
14 Reasons Amerindians Are Not the First Natives of the Americas


America had a long history of population displacements before modern Europeans arrived and built the United States.

by Frank Jamger

THERE WERE multiple peoples and cultures who lived in North America before the primitive Amerinds encountered by European settlers. Some were relatively advanced, and were evidently destroyed and replaced by later-arriving Amerinds. Some of them were evidently (Proto-) European, and Whites may have arrived in America before the Asiatic Amerinds. Some of the Amerinds encountered by European settlers were partly Caucasian, and their Caucasian roots evidently extend back to antiquity. The “Native Americans” of today are not the original and true natives of North America: they displaced others before modern Europeans displaced (some of) them.

1. Megalithic stonework culture. Hundreds of ancient megalithic structures exist throughout much of New England, extending into the South. Some are intricately designed and/or made of enormous stones somehow carved from extremely hard granite and raised perfectly into place. Some have sophisticated astronomical designs and orientations. Similar stone structures exist in Western Europe, South America and elsewhere, evincing a megalithic culture that once ranged across the seas. The Amerinds encountered by Whites did not use these stone works and could not account for their origins. The theory that these structures were “colonial root cellars” has innumerable holes. Their scope and complexity suggests a religious or recreational purpose.

Ancient American Mysteries – Secrets of The Stones – full Documentary.
Search for the Mysterious Stone Builders of New England.
The Mysterious Stone Chambers of New England.
The Mysterious Megaliths of New England.
New England Megaliths and Chambers.
The Newport Tower.
Enigmatic Stone Works.
Archaeo-Astronomical Prospecting at the Moose Hill Stone Chambers.
Stone Rows & Boulders: A Comparative Study.
Mysterious Stone Chambers and Giants Discovered in New England- Jim Vieira.

2. Mound-building culture. A great number of ancient mounds and earthworks are found in the Ohio Valley, Great Lakes, and Mississippi River regions; the largest being the giant Monk’s Mound pyramid at the Cahokia complex in Illinois. The mounds apparently had ceremonial purposes, perhaps as city centers, some evidently having astronomical orientations with one another. Similar mounds found in Europe along with similar tools and pottery, as well as skulls, relate this culture to Europe’s ancient Beaker people (associated with Stonehenge). America’s mound-building culture had several stages, including the Adena and Hopewell, that came and went suddenly. Within the mounds, many skeletons of large stature with Caucasoid skull types have been excavated. Amerinds encountered by settlers, who had little knowledge of the mounds, have legends of enemy “giants” destroyed in battle in the region, and there is corroborating archaeological evidence. See Allegheny/Adena “Giants”, below.

The Cahokia Mounds Complex (11 pages).
Ancient Earthworks of North America suggest pre-Columbian European contact.
Poverty Point, The Manufacturing of Copper Oxhides for the Atlantic Copper Trade.
The Octagon Earthworks of Newark Ohio, the Stonehenge of North America.
A The Reconstruction and Archaeoastronomy of a Hopewell Hilltop Earthwork in Ohio.
American Mounds vs European Mounds.
Monk Mound; Great Pyramid of the USA.,-great-pyramid-of-the-usa.html
Louisiana’s Best-Kept Secret Now a World Heritage Site (Poverty Point mound complex).
Uncovering America’s Pyramid Builders.
Where Did the Ohio Giant Human Mound Builders Come From?
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On genocidal warfare see pgs. 75-81, 89-96, 107.
The Adena Giant Revealed: Profile of Prehistoric Mound Builders.
The Adena People and Prehistoric Colonization of North America.

3. Michigan Copper mining. Enormous quantities of copper were mined in the Great Lakes area in ancient times, and evidently transported down the Mississippi River to the Poverty Point mound complex, where it was processed into ingots. Most of this copper is absent from North America, and curiously at this time Europe used far more copper than can be accounted for by its own mines, indicating transatlantic shipment. Analysis of copper ingots from an ancient shipwreck off Turkey revealed them to be highly pure, consistent with Michigan copper and not with European sources. The Amerinds encountered by settlers didn’t use metal tools.

Copper: a world trade in 3000 BC?
Poverty Point, The Manufacturing of Copper Oxhides for the Atlantic Copper Trade.
Michigan Copper in the Mediterranean.
Were Prehistoric Copper Oxhide Ingots manufactured on the Mississippi coast near the mouth of the Mississippi River?
Cast in Bronze.
Lake Superior Mines, Old Copper Culture and Copper Shipments to Europe during the Bronze Age.

