Reject the Controlled Opposition
by David Sims
JUST IN CASE there are White nationalists who haven’t yet figured it out (and there shouldn’t be many), many of the apparent leaders, spokespersons, and apologists for causes that we support — such as limiting immigration from the Third World — aren’t really our people. People like Laura Loomer, Ezra Levant, and Ben Shapiro are actual Zionist Jews, and people like Faith Goldy are Gentiles who have been deceived, suborned, or otherwise made to recognize the symptoms of cultural disease — while failing to recognize that the Jews are the cause thereof.
Jews have centuries of practicing deception. They’re good at it. They’re deadly serious about it. They send some of their own to any well-publicized debate to represent their own “opposition,” so that they can control the conduct of the debate until it reaches whatever predetermined outcome they choose, while giving the audience the false impression that all of the important questions were asked and that all sides were heard from. Jews send some of their own to be flag-bearers for those whom they mean to conquer and to enslave, and, after milking them for all the wealth they can yield, to make disappear.
If you want a real White nationalist group in the United States, then try the National Alliance, founded in 1974 by Dr. William Pierce (doctorate in physics). If you’re in Britain, have a look at Patrotic Alternative, whose main spokesman is Mark Collett.
National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683
Patriotic Alternative
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Source: Author
The gang over at Fash the Nation have revealed themselves to be controlled opposition, and these guys have been pushing a transparently obvious demoralization campaign directed at the 62 million mostly White voters who elected Trump in 2016 for over 2 years now. I will not attempt to claim that Trump has not been a major disappointment and has not made good on his 2016 promises on the issue of immigration – for these failures, he deserves legitimate criticism. But, to suggest that the alternative – Creepy Joe Biden and Kamala Harris – would be a better choice to run the White House — this borders on psychopathic insanity. And, this is exactly what the FTN gang have been doing – promoting Biden over Trump on November 3. Trump may… Read more »
I disagree. I don’t see eye to eye with everything on Mike Enoch (Peinovich) has a Jewish wife, for example. That being said, I have never heard anyone on that site encouraging people to vote for the Biden/Harris ticket. They do expose the fact that DJT has the Kosher seal of approval, and that he has bent over backwards for Zionist Israel. The presidential election is a huge distraction. State and local politics may not be “sexy”, but we need to put our efforts closer to home, especially replacing Republicans who do not support White people with people who do. Presidential elections have become a cult of personality, and until we get the Congress on our side we will continue to flounder around. I will hold my nose and… Read more »
It is a matter of their non-stop, 2-year long, relentless and deliberate effort to tamp down the enthusiasm for Trump by using a demoralization template – and that template is not all that different than the one that the left and the jewish media have been using ever since Trump took office. I will repeat – it is not that Trump should not be criticized for failing to keep most of his 2016 promises on immigration. But, FTN goes far beyond this kind of criticism and appears to be trying to sap the enthusiasm for Trump and convince a segment of that 62 million who elected him that voting for him a second time is a waste of time. This strategy appears to be having some alarming success, as we… Read more »
Read the comment by PrinzEdelhart below. The “demoralization” campaign is even being waged on National Vanguard! Many White people are waking up. I see the extreme censorship on social media as a sign that the tide is beginning to turn. If Trump can manage to squeak by with a second term, those four years will give us ample time to find a candidate to run in 2024. All politics is local. Concentrate on what is going on in your own neighborhood.
I’ve raised this earlier, but a nearly all-White congress approved the Civil Rights, Fair Housing, and Immigration reform laws of the mid-1960’s (also approved by White federal courts and presidents). These bodies never backtracked when it became clear that social disorder and gov’t overreach were flourishing, while freedoms of association, property rights, safety, school systems and old ethnic neighborhoods were declining. That happened when the US was over 85% White. It is now barely 60% White. I don’t entirely accept that the jews forced Congress’s hand. Members of Congress then were often tough, regionally-based men who grew up poor and would not have their hands forced by NY Times editorials or DC promises of “aid”, for a two year term of selling out (then getting voted out). So the plan… Read more »
There are no pro-White politicians or parties.
