Spiritual Man and South Africa

by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance
THE STATE OF the White race in southern Africa is one of extreme peril, stemming from the near-absolute political power of non-Whites there. It is hoped that White South Africans can successfully secede, establish their own homeland free of non-Whites, and hold it. But these Whites, mostly Afrikaners, must first free themselves of the binds of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC). I seldom see any mention of this aspect of the Boer secessionists’ plight. A quick search on the word “Orania” reveals that the people of this White stronghold still embrace the DRC and other similar and suicidal Protestant creeds. William Pierce addressed this vital issue 22 years ago when he said
…[W]hen the crucial time came the Dutch Reformed Church did betray the Boers. Their church sold them out. Their church held them back from putting up any real resistance to the theft of their country. Why was that?
I don’t believe that the Dutch Reformed Church in its earlier days was anything but what it pretended to be, and that was a Boer institution. I don’t believe there was any long-running conspiracy in the Church to betray the Boers. But as the Boers prospered, so did the Church. The Church’s leaders became prominent men, wealthy men. Many of the Boers’ political leaders were ordained ministers in the Dutch Reformed Church. They were comfortable men, soft around the waist. They ate well and dressed well and lived well. And when the time came to make a hard choice: a choice between their people or their own comfortable positions …well, they made the kind of choice that comfortable people tend to make… The Boer establishment — including the Boers’ church — put its own short-term interests above the welfare, even the survival, of the Boer people. Greed prevailed over racial loyalty and racial responsibility.
In this regard it’s interesting to note what the Dutch Reformed Church has been up to since 1993. If the Church’s leaders expected South Africa’s new Black rulers to be grateful to them for pushing their Boer constituents toward surrender, they badly miscalculated. So the Church has continued to try to accommodate itself to its new situation and somehow hold onto whatever it can. Actually, even before 1993 the Church had reversed its former doctrine and had told Boers that apartheid was a sin. The Boers at least had the gumption in 1994 to shoot the preacher, to shoot the former leader of their church, who was responsible for that change, but shooting just one traitor wasn’t enough, and the Church kept back-pedaling anyway. Last month, the Dutch Reformed Church tried to merge with a Black and mixed-race church in South Africa and open its membership to all races…
Many who are concerned about the fate of Whites in southern Africa avoid speaking about how the Dutch Reformed Church betrayed the Afrikaners, much less mentioning how the Anglican Church (favored by the British settlers in the region), which had already named 1984 Nobel laureate Bishop Desmond Tutu as its highest-profile leader in the region in 1988, betrayed its White believers.
“Be nice to whites, they need you to rediscover their humanity.” – Desmond Tutu
How Christian of you, Desmond. How has this advice from the former Black Archbishop of the Anglican Church to his kinsmen worked out for Whites?
In hindsight, how much better would things be today for the two branches of the Aryan race in southern Africa — each now, as then, worshipping the same Jewish tribal god and having essentially the same Semitic belief system — had they acted together based on common blood rather than engaged in the fratricidal Anglo-Boer wars? After all, despite their differences, individuals from each branch could form marital unions with one another and produce White children. That should be the bottom-line consideration between members of our race going forward, not which denomination of which Abrahamic creed one “believes” in, nor even which language one speaks. Race preservation is biological! Whites need a belief system that holds to the primacy of race, not the failed universalist creed with the stated goal of putting the top rail on the bottom and the bottom rail on top (as has been accomplished in southern Africa).
A commenter using the screen name “MoneyTalks” over at the Occidental Observer stated:
The “historical enmities that arise” between various peoples originate in the biological necessity to compete for more or less scarce/limited life-sustaining resources; and then successfully take possession of the resource in dispute. These so-called “animal behaviour instincts” are expressed as “enmities” against a resource competitor and are a logical result of the self-interest expressed in depriving a competitor of a biological necessity such as a scarce food.
A deity is presumed to inform any religious persons on how to behave during resource competitions.
And in general, political power sooner or later becomes a life-sustaining resource of control over people.
I had assumed that one who answers to the name “MoneyTalks” would be an economic man (in the Brooks Adams sense), but his spiritual man is showing here.
A religious peoples’ deity doesn’t necessarily have to be a Jewish spook up in the sky, as so many have become accustomed to “believe.” It can be Mother Nature, whose laws of survival here on Earth — the only place our people have ever lived, so far — tells us “how to behave.” She does not reward the foolish among Her creatures, which certainly includes many among our unique White race, that will give up their habitat and resources to a competing race. It’s no matter to Her that Her White race is the prettiest, the smartest, the most inventive, or even the foremost among the builders of civilization — if we Whites do not separate and fight for our survival as a distinct biological entity during the currently spiking human population expansion, and do so quickly, we will become as extinct as the Dodo bird.
Dr. William Pierce explains the kind of men we need in his “Men of Valor“:
One of my favorite authors is Brooks Adams, the 19th-century American economist and historian. In his book The Law of Civilization and Decay Adams put forth the idea that the spiritual climate of a particular period in history favors the survival and proliferation of men with a particular inner orientation, while driving men with a different orientation out of existence, much in the way the physical environment favors or disfavors a particular somatic trait.