4. Anasazi Chacoan culture. The Anasazi Chaco Canyon-centered culture of the U.S. Southwest had sophisticated stone masonry architecture far more advanced than that of previous and subsequent Amerinds of the region. Their buildings and art had astronomical orientations, and the layout of their towns may have reflected astronomical patterns. They utilized artifacts and symbols, such as spirals and swastikas, similar to that of ancient European cultures such as the Celts and Vinca. A portion of its population, perhaps the elite element, was destroyed in violent ethnic conflict; their buildings becoming defensive toward the end.

The Primary Architecture of the Chacoan Culture: A Cosmological Expression.
Orion Temple in Colorado – Part 1.
The Orion Temple in Colorado – Part 2.
Puebloans in Treeless Chaco Canyon Hauled 240,000 Trees over 75 KM for House Construction.
A Stellar Configuration on the High Desert.
Carving the Cosmos: An Arizona Star Map In Stone. (2 pages).
Spirals, Markers and Megaliths.
Anasazi; Who (when and how) was the first to “discover” America?
Ancient America (Anasazi art photos).
Perimortem mutilation of human remains in an early village in theAmerican Southwest: A case for ethnic violence.
Massacre at Sacred Ridge sparks debate about prehistoric genocide.
Riddles of the Anasazi; What awful event forced the Anasazi to flee their homeland, never to return?
The First Americans – Part 7 – The Anasazi.
The First Americans – Part 8 – The Anasazi Are Exterminated

5. Windover bog people. This 8,000 year old settlement in Florida “exhibited a civilization far beyond what had been previously believed that ancient Indians in North America and Florida would have shown”, including finely woven cloth, tools, a pestle and mortar. Their DNA includes Proto-European Haplotype X; it “looked European” according to Dr. Lorenz of the Coriell Institute.

The First Americans – Part 5 – The Windover Bog People.
The First Americans – Part 6 – DNA Of The Windover Bog People
The Windover Pond Giants.
The Windover Archaeological Research Project.
Bye, Bye Beringia (8,000 Year Old Site In Florida).
America’s Bog People.
What About DNA? (Haplogroup X at Windover; citation of Hauswirth et al, 1994).

6. Solutrean-Clovis culture. Pre-/Clovis culture rock tools and carvings, dated 11-26,000 years ago, are found concentrated along the Eastern U.S. that are similar to Solutrean culture counterparts found in West Europe from about the same time, indicating transatlantic passage. Animal carvings similar to Solutrean have also been found. Glaciers and ice floes spanned the northern Atlantic Ocean for much of this time, facilitating ocean passage along the ice edge. Also, transatlantic voyage in ancient reed boats was proven possible by the Ra expeditions of Thor Heyerdahl. The oldest Clovis sites are near the Northeast coast, and Clovis rocks in cache sites to the west were evidently moved from the east. Clovis sites are rarer toward the Western U.S., and scarce in Siberia. In fact, there is hardly any sign of human activity in the Beringia region at/prior to the time of the first Clovis sites in the Eastern U.S.. Clovis sites are found in regions where megaliths, mound constructions, and European-linked DNA are also concentrated (see below).

The Solutrean Solution–Did Some Ancient Americans Come from Europe?
Solutreans Were The First Americans (3 pages).
Solutreans: First Americans: The Ice-Age Discovery of the Americas: Constructing an Iberian Solution.
Solutrean hypothesis: genetics, the mammoth in the room.
New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America.
Do tools belonging to Stone Age hunters found on U.S. east coast prove the first Americans came from Europe NOT Asia?
New book reveals Ice Age mariners from Europe were America’s first inhabitants.
13,000-Year-Old Bone With Mammoth Or Mastodon Carving May Be First In Western Hemisphere.
The dubious association of Anzick 1 with Clovis artifacts.
Analyses of the Anzick 1 genome.
The Ra Expeditions Revisited.

7. DNA Haplogroup X2. The X2a branch of Proto-European DNA Haplogroup X2 has high frequency among Amerinds in Northeast North America; X2 being nearly absent in East Asia. This indicates ancient European migration to America across the Atlantic, arriving in Northeast Canada and dispersing south and west via the St Laurence River. X2a is most concentrated among Algonquians, whose language has also been linked to ancient Europeans (see below). The small pocket of X2e2 in Russian Altai is not ancestral to Amerind X2a.