They were outlawed pretty much everywhere in 1945.
There is no political solution because the worm has made it all the way to the core of the apple. Cutting off pieces will no longer save the apple.
The best commentary. Clear presentation of present day reality.
FTN’s hosts James Allsup and Jazzhands clearly say repeatedly that the (((Finklethink))) comes out from both parties, and those who ultimately win are the jews. What is the point of voting for candidates who only represent the jews–and want to punish, jail, enslave or otherwise displace the White majority (who care, or has the untapped potential to care) for their own people? You Trumptards are a dime a dozen. Trump, as was coined recently, is the ‘king of the jews’ (in other words, he cares and works solely for the benefit of the jews–more than any other president before him)! Most of the FTN shows are hidden behind a paywall (and they do deep-dives exposing jewish malfeasance). So, you seem to pay for premium access to FTN via and,… Read more »
You nailed it man. I used to really enjoy FTN, even TDS was interesting to tune into from time to time, then right about the time AA dropped that info about Jay-O being a Fed asset, things took a strange turn. Almost like they got a tap on the shoulder, and the focus of their content changed overnight. It’s abundantly clear to anyone that has followed them since their early days that they are being instructed on how to present things by “outside forces.” Too bad — but they’ve been compromised, so time to tune out.
Hunter Wallace at Occidental Dissent is highlighting this exercise in purity. When he is not bemoaning the wrong turn the culture took in the 1920s.
Mister Sims, kontrollierte Opposition ist ein sehr wichtiges Thema.
Psychologische Operateure arbeiten aber auch in sozialen Netzwerken.
Hier einige Erkennungsmerkmale, die ich fand:
a. Ständiges Erinnern an den Opferstatus der “heiligen” Juden.
b. Ständiges Erinnern an “unsere” judeo-christlichen Werte.
c. Ständige Versuche, stumpfe Messer (konservative Werte) zu verkaufen.
d. Ständiges Vergleichern der Zuckerberg-Zensur mit unserer nationalsozialistischen Zensur.
e. Ständige Versuche, Freunde als Feinde erscheinen zu lassen, und umgekehrt.
f. Ständige Versuche, die Weissen als Ausbeuter der heiligen Dritten Welt darzustellen (mit der Hilfe des fliegenbedeckten Negerkindes mit Tränen in den Augen).
g. Pöbelentertainment, Beispiel: Ist die Erde etwa doch eine Scheibe?
h. Offene Propaganda für Impfungen durch Fake-Nationalisten.
That is German language. Translate yourself if you want. Greetings, my friends.
Und das alles läßt sich noch besser verkaufen, wenn’s aus dem Mund einer attraktiven, mehr oder weniger jungen Frau wie z.B. Faith Goldy kommt.
Oder auch dem eines Chameleons, wie Lauren Simonsen (‘Southern’)……
Vote if it makes you feel any better about how we’re given the poor choices foisted upon us by the discredited institutions our kind once built but have been given away to our racial enemies. The outcome won’t change, but the timing may differ.
Better to focus our attention and energies on Alliance building, because we’re going to need every one of us to work together to survive these times and to point us in a new direction for the future.
Voting in White countries is basically a form of limited damage control.
Voting ‘left’ means full speed ahead into the abyss, voting ‘right’ buys us a little more time to prepare for the inevitable.
Voting “right” is also more likely to set up more favorable initial conditions for whatever comes next.