Adams divided men roughly into two classes: spiritual man and economic man. The former are what I would call men of valor. Adams saw their epitome in the English yeomanry of the Middle Ages: freeholding farmer-warriors. They flourish during the period when a new civilization is being established.
The other class, economic man, epitomized by the merchants and bureaucrats who later replaced the yeomen, flourishes during the period of a civilization’s decay and collapse. Adams pinpointed democracy as an institution congenial to economic man but especially inimical to the existence of spiritual man.
The entire Western world — not just America — has been spiritually dead since the Second World War. Economic man has swarmed over its corpse, fattening himself on its material remains and multiplying mightily. Physical collapse may not yet be imminent, but the decadence is profound and irreversible. Valor, sorely needed to see us through the coming night and hold us to a worthy purpose until the new dawn, is a memory growing fainter by the decade.
* * *
Source: Author and Occidental Observer
I am currently reading Life without electricity, a little booklet about Amish lifestyle, and it seems that the Amish aren’t quite as independent of modern conveniences as I thought. Many of them allow various types of machinery, provided they don’t interfere with their JewLARPing, which is a common thread among White Protescucks, particularly those outside Europe. They will perform all sorts of mental and emotional aerobics to somehow convince themselves that dey wuz da rill Djoos or some such claptrap. Good point about men who are ‘soft around the waist’. One of them biggest reasons why women and older men do not make good leaders is the fact that they are FAR too easily taken in by pretty lies about ‘peace’, ‘prosperity’, ‘safety’, ‘security’, ‘comfort’ and similar and will sell… Read more »
The destruction of the Ethnic European peoples was realized when the prosperity of the clan gave way to the prosperity of the individual.
Great essay Will!
Also a reminder that the Afrikaner town in South Africa is called Orania.
Typo corrected — thank you!
Yes, the religious aspect is a crucial one. If not bound by the alien creed, Boers would present much stronger force. At all critical points Christian ideology strikes paralyzing blow on the white collective ethnic psyche. It can’t be otherwise because it promotes the universalist model and abolition of ethnic differences. In essence, what now happens in the West is the triumph of the Christian basic ideals. Christianity is the religion of total equality and denial of any excellency, because “all people are equal in the eyes of God”, and “God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong”. What can be expected in a society that adopted such mental virus as its creed? The… Read more »
Very good, Wolf. You obviously know of what you say. Hopefully, we American Whites will form proper, successful redoubt communities, expanding outward from them, and won’t have to relocate to Russia to escape the same fate of Whites in Haiti in 1804. When I posted those comments to The Occidental Observer site, the academics and self-styled intellectuals there apparently didn’t appreciate my saying that our cause needs a spiritual aspect, and not one based in the Semitic creed. Only that one fellow, Mr. moneytalks, responded to my comment where I was quoting William Pierce. he came back for more, questioning my statement, so I segued from Christianity as a cause of the downfall of Whites in southern Africa to eventual Jewish control of mass media, specifically with television. Most Americans… Read more »
Thank you for this thorough exposition of the South African question. Some facts are new to me, although I am well aware of the overall situation there. I have read in 1990es two or three propagandist Soviet books about “apartheid regime” and how “oppressed Africans valiantly fought” against it. I was enthralled by this topic and read everything that could find about wars in Namibia, Angola and Zimbabve, where white minorities tried to stand their ground. From early age I was able to read Soviet books critically, sift out ideological trash and gain facts, even scarce ones. Soviet political-historical literature is phenomenally poor on facts and swelling with Marxist trash. Having read about “evil apartheid”, I at once had become its supporter, because it was so fascinating how white minority… Read more »
Wolf, your comment is actually a 1,000-word article that stands alone. I’d slightly copy edit some of your English (not your first language) and put it up at The Occidental Observer under the original article there from 3 January where my comments above had appeared. Unfortunately, comments under that article are now closed. But the article is still there, along with 75 comments: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2021/01/03/white-politics-and-secession-in-south-africa/ I admire Dr. Kevin MacDonald as the foremost expert on the JQ and read maybe 1/3 of the articles he puts up there. But most of the aspiring intellectuals commenting there not only lack intellect, they are intellectually dishonest when it comes to taboo subjects beyond the JQ, especially the deathly evil Christianity is for our race. I have listened old radio broadcasts of William Pierce… Read more »
I have listened many speeches of Kevin MacDonald; I respect him too. He puts all questions into precise scientific framework; he operates by facts, not emotions. I have known about Occidental Observer site already long ago but somehow didn’t pay much attention to it. I need to look deeper into materials on this site. I have read now the article about South Africa, including commentaries. It gives a good survey of the overall political situation in SAR. The questions raised in the article and in commentaries are very important not only to SAR problem but to all white countries. Your quote of William Pierce about economic man versus spiritual man is the crux of the problem. The modern whites are slaves to their materialistic mentality; most of all they fear… Read more »
Spot on, as usual, Wolf! Spoken like true Cosmotheist.
