
NRM: Swedish National Council Member on the Ukraine War

Swedish National Council member Robert Eklund comments on the war in Ukraine.

by Robert Eklund

ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, we heard the news that Russia had launched a full-scale military attack against its neighbour Ukraine. The Russian President stated during the night that Russia is conducting military operations in Donbas with the aim of “preventing Ukrainian aggression” and “demilitarising and de-Nazifying” Ukraine. The claim that the offensive concerns a small military operation limited to Donbas is contradicted by a large number of sources, with reports of air strikes against Ukrainian cities as far west as Lviv. There are also reports of Russian ground troops crossing the border between Ukraine and Belarus, and of fighting taking place on the outskirts of Ukraine’s second-largest city, Kharkiv. Other reports mention Russian troops advancing westwards from Crimea, as well as Russian paratroopers seizing an airfield on the outskirts of Kiev.

The conflict in Ukraine has proceeded at a low intensity for several years, since igniting shortly after the end of the Maidan coup in 2014. The breakaway republics in Donbas – Donetsk and Luhansk – have been de facto self-governing during these years, albeit under strong influence from the Kremlin.

Ukraine, on the other hand, has edged ever closer to the USA and NATO, both economically and militarily. The country has received large subsidies from both the USA and the EU, often accompanied by political demands. It has also received generous deliveries of military assets, chiefly of a defensive kind, in the form of anti-tank and anti-aircraft defences. Since the beginning of the conflict, Western military instructors have also been present to train the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Ukrainian perspective is quite easy to understand, as their people had to suffer for many years under communist rule. Most countries that struggled under the communist boot after 1945 now harbour a strong aversion to falling under Russian influence once again.

Before this particular military conflict broke out, a number of demands were issued by Russia to the West, especially to the USA. These included the demand to end NATO’s eastward expansion, which from a Russian point of view is fairly reasonable and simple to understand. However, Russia’s demands, whether of a genuine nature or not, were met by a cold shoulder from an effectively united Western world.

Russia’s response to these negative answers came on Monday, when Putin officially recognised the Ukrainian breakaway republics, a move that was condemned by a united West. However, this condemnation rings rather hollow, as Russia is only following the West’s example when it comes to “legally” dividing countries. Here I am referring to Kosovo, which according to all normal procedures ought to belong to Serbia, but which was declared independent after military attacks by the USA and NATO.

The war is not really about Russia versus Ukraine. Rather, it is part of a larger conflict in which an increasingly expansive NATO stands opposed to a Russia that is, to some degree, being forced into a corner, but which also harbours revanchist dreams of reinstating itself as a global superpower that can impose its influence upon other countries, in the same way the American imperialists do.

We, the European people, now stand between two imperialist globalist blocs, one more powerful than the other. Our nations are being used as chess pieces in an increasingly aggressive geopolitical game. White Europeans are dying today, both on the Ukrainian and Russian sides. It is always tragic when our White folk comrades are sacrificed on the globalist altar. We cannot allow imperialist powers, whether they be called America or Russia, to dictate the conditions of how we in Europe choose to live and pursue our politics.

I do not believe that Ukrainian soldiers want to sacrifice their lives for the opportunity to allow homosexuals to parade on the streets of Kiev. I would rather believe that these soldiers, who are currently battling for their country, are fighting for the possibility of building a better Ukraine, free from the corrupt regime that was put in power by foreign interests. Western liberal democracy is not the solution to a Europe under threat. Nor is it the solution to preserving an independent Ukraine. Just as the solution to a free Ukraine and a free Europe is not Vladimir Putin and the Russian Republic.

Rather, the solution to hostile imperialist forces is known as Nationalism, or, more accurately, National Socialism. In any case, my position is clear. I stand 100% for Ukraine’s right to self-determination. A self-determination without Russian or American imperialist influence. A nationalist Ukraine, a healthy Ukraine that can serve as an inspiration to others.

Slava Ukraini! Heroiam slava!

* * *

Source: Nordic Resistance Movement

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Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
3 March, 2022 4:25 am

Very good and balanced analysis. Fully support this approach. Ukraine is the victim of the struggle between two globalist forces that are equally hostile to genuine European interests.

6 March, 2022 11:07 am

Shame on Ukrainian russophobic neo-Nazis! They killed more than 14 thousand Russian-speaking people and more than 200 children in Donbass.
Mr. Eklund, how would you react to the ban on the Swedish language and the genocide of Swedes in Finland?

Reply to  Victor
7 March, 2022 10:06 pm

Funny. What most westerners don’t know is the reason why eastern Ukraine is so pro russian.

After the 7-10 million Ukrainians were starved to death in the holodomor, they were replaced by a russian population.That’s why there are so many russian speakers in the eastern part today.

Russian speakers, who are demanding independence from Ukraine and asking support from the russian government to be annexed.

Imagine if this happened in another country; the russians kill your own people, replaced them with theirs in your own land, and years later they claim the land as if has always been russian.