Solutreans Were The First Americans.
Solutrean hypothesis: genetics, the mammoth in the room.
K = 26 admixture analysis of Amerindians and Mestizos.
What About DNA? (Haplogroup X at Windover; citation of Hauswirth et al, 1994).

8. DNA Haplogroup R1. Proto-European DNA Haplogroup R1 has high frequency among Amerinds in Northeast and Eastern North America; R1 being nearly absent in East Asia. This indicates ancient European migration to America across the Atlantic, arriving in Northeast Canada and dispersing south. As with X2a, R1 is most concentrated among Algonquians, most of all the Caucasoid-looking Chippewa (Ojibwa), also associated with the ancient copper miners. More broadly, R1(b) is linked to an ancient seafaring, stone-working culture, that evidently spread out from the Mediterranean Sea to the Americas (see below) and the Pacific.

Solutrean hypothesis: genetics, the mammoth in the room; Y Chromosome section.
Distribution of Y Chromosomes Among Native North Americans: A Study of Athapaskan
Population History; Figure 2b. Frequency of Haplogroup R in North America.
K = 26 admixture analysis of Amerindians and Mestizos.
Genetic Evidence for Paleolithic Exploration of the Americas by Europeans during the Ice Age.
Eske Willerslev is an anti-White propagandist.

9. Allegheny/Adena “Giants”. Ancient large skeletons associated with Adena mound-builders and related cultures have been found across the Ohio Valley, the South, and Northeast America. Copper attire, armor, jewelry and tools are typically found with them. Many Amerind tribes have legends of White “giants”, and their existence was formerly well known and accepted by American scholars, including Abraham Lincoln; but a concerted effort has been made to dismiss the evidence. These skeletons were not only large, but heavy set with Proto-European type skulls (see below), distinguishing them from Amerinds of their era. Amerind legend reports an Allegewi tribe of “giants” whom they massacred in warfare, a remnant driven into New England. The legend is corroborated by mass killing sites of large skeletons. Later grave sites indicate that the Allegewi survived for centuries as an elite ethnic within the Adena and later Hopewell cultures.

The Establishment Has Already Acknowledged a Lost Race of Giants – Part 1/Part 2.
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On genocidal warfare see pgs. 75-81, 89-96, 107.
Did Giants Exist? Part 1: Legends and America’s Giant Skeletons; Part 2: Where Are the Skeletons Now?
Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes.
Giants on Record: America’s Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files.
The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America.

See also the sources for the next section.

10. Proto-European skulls. Skulls of the Allegheny “giants” discussed above and other ancient skulls found in North America have Proto-European characteristics that distinguish them from Amerinds. In addition to greater size, characteristics include greater vertical and frontal diameter (brachycranic shape), greater cranial capacity, large brow ridges, greater facial angle, a wide jawbone, and double rows of teeth. The skulls are similar to those of the ancient European Beaker People, having Dinaric and Cro-Magnon traits. A 9,400 year old skeleton discovered in Spirit Cave also had a Caucasoid skull.

Where Did the Ohio Giant Human Mound Builders Come From?
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On skulls see pgs 18-27, 61-73, and 81.
The Adena People and Prehistoric Colonization of North America.
The Adena Giant Revealed: Profile of Prehistoric Mound Builders.
The Cahokia Mounds Complex (Page 1).
Lovelock Skull and Spirit Cave Man- Nevada.
Spirit Cave and Lovelock Nevada Mummies – Caucasians In Ancient America

11. Language and inscriptions. The Algonquian language has many words, particularly place names, similar to Gaelic and ancient Gaulish, ancestral tongue of the Celts and Basques. These people, like the Algonquians, are also carriers of Haplogroups X2 (e.g. Orkney) and R1. This indicates an ancient connection between these peoples. Relationships have also been found between Algonquian and Old Norse, indicating an ancient Scandinavian connection. Many ancient petroglyphs have been found on stones in the North American Northeast and South. Some appear to be Viking runes; others, a form of Celtic Iberian ogam, indicating a connection with ancient Celts and seafaring Phoenicians. Some are found in association with the ancient copper mines (see above).

Ancient America; section: New England’s Celtic Place Names.
Who Built New England’s Megalithic Monuments?
Petroglyphs Left in Canada by Scandinavians 3,000 Years Ago?
600-Year-Old American Indian Historical Account Has Old Norse Words.
Names Found to be Norse.
The Mysterious Megaliths of New England.
Columbus: Late to the North American Party.
The Lost Gods and Tablet of Prehistoric Michigan.
Bourne Stone Gives Evidence Of Early Atlantic Crossing.

