“Scientists” Lie About Transgenderism
by David Sims
HERE’S ANOTHER educational lesson in how the media, including the academic media, lie to people.
A study done by leftist academics concluded that transgender “therapy,” including puberty blockers and opposite sex hormones, “improved the mental health” of children. This conclusion was drawn despite a lack of any evidence which the study discovered. The authors of the study just made it up for reasons pertaining to their political ideology. After their study was published, all the other leftist academics and the “mainstream” (read: Jewish-run) media treated its conclusions as if they were the unquestionable truth, when, indeed, those conclusions were false.
[The study claimed to be following individual adolescents in two cohorts, blocker-taking (defined as “receiving gender-affirming care”) and non-takers, but, among other things, one “cohort” shrank from almost 100 individuals to just six at the end, and the other varied almost as much. When the data clearly showed that the drug-takers had no improvement over time in their perceived mental health, the authors suddenly switched their focus to differences between the cohorts instead, which were meaningless considering that more than 90% of participants dropped out or were not present initially. The really important takeaway from these data, by the way, is that all these people are profoundly mentally ill — an illness induced largely by the Jews’ latest project to disrupt White people’s reproduction, “transgenderism.” — NV Editor]
On “public” radio’s Science Friday, two Jews presented the fraudulent study in full-on propaganda mode:
[Host] IRA FLATOW: Diana, can you walk me through what you found in this study about trans and nonbinary kids and teens?
DIANA TORDOFF: Absolutely. Thank you for having us here today. Our study was conducted at Seattle Children’s Hospital’s Gender Clinic. And our goal was to prospectively follow youth during their first year of receiving care to better understand their experiences, their well-being, as well as barriers they faced in accessing care. So we enrolled 104 trans youth, who are aged 13 to 20. And we found that youth who received puberty blockers or gender-affirming hormones were 60% less likely to be depressed and 73% less likely to have suicidal thoughts, compared to youth who did not receive these medications.
IRA FLATOW: That’s a huge difference.
IRA FLATOW: And major medical associations support gender-affirming care, right?
DIANA TORDOFF: Absolutely. These medications are both safe. And their use in adolescents is supported by a large number of medical and professional societies, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association.
Here’s a brief quote from an article exposing this outrageous fraud (“Researchers Found Puberty Blockers and Hormones Didn’t Improve Trans Kids’ Mental Health at Their Clinic. Then They Published a Study Claiming The Opposite,” Singal-Minded, 6 April 2022):
What’s surprising, in light of all these quotes, is that the kids who took puberty blockers or hormones experienced no statistically significant mental health improvement during the study. The claim that they did improve, which was presented to the public in the study itself, in publicity materials, and on social media (repeatedly) by one of the authors, is false.
The take-away lesson in this is that we have evidence that the academic establishment, in particular the psychiatric and social leftists who pretend to be scientists, are lying to us. We catch them doing it once in a while. This should be enough to destroy the credibility of leftist academics and their politically manipulated study findings.
Furthermore, it seems rather certain that they are lying more often than we can prove that they are lying. It is only common sense to think that anything they might say is fishy, and that we should doubt everything they say.
There are no transgender people because it is not possible to change anyone’s sex. It remains the same no matter what alterations are done to the mind and the body. Jen Psaki has referred to transgender surgery for children as “medically necessary life-saving health care,” and that is a damned lie. Transgender surgery is mutilation. Almost all of those children, if left alone, will be comfortable with the sex into which they were born as they grow older. They’ve been propagandized into entertaining transgenderism as a fad, and they think it won’t harm them because their lying teachers said that it wouldn’t. They aren’t able to consider the gravity of going transgender, the consequences of which include being forever sterile — never being able to have children of their own. The crooked Establishment is taking advantage of this naïveté so they can profit — and in order to promote globalism.
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Source: Author
Psychological and medical research are plagued with fraud. The blog retractionwatch documents this pretty comprehensively.
Have you seen this yet?
The Empire of liars. The United States of Amnesia.