American perpetual motion machine
Mark Collett and his group are suggested as an equivalent to National Alliance? But Mark Collett is a christian! He said this on many occasions. I don’t think that any christian should be promoted in this fashion. Collett is a good critic of the rotten political system and has a true conservative outlook. He has his audience but I don’t think that he should be put on one level with National Alliance. Beside being christian, Collett is too political (instead of spiritual). He plays politics instead of engaging into a long term spiritual struggle and upbringing of new generation of real fighters. He aims at being a political leader of all right-wing forces in Britain. Let him try yet once this dead end endeavor. I follow this man for 5… Read more »
Totally right…when the British Right are not Christians they are Royalist or Imperialists and NEVER NS or Fascist-that is too European despite the ersatz hysteria of the kosher Left, who now own every state entity in the UK. The National Alliance is more European in outlook not only than any Trumptard, but than any Europhobe Britard, which is why the NA betoken the best Americans:no one in England matches William Pierce or Revilo Oliver for ferocious and articulate rhetoric. Colin Jordan was ignored by the pedestrian Old Right in favour of patriotards leaders indistinguishable in tradition from the Tory Freemasons of Ulster Unionist Conservatism…the NF and BNP were Ulster Unionist parties of Protestant Zionists exactly as the Trotskiist Conservatives of 1979 were who have leapfrogged Blair Jew Labour to form… Read more »
If Stefan is classing John Tyndall as a “patriotard,” as his references to the National Front and British National Party suggest, he’s guilty of maligning a truly great man. If Tyndall was indeed a “patriotard,” that somehow managed to escape the notice of William L. Pierce, Revilo P. Oliver, and Kevin Alfred Strom, all of whom appear to have corresponded with Tyndall and to have expressed a high regard for him.
‘A truly great man’ succeeds with a coherent philosophy, which neither the NF nor BNP had or have…I class a Patriotard as a Conservative reactionary, which he was, despite beginning as a National-Socialist which is quite untenable in Great Britainistan…I contend Jordan was the better man and that British Nationalism as representative of the gulag acronym ‘UK’, is Zionist continuity obvious through the NF and BNP Ulster Loyalism, which is wholly Masonic and thus kosher…Griffin merely added Civic Nationalist incoherence to Tyndall’s redundant British nationalism which was the continuation of Old Tory Blimpism before the Jews overran it with New Tory Tory Neo-Con-ism…I don’t deny for minute he was courageous but I would deny that Americans understand the British which is why I post images that speak for themselves…the correct… Read more »
I doubt that you’re a better judge of John Tyndall than William L. Pierce, Revilo P. Oliver, or Kevin Alfred Strom, and I don’t appreciate the condescending, overfamiliar, or ironic use of the word friend. I was once prejudiced against Tyndall, but I changed my opinion of him when I became better acquainted with his writings, a bit like how Adolf Hitler changed his opinion of Karl Lueger and the Christian Social Party: “When I arrived in Vienna, I was hostile to both of them. “This man and the movement seemed ‘reactionary’ in my eyes. “My common sense of justice, however, forced me to change my judgment in proportion as I had occasion to become acquainted with the man and his work; and slowly my fair judgment turned to unconcealed… Read more »
Doubt what you like and appreciate what you like, this isn’t your site-nonetheless, Tyndall was an Ulster Loyalist and that is Masonic and therefore Jewish-British Nationalism is an oxymoron given that 1) Wales is Britain as in Prydain or Cymru…and are excluded from the union flag and 2) England is a real nation, not an acronym non-entity like ‘UK’, which exemplifies all the other disastrous acronyms in the world, all of which were racist gulags for Europeans and that includes the USA. I am indeed a better judge than the foregoing gentlemen listed, because I’ve been an activist in English Nationalism all my life and’ve literally worn my boots out flyering…and’ve met Tyndall whose lack of humour and charm are what allowed Mr. Griffin to wittily charm his way into… Read more »
Nice words Mr. Collins. John Tyndall was an honourable man and a sincere National-Socialist. I never met him but I read many of his excellent articles in the BNP´s magazine “Spearhead” (available online at and it was very clear that the man “was the real McCoy”. John Tyndall was let down and betrayed by the majority of the British people who are pathetic imbeciles, fully brainwashed and firm believers in the democratic system. The BNP was “too radical” for the average Briton who is terrified of being perceived as “non-respectable”. I visited the UK twice and I remember speaking to several people who agreed almost completely with me (and the BNP) but when I suggested they should join the BNP they said “No, they are racist thugs” Those are… Read more »
Carolyn Emerick (Oakwood Forest on YT and BC) describes Mark Collett as ‘David Schwimmer’s twin’ and she may be right.