12. Natives of Caucasian appearance. Some Amerinds encountered by White settlers had a Caucasoid-like appearance, indicating some intermixture with Whites in their past. Zuni (Pueblo) and Pima Amerinds of the Chaco Canyon region exhibit Caucasoid traits, as do Algonquians having Haplogroup X2a. The mysterious Mandan tribe of North Dakota was reported to have a sizable minority of blond-haired, blue-eyed individuals, with more advanced technology than other Amerinds. Amerind individuals with Caucasoid-like appearance can be seen in old photos of tribes such as the Ojibwa (R1 carriers) and Shawnee (Algonquian). A mummy having red hair was found in a Kentucky cave in 1813.

Amerindians have both Mongoloid and Caucasoid physical features.
K = 26 admixture analysis of Amerindians and Mestizos.
Who Built New England’s Megalithic Monuments?
Admixture in Pima Includes Greek and Sardinian: Genetic Signature of the Minoans, Sea Peoples and Other Mediterranean Peoples in the Southwest?
Were the blonde hair, blue eyed Mandan Indians the remnants of the Ohio mound builders?
Sha-kó-ka (mint), a Mandan girl.
Old Photos – Ojibwa, Shawnee, Zuni.
Mummies With Red Hair Found in Kentucky Cave.
Red Haired Mummy Discovered in Mammoth Cave Kentucky.

13. Amerind legends of Whites. Many Amerind tribes have legends of Whites in North America’s past; these legends conclude with an account of how the ‘wicked’ whites were genocided. The Choctaws, Lenapes, Comanches, Navajos, Shawnees, and others have legends of tall white “giants”, called Allegewi, Nahullo, etc., who got in their way and had to be killed off to the last man. The Paiutes remember a nasty red-haired race they called the Si-Te-Cah, whom they managed to trap in Lovelock Cave and massacre. The Cherokees have legends of a pale “moon-eyed people”, whom they managed to get rid of.

Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes.
Choctaw Traditions – The Council Fire, The Nahullo.
A Tradition of Giants: More Questions Than Answers; On legends of Whites, see 37-42, 70, 75-96, 107, 114.
Shawnee Legend of Slaughter of White Indians at the Falls of the Ohio.
The Legend of the Red-Haired Giants of Lovelock Cave.
Spirit Cave and Lovelock Nevada Mummies – Caucasians In Ancient America (Paiute legends 8:28-10:36).
Cherokee Legends of White Race of Mound Builders.

14. Whites in South America. There is conclusive evidence of ancient Whites in South America; these Whites were likely seafarers who also reached North America. As in the U.S., there is ample evidence of former civilizations more advanced than subsequent Amerinds, e.g. architectural wonders such as Kuellap, Machu Picchu, and Tiwanaku. In SA, there is clear biological evidence of White founders. Local Amerinds of the region, particularly the blondish Chachapoyas, have ancient Caucasian ancestry (Haplogroups I-M26 and R1b), as do their ancient mummies. There are large numbers of distinctly White mummies associated with classic cultures such as the Chachapoya, Nazca, Paracas, Chinchorro, Wari, and Moche. They have red/blond hair types, Caucasoid skull shapes, European blood types A and B, and ancient European DNA (Gravettian and Aurignacian). Found with them are rock carvings, statues, pottery and various art depicting these Whites, having White visages, blue eyes, and beards (lacked by Amerinds). Cultural similarities between ancient Peruvians and Egyptians include pyramids and megalithic architecture, astronomy, mummies, jewelry, skull shaping, art and symbols, and reed boats. A Phoenician rock inscription was found on Palpa Mountain near the surveying marvels of the Nazca desert. Naturally, the physical evidence is mirrored by Amerind legends of White culture-bearers who built these civilizations; of Viracocha, Kukulkan, and Quetzalcoatl. Murals found in Chichen Itza, Yucatan indicate the likely fate of these Whites: they depict White men being captured and executed by dark men, a few escaping in boats.