Is simple to understand how despicable this is. Supporting the people of Ukraine is the only stand a person with a minimum sense of justice can take in this conflict.

The Ghost of Lou Byers
The Ghost of Lou Byers
Reply to  Jamie
9 March, 2022 7:29 am

I think it’s a gross oversimplification to say that “Russians” starved the Ukrainians. The truth is more like Jews and their Communist allies and dupes did the starving. Ukrainians and Russians are White, and Whites killing Whites for the geopolitical interests of anti-White empires is a terrible sin. If the missiles were aimed at Soros, the WEF, and the media barons it would be quite a different thing.

Reply to  Jamie
9 March, 2022 9:39 am

This is disgusting, ignorant and false propaganda. Firstly, Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire and has never been an independent state. Ukraine both in Russian and in Polish means “outskirts”. Its south and southeast were deserted and conquered from the Turks hundreds of years ago. Secondly, a state called Ukraine was created by the communists in the 1920s in order to divide the united Russian people. Originally Russian regions were transferred to the freshly minted Ukraine, including the Russian-speaking Donbass and the south. Its area has increased several times. Thirdly, the famine (holodomor) under the communist rule claimed 3 million deaths in Ukraine, 3 million in Russia and 1 million in Kazakhstan. Then about 7 million people died in the USSR. Robert Conquest in his The Harvest of Sorrow… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Jamie
9 March, 2022 2:11 pm

Thank you for this comment. It is absolutely true. By the way, USSR has completely cleansed East Prussia and populated it with its Soviet untermenshen, like Victor. Baltic states were half-depopulated and hundreds of thousands of Victor-like creatures were brought there in order to buttress the occupational system. These “Russians” are the reliable fifth column in Baltics now and if Putin succeeds in Ukraine, he is sure to invade Baltics under pretext of “defending Russians”. It is all too clear. Now is the rare time when the mainstream western media say mostly truth. Putin and his gang are Soviet maniacs bent on restoring USSR, no question about it. They have no interest in defending ethnic Russians; they use this pretext in order to advance their nefarious agenda.

Reply to  Jamie
17 March, 2022 7:07 am

My grandfather was born in Poltava “Ukraine” spoke Russian and was also a victim of the famine. The borders of Ukraine are artificial and were established by the Soviet Union

9 March, 2022 4:50 am

No more WOWW? white on white wars = white unity? and weeding out of jews and their enablers who push white on white wars? From my twenty years or so of research (which i don’t know much). Ukraine appears now to be the “battleground” to make the jew “UN” “stronger” and have more “teeth”. You have to realize if you read the founding documents of the “UN” every country has to basically agree to do their commands. When you realize the jews are at the head or near the head of the table in wor-ship to an “entity” known as “lucifer” — their words not mine. The UN recently named moscow of all cities the “best world city” in 2022. The UN was founded basically by occult “lucifer” trust which… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  cas
9 March, 2022 2:09 pm

It seems that you overestimate Jewish abilities. Yes, they think much of themselves but their real abilities are much more limited. I doubt that the whole planet could ever be ruled by one ethnic entity. Even if it is possible, it will be the White People of new type, but it is a very distant perspective. Jews will never possess the world; they are too lowly, too shallow, too greedy and too presumptuous for this.

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
9 March, 2022 10:37 pm

ty for your comment and thank you NATALL. White man’s ego and altruism is what is holding him back imho. It imho is white man’s altruism and empathy which separates white man from jew. The jew have weaponized this against the white man by turning those beautiful traits against us and our race. By tricking most of our race to use those traits on other races before our own. Overestimating? lol It is our underestimating the jew’s ability to cause division among our people which has drove white man to fight cousin vs cousin war for possibly 2000+ years. It has taken part of my line 12 generations to realize the “jacobite” wars of scotland/england as probably another jewish plot to divide white man. This drove some of my ancestors… Read more »

Reply to  cas
9 March, 2022 7:14 pm

The wrong side won two world wars . . . We would not have problems with Russia and China if the USA had helped Japan and Germany. Europe has been under occupation since 1945 . . . What has NATO done lately to defend Europe? Absolutely nothing . . . They are facilitating the invasion of Europe and the USA with Third World trash . . .
My enemies are in Washington DC, Brussels, and Tel Aviv, not Moscow . . . HEIL HITLER.

10 March, 2022 4:00 am

I dunno. Ukrainians can be pretty contentious. They are discovering the grass is not greener on the US side. At least their refugees can now get work visas in Germany rathet than picking strawberries in Poland.

Rockwell's Ghost
Rockwell's Ghost
12 March, 2022 11:38 am

Uhhh, it’s not WAR it’s kosher KABUKI THEATER.

26 May, 2024 8:21 am

Viewing Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visage as repugnant, he is not Ukrainian, bearing resemblance to other Jews; he is purportedly holding the Ukrainian populace captive. I do not advocate for the Russian regime, as Russia is similarly subjected to Semitic control. Indeed, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is construed as a Jewish civil war!