He sure doesn’t look Celtic or Germanic – nor Slavic, for that matter.
He is apparently responsible for the collapse of the BNP and the ousting of Nick Griffin, who came about as close to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as any European politician has in the past 75 years without being jailed immediately.
The only thing that held him back was his Cuckstian upbringing, which he could not quite shake.
I wouldn’t trust Mark Collett as far as I can throw his house.
Don’t trust any British ‘Nationalist’ per se-they all huddle behind stars of David.
I don’t think Mark Cotterill, who is in the picture above, nor his close associates, are under Jewish influence. Correct me if I am wrong, but the flag in question is the Ulster banner, and its star stands for the six counties of Northern Ireland, and has nothing to do with Jews.
I do agree, though, that in the UK, just as in the US and every other Western nation, Jews have set up or encouraged many controlled opposition groups.
With respect, K. as a huge fan of Dr. Pierce and Revilo Oliver et al, but British Nationalism is per se, Jewish, and yes, the province of Ulster is 9 counties but Northern Ireland as a Britardistan colony is six…many Americans take British nationalism at face value and I have to prove elsewhere that they are Masons consciously or not and British Europhobia confirms that…the use of the hexagram is no mistake nor is it that the NF and BNP are side show. I have been in this game under my elder brothers aegis since 1984 and have met maybe five actual National Socialists in that time…Reverend Paisley did the old virtue signal Hitler-bash, just as Farageburgerstein in the EU…the Orange man are all Zionist Freemasons…they are like racist Jews,… Read more »
Here’s more, K…follow the symbols and not just the money…in 1977 there was a big march of the NF in London and the unions asked saint Enoch Powell if they should strike-he forbade it, so the dolt’s didn’t…turns out he A) Hated Germans, as all Tories do, and B) Gave speeches to Zionists…quelle surprise, thus none, that the Masonic NF’s and BNP’s cuckold failure emboldened the treacherous Torah Neo-Cons of Civic Nationalist their success and thus the success of same policy New(Jew) Labour, overtook, leading to Boris Kemal’s kosher-Asian government and the Covid tyranny…the symbols confess and they aren’t rune…unlike the NA symbol…look at the primacy and set of this image of Ulster flags…the British Nationalists are not English Nationalists, ergo, they are Zionists and don’t forget Chindit Orde Wingate… Read more »
You don’t need to convince me that Jews insinuate themselves into nationalism, set up fake groups, and Aryan dissidents often fall for their deceptions, in Britain as everywhere else. However, we have zero reason to believe that Heritage and Destiny and its inner circle, and other UK nationalists we have featured here, are anything but absolutely genuine, and H&D have had close relations with, and cooperated with, the National Alliance for decades. I also don’t think the star on the Ulster banner (though now, obviously, we’d never choose it if it were up to us) has any more to do with Jews than did sheriff’s badges in the Wild West in 1870.
But they do,K-pentagram and hexagram of the sheriffs badge ARE Masonic and the USA IS presidented by a rabid Zionist-as to genuineness, I don’t doubt it, but that is irrelevant if one is a crypto-Zionist by default and therefore promotes an ineffectual Nationalism that enables the Jews to destroy the nation…the issue is race, not parties or personalities…I’m sorry if you think the link between symbol and outlook is trivial but Rockwell was the greater man and no starry symbols…I’ve told to you that the Protestant Orangemen are Freemasons and therefore Zionists…Northern Ireland had a Jewish employment minister at some point. If such ‘Nationalists’ cannot entjuden themselves it’s an own goal…your own NA symbol is the Life rune, not Christian crosses and hexagrams…there is nought like being in the UK… Read more »
Is it Richard Edmonds (second from left side) and Jez Turner? Photo is with low resolution, so, I can’t be sure.