The Chachapoyas.
The White Gods.
More proof of Whites in ancient Peru and Chile.
Statuettes of the White Gods.
Eske Willerslev is an anti-White propagandist.
Gravettian admixture in the Chinchorro people.
More Y-SNP calls for Chachapoyas.
K = 16 admixture analysis of ancient American genomes.
Analyses of ancient American genomes.
Nazsca (12 pages); Pages 1-3 review the evidence that 1) the Nazca architects were European Whites, 2) they were exterminated by Amerinds, and 3) the anti-White establishment suppresses this obvious reality as fervently as it suppresses race differences.
Page 4: Why did European nations, from remotest antiquity, set up standing stone circles or code bearing structures and alignment markers everywhere they went?
8 more pages analyze the scientific geometry of Nazca site figures.
Lost Civilizations of the Andes (2 pages).
Methods of “Ma’at” Part I: Cry Fraud.
Historical Notes: A feathered snake and a man with a beard.
The Mysterious Red Haired Mummies Of The Coast Of Peru.
How Did Blonde Whites Arrive in Peru Before Columbus?
Moment 600 years ago that terror came to Mummies of the Amazon.
Ancient city discovered deep in Amazonian rainforest linked to the legendary white-skinned Cloud People of Peru.
Kuelap, Peru – Ancient Fortress of the Cloud Warriors.
The Amazing Connections Between the Inca and Egyptian Cultures.
The Peruvian Valley of the Pyramids.
European Dolmens in Colombia – The Mysterious Ruins of San Augustin.
Lost Ancient High Technology In The Highlands Of Peru? Wari.
First Ever Evidence for Ancient Bone Surgery found in Peru – Holes Drilled in Legs.
The Stone Head of Guatemala that History Wants to Forget.

* * *

Source: Frank Jamger

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Normandie Kent
Normandie Kent
23 August, 2016 11:09 pm

It’s hilarious how you call the Native Americans primitive, and then proceed to steal theirs ancestors amazing civilizations and accomplishments for the white race! What’s more hilarious is knowing that the white race didn’t even come close to the accomplishing what the Native Americans accomplished in their own European homelands. There is no way the Europeans came to America and did built those Marvels of wonder that the Native Americans did.

Reply to  Normandie Kent
1 September, 2016 12:05 pm

You just sound jealous of white civilization mate. Its okay, just accept the fact the White Man is unstoppable and conquered the world TWICE. Once in ancient times, as indicated by this article, and once in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Its okay to be jealous. We don’t judge (too harshly). We’ll still accept you as a human. :)

Reply to  Normandie Kent
28 April, 2017 4:58 pm

Everything of value that you have comes from the White race. Why are you using a computer and the internet, or indoor heating and plumbing? Stop using your automobile and cell phone. Just like us, you’ve been turned into marshmellow by White technology. The simple truth is that if the Amerindians were as oppressed at the mainstream says that it was… then why did they mix their blood every chance they had with a genocidal population of invaders? Amerindians never saw a single speck of White technology or a single strand of White DNA that they didn’t like. It’s already been proven that Europeans were in North America first. Now go off now and read about this weeks flyby of the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft inside the rings of Saturn.

LH Collins
LH Collins
Reply to  Normandie Kent
21 December, 2021 6:51 pm

“It’s hilarious how you call the Native Americans primitive,”

Hilarious AND true!

“Drunk, Old Injun, squatting in his tipi; his firewater keeping him warm…” 

Normandie Kent
Normandie Kent
29 December, 2016 2:42 am

No one is jealous of “the white race” so don’t flatter your self! Besides I’m not the one so desperate as to try and steal a supposedly ” inferior race” ( your words not mine) accomplishments. Who is pathetic now? Besides that Europeans were not advanced as you seem to think, since they never went anywhere until 500 years ago. Oh we’ll, better late than never!

Reply to  Normandie Kent
3 November, 2021 5:54 am

Europeans founded Sumer and Egypt, friend, as well as Greece and Rome and English and computers.

LH Collins
LH Collins
Reply to  Normandie Kent
13 April, 2022 5:44 am

Normandie Kent: Why did Europeans build massive stone structures, while you Nigricans were still rolling around in your own faeces?

“Besides that Europeans were not advanced as you seem to think, since they never went anywhere until 500 years ago.”

Ever heard of the Yuezhi? Tocharians? Pazyryk Culture? Andronovo Culture? The Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex? Didn’t thinks so! Also, the Vikings lived 1000 years ago, and discovered Vinland as early as 982 CE. You’re not allowed to lecture us Aryans on our history. Back to you jungle, with you!

Normandie Kent
Normandie Kent
29 December, 2016 2:53 am

These sorry attempts to try and steal Native Americans accomplishments for themselves must be a sign of the Infant nation of the USA and Euroamericans going thru growing pains or an inferiority complex, when it stands against the ancient and mature Native American Nations. I would feel inadequate too…!

