercer IN 1907 Indiana passed the first sterilization law in the world, aimed at culling the unfit from the gene pool; within two decades a total of 33 states had followed suit. Unlikely allies Margaret Sanger and Madison Grant worked together to lower the birth rate of non-Whites. Woodrow…

Saint Hitler Was a Man of God Doing God’s Work
by Arman
as told to H. Millard WHAT WAS really at the core of Hitler’s being? It was to do God’s work to help Whites evolve as part of God’s Plan. If you think of Hitler and the German National Socialists only in terms of politics or the war, then you are making a big mistake. And the enemies…
as told to H. Millard WHAT WAS really at the core of Hitler’s being? It was to do God’s work to help Whites evolve as part of God’s Plan. If you think of Hitler and the German National Socialists only in terms of politics or the war, then you are making a big mistake. And the enemies…

Eugenics, for a Better Tomorrow
A reconstruction of Homo habilis: Was it “morally wrong” for the forces of Nature to eugenically mold human beings to evolve beyond this? Eugenics has nothing to do with “prejudice,” as our enemies allege. by David Sims IT isn’t prejudice that made the European eugenicists…

Eugenics and Anti-Eugenics
Touching the future THE WORD “eugenics” as currently abused by Jewish propaganda agents is actually being used to convey the very opposite of the intended meaning of that word, in that the Jews viciously represent the intent to produce beautiful, healthy, and intelligent people, who…

Eugenics: Steps Toward Godhood
by Kenneth Lloyd Anderson AS Natalie Regoli wrote, it’s a simple fact that choosing healthy mating partners and controlling the offspring can improve the quality of human life. But even when that is not done, engineering the genetic makeup of a child can eliminate hereditary conditions that…

The Blood of the Nation: A Study of the Decay of Races Through the Survival of the Unfit (Part 2 of 2)
As part of our commitment to the celebration of forgotten classics — i.e., great works of the past which have been intentionally flushed down the memory hole by our Orwellian overlords — National Vanguard is proud to present a condensed version of David Starr Jordan’s pioneering treatise The Blood…