J.Turner, between A. Brons and R.Edmonds
I have listened all speeches of Jez Turner. I consider him the best speaker in modern Britain. He is very articulate and can rise noble feelings in auditory. I like him very much. There was some talk that he is an undercover agent, but such rumors are always spread about all successful opposition leaders. If he were not real nationalist why his London Forum was thoroughly suppressed and he himself put in jail? If my information is true, he was sentenced to a year in prison; now out of prison and kept under close police surveillance. It isn’t particularly fitting to an “undercover agent working for the enemy”. Richard Edmonds is too producing very good impression. I like this man. I don’t like his adherence to Christianity but I think… Read more »
Wolf, when Germans like Sylvia are put in jail, it matters because they represent what was the Right side…British Nationalism is kosher, classist and unapologist…they are shallow Reactionaries and’ve gotten nowhere in decades, for which they often blame ‘Nazi’ members as ‘Infiltrators.’ England is uber-class-bound, so some of these Blimps like Bedford-Turner very suddenly turn into activists…who you like is your privilege, but they are Old Tory Conservatives the New Tory Neo-Cons hate, so there is no mystery there, it’s inter-class war thing…there are no Tom Metzger’s or Horst Mahler’s amongst them, just folk who want Gibraltar back or to wave hexagram rags, like MAGA’s wave pentagram rags. If you read my posts, I’m saying that ‘Britishness’ ITSELF, is subversive, and none of these ersatz Nationalists are even secessionists, so… Read more »
Stefan, there is much sense in what you say. To be honest, I always somewhat disliked Britain for its merchant spirit and its consistent wrong stance on almost all questions throughout last few centuries. Britain on multiple occasions supported Turks against Russia (even invading Crimea in 1854 on their behalf); it incited Indian cutthroats to kill white Americans after they gained independence; it gave non-white nations new technologies that eventually allowed them to rise above whites; it suppressed and humiliated Boers in South Africa; it supplied, armed and incited Japan to go to war against Russia in 1904; it provided save haven for political criminals from Russia, who used Britain as a base to accumulate strength and to prepare new vile plots (it was so in 19th century and continues… Read more »
I asked Mark Collett a question on a live stream regarding christianity and he was very condescending and started by saying “well, some people want us to be barbarians as opposed to civilized people”. Mark Collett is a Christian first and that is his main concern, not white people or Europe. So, good luck to him but he is not someone I will support.
Thank you for bringing this fact. Yes, Christians have the impudence to equate Christianity with European civilization, which is the deepest insult for us. For example, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church patriarch Kirill once said that all Slavs were barbarians, subhuman creatures without reason, before accepting Christianity. In Russian his remarks sounded particularly insulting. It brought an avalanche of enraged response from thousands of Russians (mainly on internet, because we are not allowed to protest on the street). This “Russian” patriarch made many other anti-Russian remarks and called for more vigorous state measures against “neo-Nazis”. Kirill is a genuine Christian and expresses what he was taught. His views are consistent with Biblical teachings and his remarks opened eyes for many on what Christianity is. You are either nationalist… Read more »
That was bluntly and well written…yes, Christards somehow overlook their own VAST debt to the classical and pagan nations they destroyed as proxy Jews…again, Arabs(Muslim)s are brown Jews, Jews are (off-)White Arabs and CHRISTIANS ARE WHITE JEWS…in fact, are the spiritual descendants the original Communists of Judea.
Agreed, the only salvation is blood and soil and all universalism must be rejected as I see it.