I have listened many speeches of Kevin MacDonald; I respect him too. He puts all questions into precise scientific framework; he operates by facts, not emotions. I have known about Occidental Observer site already long ago but somehow didn’t pay much attention to it. I need to look deeper into materials on this site…
I’m so busy with Alliance work that I shouldn’t spend my time at TOO, but by putting my opinions there feel they may influence a few of KMac’s sharper followers to look further into the NA.
You may like the comment I put up there just last night, and add your own: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2021/01/19/roberta-kaplan-jewish-lawfare-activist/
Greetings Wolf.”I have read in 1990es two or three propagandist Soviet books about “apartheid regime” and how “oppressed Africans valiantly fought” against it.” must have been garbled during translation from Russian to English. In truth, Africans desperately struggled to get inside South Africa where they knew they would be oppressed less and paid better wages than they could receive in their own countries.
An interesting perspective. Some points from a South African still resident in this ailing country: The Anglo-Boer conflict was caused (as always) by powerful forces based in Europe; Rothschild baking agents who sold the need for war as being “for the greatness of the British Empire”. The average joe living in the colony had little say in what transpired. Unfortunately the sheer brutality of the methods employed (starvation concentration camps) damaged Anglo-Boer relations permanently. Even during my youth in the 70’s the animosity persisted and we seldom mixed and never saw eye to eye. One cannot also ignore the influence of Jewish intelligentsia in swaying (particularly English speaking) people towards a viewpoint of moderate liberalism nor they’re pivotal role in the rise of the ANC. I voted (stupidly – I… Read more »
This has been an excellent discussion prompted by a timely article by Chairman Williams. I have read every word and enjoyed it immensely. So much insight here. Things are changing rapidly. We face a financial collapse sometime within the next four years, so that will greatly weaken the ruling regime and break the confidence and loyalty our lost kinsmen now have for it. There will be much less to lose for all our folk in just a few short years, which will open people’s minds and cause them to examine and question everything. The present regime will lose its ability to coerce and control the white population. The pandemic will also continue its assault on the present order of things. I see a civilizational collapse coming as the existing order… Read more »
Thank you for your first-hand perspective. It mostly confirms what I have already concluded about the overall South African situation. I agree with everything that you write. The overall situation seems hopeless and it is really such. But it is only so as long as we look at it from the mainstream common-sense point of view. The usual linear logic can give only one possible answer to the question of what next: extinction of white people. But history never works as a linear function; social dynamic is the most unpredictable, uncontrollable and unfathomable phenomenon in the world. No one can know for sure what comes next. In this regard I can only laugh at the conceit of the self-proclaimed masters of the Planet who in their insane delusions decided to… Read more »
Living here I would have to say that I doubt it would come to the stage of full on race war here. They’d prefer to pick us off slowly as they have been doing for quite a long time already. They fully realise that without the white breadwinner to scam off of they are lost. I may be wrong – their dogged pursuit of ever more anti-white legislation belies my first statement, but one must also take into account the huge numbers of relatively intelligent conservative blacks living here (and there are a LOT of them) who do not support the moves the ANC are making. I choose to stay here until the absolute last, it is the land of my birth and I like the natural environment here. I… Read more »
Much is made of the white colonies in Africa conceding to black rule, but the truth is the semitic central banking occupied white western governments mainly britain and usa ably supported by the israelis destroyed both rhodesia and south africa using their favoured tools of subversion and sanctions, greed was a large factor (as always) but mainly a fear of the great potential and resources that would eventually fall into afrikaan and boer hands.. a very capable people and seen to be proponents of a racialist ideology and thus anathema to anglo zionist strategies.
this could not be allowed to happen and would jeopardise future globalist geo-political aims.
I suspect this is their aim for all white nations. It certainly looks that way.
Hopefully these three “South Africans”
are safe from lynchings on their farms.
Hasn’t it long been considered racist not to ha-
ve dark-skinned teammates, or was there no ta-
lented one to be found in all of South Africa?
“Be nice to Whites…..they need you to help them rediscover their humanity” – Desmond Tutu.
Desmond, you’ll never be human, you low IQ Bantu ape! So I won’t be taken lessons about my humanity from an effeminate, over-dressed, sheeny-worshipping witch-doctor like you!
It’s a good time to bump this. Old Aardvark: 21 January, 2021 This has been an excellent discussion prompted by a timely article by Chairman Williams. I have read every word and enjoyed it immensely. So much insight here. Things are changing rapidly. We face a financial collapse sometime within the next four years, so that will greatly weaken the ruling regime and break the confidence and loyalty our lost kinsmen now have for it… — Good prediction, OA. There are about six more months to go under the ruling regime, plenty of time for further financial collapse. But will things get any better under another Trump administration? Doubtful. Those with enough dispensable income to invest in the Stock Market are doing quite well… for now. But could they be… Read more »