Cut it off, or sew it on. That’s my crude take on the matter. Like many other issues, I prefer to get right to the meat of the topic for maximum controversy. Put in these terms, someone would have to be pretty disturbed and unhappy to undergo such a ‘procedure’, and certainly would never do so without modern anasthesia & pain meds. Also, IMO, it’s one of those non-issues that the jews love to get us talking about, arguing, and distracted by when it reality it plays no part in the vast, vast majority of most people’s lives. I’ve never known any “transgenders”, not had to work with, do business, or otherwise interact in any way for my entire life up to present day. I’ve seen a man in a… Read more »
more kikey, talmudic distractionism…
to divert the cattle’s attention from the next country these filthy, cyclopic Jews want us to invade for them . So they can feel ‘safe.’
When , how and why did the safety of these demonic, alien plague -Rats become our problem ?
what are there, maybe 5,000 mentally-defective “trannies” in this country?
This is a joke right? Another filthy Torah-loric joke on america.
Get these filthy, phallic-nosed rodents the hell out of our country. Our Hemisphere.
If you think it’s a non-issue then you clearly haven’t been paying attention to the targeted brainwashing of White children, especially young girls who are very prone to falling for trends no matter how crazy they are. Tons of White schoolgirls are now cutting their hair short, wearing baggy masculine clothes, and posting to their social media profiles how they are “nonbinary” or whatever other nonsense “gender” they found on a list somewhere to get likes and followers. At the extreme end, they are being told by parents and school counselors that their totally normal adolescent insecurities are actually a result of “gender dysphoria”, and they are then encouraged to take hormones that will destroy their bodies and will lead them right to severe depression and suicide. And they fall… Read more »
Maybe those running the transgender clinics and the doctors performing the surgeries are actually eugenicists that are convincing these mentally unstable people to get sterilized, and getting paid to do it, in order to prevent these defective genes from being passed on to the next generation. Now that would be brilliant!
Science has been politicised for a while now, I think it was 1973 when they removed homosexuality from the list of mental disorders.
Although I agree with the author, there’s a sentence that did not sit well with me:
“Almost all of those children, if left alone, will be comfortable with the sex into which they were born as they grow older.”
These kids are suffering from a mental disorder. Transition therapy is the wrong path and sex changing surgery is obviously criminal. But leaving them alone is like denying a sick person of medical care. These children need us; they need some serious counseling about how human biology really works. And it all starts with finding a way to stop jew-non-science infiltrating these children’s lives.
Here’s an idea for your “finding a way to stop jew-non-science infiltrating these children’s lives:” Gather the evidence of the non-science being spread by Jews and write a nice article like the one you’re commenting on. Shouldn’t the light of truth be enough to awaken to action those healthy Whites that we can reach to help them understand what’s being done to their kids and by whom?
Wow you really proved my point with this. White-supremacist really are nothing more than uneducated, homophobic/transphobic, anti-semitic, racist, incels. And hate to break this to you, man, but, citing yourself as a source is not credible in the slightest.
Sincerely, a loud and proud Nonbinary Pansexual that found this hate-group site because one of you wrote it on a dollar bill in sharpie. Peace out.
This is a response to the NPC who commented above. If I were to paint myself green, walk on all fours, attach scales and a tail to my body, slice my tongue in half, and start eating insects, does that make me a lizard? According to your psychosis that would be true. The only valid source for the truth is Nature. Real science is in harmony with Nature. Science is a method of inquiry and not a dogmatic belief system. Scientists are not infallible. Any “scientist or doctor” who promotes transgenderism is a liar and a criminal. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and judging by your idiotic comment you are mentally ill and a low life motivated by ressentiment.
Who struck you and why?
Transgender was a plan from the beginning to depopulate and people were manipulated over the years to slowly believe the nonsense
The psychological exams they give are sexist
I’m a heterosexual female that played with trucks and toy guns
as a child , these lunatics would tell me I should be a transsexual
Everything about transsexual is from the depths of Hell
I am repulsed by self-loathing, homophobic, “trans” frauds that are
too chickenshit to be gay. Drag and Butch have integrity that “trans”
impostors can only counterfeit. And Mr. Lia Thomas still has the balls
to prove it. I don’t care who they pretend to be until they want laws
forcing me to dignify them.
All trans-sexual is quackery. You can choose your gender –gay or
straight– You CANNOT choose your sex.