I am sorry, but your comment reflects a tragic lack of political knowledge and common sense. To begin with, you obviously don’t know ANYTHING about Mark Collett and his courageous stand and fight on behalf of the White race, and more specifically, his countrymen to who he ALWAYS refers as “indigenous White inhabitants of these islands”. If you bother to visit Mark Collett’s channel on Bitchute, you will see dozens of videos where he clearly speaks of our struggle as a mainly racial one. He also has had in many of his broadcasts as a guest a great White advocate, Jason Köhne, the author and host of So I don’t know from where the Hell you got the ridiculous idea that Mark Collett does not care for the future… Read more »
“tragic lack of political knowledge and common sense”….”The best example of this is the attitude of Adolf Hitler.” (Angelicus) The politician that impressed Hitler the most during his time in Vienna was Karl Luger. The only reason he (Hitler) did not join the movement was Lugers connection to the church: Kubizek, August. Young Hitler : The Story of Our Friendship. Maidstone: Mann, 1973 Many demanded that Hitler compromise and unite with nationalists, monarchists and Catholic political movements before the NSDAP gained power, but he consistently refused and he was called divisive and irresponsible for it. So, I guess I’m in good company then. Not actively supporting Christianity is not a rejection of unity of blood. It is Christianity and the related philosophies of universalism that are the leading force in white… Read more »
You missed the point of my comment that was to defend a dedicate patriot and White advocate like Mark Collett. The fact that he chose not to be clearly and openly anti-Christian is, perhaps, a mistake, but that DOES NOT mean that he is nota serious and dedicated political activist or that he is “controlled opposition”. Yes, this problem of the religion is a slippery one. having said that I must admit I made a mistake when I mentioned the Führer’s decision of not waging a war against Chrisitanity because I failed to take into account the huge changes that Christianity has experienced over the last 100 years. With all its flaws Christianity then was not an active force working for the demise of the White race and Western civilization… Read more »
”divisive attitudes like you create enormous harm ”…”tragic lack of political knowledge and common sense”…”idiotic attitude ”…”idiotic comment”…”stick to the ideological matters and refrain from psychoanalyze others. We are here to discuss politics.Let’s keep it that way.” At least I’m not a clueless know-it-all that hurls insults left and right. But I do agree, lets keep it political. This should not be difficult to understand. I don’t support Christians pursue christian interests , just like I don’t support Jews pursue Jewish interests. That European peoples interests are the same as christian interest is the same as saying American and Jewish interest are the same. A lie that benefits the latter. “With all its flaws Christianity then was not an active force working for the demise of the White race and… Read more »
“At least I am not a clueless-know-it-all that hurls insults left and right” the funny thing is that after that terrible broadside you had the cheek to say “I agree, let’s keep it political”. You couldn’t help it, couldn’t you?. What a nasty piece of work you are!
Your words say more about you than about me. I shall not waste another minute with you. This meaningless argument ends here. Enjoy the rest of your pathetic life. LOL
These discussions don’t help our people once they become personal, so I am closing this thread now. I think both correspondents are good men who should be allies.
I’ve said it a billion times it feels like… Catholics don’t count. They follow a completely different set of rules than most Christian sects. They have more akin to mormons as far as bible adherence goes and are completely different from protestants. I’ve known many Catholics that haven’t even read their “holy bible” much less know what most of it contains. They go to service on Sundays and the church holidays and that’s the extent of their learning. In other words if they don’t hear it from the “father” they don’t need to know. The catholic church is the foremost authority to the Catholic, not the bible. It would be much easier if Catholics didn’t call themselves christian. There is nothing wrong about railing against the poison that is Christianity… Read more »
Trump is a rabid Zionist. Biden is a rabid Zionist. Trump’s running mate is a rabid Zionist. Biden’s running mate is a rabid Zionist. EVERYONE in US politics is a rabid Zionist. The reality is – heads Jews win, tails non Jews lose. And people in the USA haven’t a clue that the Jews want them dead because Hollywood, Academia and the msm have been pumping out BS persecution of Jews and white supremacism for so long now, they automatically take it as read. They’re that stupid they fail to see it’s actually the other way around. They’ll wake up eventually, even the insane left, but by that time, they’ll literally have moments left to live. Bottom line, if you vote republican, you vote for the car that travels at… Read more »
It would need to happen in England first which is the cultural source of every other Western countries problems…the must be an exemplary revolt.
