Posts Tagged
South Africa
WLP91: To Be, or To Be Nice
This week we are celebrating the birth of Dr. William Luther Pierce (11 September 1933 – 23 July 2002), founder of the National Alliance, of the Cosmotheist Church, and of this online magazine. Here we present another example of his excellent ADV radio programs. by Dr. William L. Pierce (2001) HAVE…
What Was Wrong with Rhodesia and South Africa?
by Karl Dresden AS YOU WATCH THIS video showing training for the military men of Rhodesia, one of the most recent (not “last”!) racially-conscious White states, and listen to the soundtrack, “One Fire” by the group Rome, you will probably be by turns both inspired and saddened.…
Damon Galgut: Predictable Anti-White Hack Predictably Wins a Prize
Damon Galgut by Douglas Mercer RECENTLY South Africa turned into a higher-octane version of Road Warrior. It had something to do with one of their Congoid leaders but who knows — do the Congoids really need a reason to turn their country into a high-octane version of Road Warrior? Of course not…
The Traitor Is Dead!
Celebrating the fall of the first domino: the inauguration of Communist Nelson Mandela and the destruction of the White race in South Africa, May 10, 1994. A day that shall live in infamy. by Andrew Hamilton F. W. de Klerk (March 18, 1936-November 11, 2021) Burn in Hell, murderer. * * * Source: Author…
South African Apocalypse
Good luck with that pellet gun, Mazimbe. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 17 July, 2021 2021-0717 South African Apocalypse.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE SCENES ARE indeed apocalyptic. Close up, you see a gigantic factory in flames, gibbering…
Jesus Turns a Trick
The Dutch Reformed Church in Outdshoorn, South Africa by Revilo P. Oliver I MENTIONED in earlier issues of Liberty Bell the principal organizations of South Africans who are now belatedly trying to preserve their race and save it from the consequences of the new Constitution that the stupid Aryans…
The Germans Have a Word for It
Susan Neiman by Douglas Mercer THE DEMOCRATS are right to say that for most of its history America was a country by, for, and of White people. Conservatives are wrong to say that it was not. The Democrats are wrong to say that being a consciously White country was a bad or evil thing. Conservatives are wrong…
Hark, Hark, the Dogs do Bark!
by Revilo P. Oliver THE JEWS HAVE set their dogs throughout the world to barking at South Africa, supposedly in indignation that the Aryans of that nation are dilatory in discharging their duty to turn their country over to savages and arrange for their own enslavement and the extermination of their…
Spiritual Man and South Africa
The southern tip of Africa, where White men once built a mighty civilization — and where their spiritually sick descendants gave it away. by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance THE STATE OF the White race in southern Africa is one of extreme peril, stemming from the near-absolute political…
Chairman, National Alliance THE STATE OF the White race in southern Africa is one of extreme peril, stemming from the near-absolute political…
The Lighter Side of Negro Pathology: Electing Hitler
Uunona WE ARE currently facing a massive “surge” of an unbelievably deadly virus, which explains the piles of dead bodies rotting in the streets, the massive popular demand for a vaccine and our Semitic elites wearing hazmat suits and isolating themselves as much as possible. If you don’t…