LH Collins
LH Collins
Reply to  Normandie Kent
5 November, 2021 3:49 pm

Steal WHAT from the “Native” Amerindians? We were the authors of every civilisation THAT MATTERS. Bend the knee, Aunt Jemima!

Clark Peters
Clark Peters
Reply to  Normandie Kent
5 June, 2022 2:10 am

I am only stating this form a psychological standpoint. Having analyzed your typing pattern you appear to be emotional and irrational. I will make this point, if the “Native Americans” who in their own words have tales of wiping out people who where already here, then they are not the native peoples of this land. They are invaders who took the land in conquest. Then in the future, they were conquered by Europeans. I will make another point, if the “Native Americans” were in fact so mature, why did many of them practice cannibalism? Also how does an advanced society get taken out by a bunch of primitive white men? Do you see the problem with the logic of the modern “native” story? White people across the globe accomplished much,… Read more »

Reply to  Normandie Kent
17 May, 2024 10:56 pm

Your assertion is unfounded and lacks rationality and wisdom. Each race and civilization possesses unique beauties and accomplishments in their own right. However, it is implausible to conceive of a world devoid of the White race. The advancement and well-being of humanity owes much to the contributions of Whites.

They do not require validation; all you need to do is open your eyes.

No civilization can be equated with the White civilization, my dear friend. This is not a mere claim but an established reality. I speak as someone who may not be perceived as white-skinned by some.

While White race aversion is a dangerous psychological disorder not currently addressed in the DSM, I perceive you as a normal critic rather than a mentally ill individual.

Thanks be to god…

15 January, 2017 3:19 pm

proof is in the pudding,

25 March, 2017 2:51 am

Europeans were sailing and coming to America LONG before 500 years ago mate. This article shows it was even earlier than previously thought…. But let’s ignore their scientific DNA genetic sequencing for a moment and go back to your eloquent assessments of Europeans “never went anywhere until 500 years ago” nonsense. We already know that the European people (particularly the Norse) were traveling far and wide, much further back in history than 500 years. Viking explorers (you recall hearing about those guys, right?) came to the americas nearly 1,300 years ago…. and we know for a fact, that they were not the first Caucasian Europeans to do so. I apologize for any stress this might cause your ego, but history and science is indeed proving that Europeans were the first… Read more »

YArsh Barsh
YArsh Barsh
Reply to  Smalls
15 July, 2018 3:46 pm

The overwhelming evidence points to the fact they came from Asia. Not Europe. A handful of inconclusive studies cited by 3 articles is not evidence.

Sorry ’bout it.

Reply to  YArsh Barsh
3 November, 2021 5:57 am

I would be sorry, given Siberia was also settled by Caucasians who long ago trod land bridges to the America’s…you might also have to deal with Indian legends of blonde gods Viracocha, Quetzalcotatl and Kukulkan.Enjoy.

Linda Goodman
Linda Goodman
8 April, 2017 3:54 pm

The United Nations land grab agenda is ignoring overwhelming historical evidence and Dr. Barry Fell’s outstanding linguistic research, using Native Americans to steal private property.

Linda Goodman
Linda Goodman
8 April, 2017 6:56 pm

Seems to go without saying but I’ll say it anyway – great article! Thank you for the solid sources!

I suspect a primary motive for the deceit is to discourage Americans from unearthing any more important finds while the elites plot to steal our land. [cupmarked megaliths etc on my own land in MA]. Thankfully UN Sustainable Development’s totalitarian plans have been stopped in its tracks with Donald Trump’s anti-globalist win.

Thomas Plaster
Thomas Plaster
15 July, 2017 2:10 pm

There are skeletal remains found in North America that have skulls very similar to those of known (lived within last two centuries) Asiatic mongoloids (American Indians); wide/round heads, prominent cheek bones, round eye sockets, broad chins. These range in age from several hundreds of years back to about 9,000 years old. If radio carbon dating can be taken seriously, that is. There are skeletal remains found in N. America that have skulls very similar to those of known (lived within last five centuries) Caucasoids or western European; tall heads, narrow/pointed chins, noticeable triangular nasal passages, narrow cheek bones, squared off eye sockets. These range in age from over five hundred years (giving lie to no Euro pre-Columbus contact) to 13,000 years old. If radio carbon dating can be taken seriously.… Read more »

6 November, 2021 1:08 pm

“Much ado about nothing.” Whoever came to the North American continent first wins the brass ring.