Yes, precisely so. Trump speaks well, but most probably he is a part of the same operation. There is no peaceful solution for USA (nor for Europe either). The only choice is between big bloodshed now or yet bigger a little later. The whole post-WW2 global political system has come to its logical dead end. The rulers have nothing to give to their populations and the only way for them to remain in power is to pump out ever more lies and to persecute political dissidents. But this scheme cannot work for ever. At some point everything is going to break down, like a rotten dam. The worse the better. Destiny of nations is decided on battlefields, not in a voting booth.
I think that if (Big Jew-Puppet) Trump wins, then the republic will be dead within those four years.
However, if (pedophile, and slightly lesser Jew-puppet) Biden wins then the republic will be dead practically overnight.
The real trick to this is just the illusion of choice. As someone once said “If voting made any difference, then it wouldn’t be legal”.
Don’t kid yourself that either person on the ballot paper even cares about the country.
Situations such as this as are why America should not be a democracy. The country was never intended to be a “democracy” anyway.
Still, we shall see the result for ourselves in a few days time, for all of the difference it makes.
“…slightly lesser Jew-puppet) Biden” Now that is laughable(see links). So is the thought that the “Republic” still stands. The American Republic has been gone for over a century, the final nail in the coffin was the federal reserve act of 1913.
Yes, you are right, of course. Why even bother having a choice if there is no difference between the candidates? I think that my trouble is that I am too idealistic, and still believe in both the Republic (or the memory of it) and the Constitution (in principle) and would like to see them restored. And, we would need another civil war (and a “great terror” of mass executions) for that to happen. So, no chance at all, then. Honestly, until a few days ago I still had faith (however tenuous) in a system that I can now see is irrevocably broken, and deserves to be swept aside. It is an obvious fraud, and it is likely that Harris (whom nobody even “voted” for) will pretend to be President, once… Read more »
Having idealism or hope is never a bad thing as there is still hope and defeatism is not an option, as the survival of the European race is non-negotiable. But to think that the America the founding fathers created still exists is false hope. keep fighting and know that Whites will win, as history shows when enough White people want something, they get it. If the White race were to stand up and unify this garbage would be over the same day. All we have to do is stand up and their game is over.
Die kontrollierten Oppositionellen Tatjana Festerling & Lutz Bachmann
Tatjana Festerlings Impf-Propaganda ist nichts anders, als eine psychologische Operation, um Sie von der Tatsache abzulenken, dass der Corona-Test bereits die Impfung ist – Umkehr der Aufmerksamkeit also.
Wissen Sie, warum sich Tatjana Festerling absetzte, um ihre Propaganda von dort aus zu betreiben?
Tatjana Festerling weiß genau, daß Eltern, deren Kinder durch Corona-Tests genetisch geschädigt wurden, ihr – und ihresgleichen – die Kehle durchschneiden, nachdem sie das Spiel durchschaut haben.
Es liegt nun an Ihnen, ob Tatjana Festerling, “Nils” und Konsorten ungestraft davonkommen werden.
Reject the Controlled Opposition
Guess, why the NWO-Gatekeeper, Werner Altnickel, presented us a rabbi as a vaccination opponent, warner and rescuer.
Controlled Rothschild-NWO-Merkel-EU-Opposition exposed
Germany: The system founded “Antifa for forced Vaccinations” suddenly calls for the defense of freedom! How stupid you have to be to . . . ?
Regel: Wenn die jüdischen Massenmedien hinter dir stehen, dann bist du NICHT der Widerstand.
Rule: When you are backed by the Jewish mass media, you are NOT the resistance.