South African Apocalypse
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 17 July, 2021 2021-0717 South African Apocalypse.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE SCENES ARE indeed apocalyptic. Close up, you see a gigantic factory in flames, gibbering Negroes by the hundreds wending in and out, carrying off everything of value, running over each other and knocking down their fellow looters into burning embers without looking back. A lone Negro policeman fires a few rubber pellets at the crowd, the result being that, maybe, just maybe, the trajectory of the pillagers changes by one or two degrees, if that. In a moment or two the policeman runs away. End result: free rein for the rioters.
Zoom out and you see it isn’t just a great factory in flames. It’s the huge shopping mall next door, as large as any seen in America, with a pullulating Negro mob of tens of thousands, like locusts, consuming everything in their path, breaking, shattering, smashing, carrying it all away on their backs, on their heads, in shopping carts, forced to abandon the automobiles some of them arrived in themselves as the access roads get totally clogged with looters and people trying to flee for their lives, the cars themselves then getting stripped of anything that can be carried away.
White people have never, ever acted in this way. It’s inconceivable.
After it is mostly over, nothing is left but cinders and empty shells of buildings, and unspeakable fields of trash from horizon to horizon, evidence of carnage spread over the hills and dales as far as the eye can see, over several square miles of landscape.
Zoom out even farther and see the drone footage taken from above. It’s not one factory and one mall — it’s hundreds of malls, thousands of shopping centers, thousands of businesses and industrial facilities, untold neighborhoods devastated or utterly destroyed. It’s whole towns and cities and swathes of vast provinces. It’s beyond the worst nightmares and imaginations of the makers of apocalyptic games and films — and it’s real. It’s happening now. In what used to be a shining, high-technology and High Culture — a First World society, just as advanced as America.
The highways for miles and miles into the countryside are impassable. Trucks bringing milk have been forced to dump thousands upon thousands of gallons onto farmers’ fields because they can’t make it to their destinations.
And the food lines have started. In some areas, shoppers can get only fifteen items per household — at least until the still-standing stores run out, and they run out quickly. The lines wind for miles, street upon street, hungry non-Whites cheek-by-jowl with the hungry Whites unlucky enough to be stuck in the area, waiting for forward movement that often never comes — “sorry, we’re closing, out of food, out of everything….” Gradually, the message makes its way to ends of the lines, anger building. It’s the same story for fuel.
The very best place to view the carnage in South Africa — and the closely-related carnage in America and Europe for that matter — is on a site run by a courageous truthteller which is titled Riot Archive — — which simply aggregates without comment video recordings of what is actually happening as formerly White societies around the world implode. It’s a huge collection, spanning more than a year of violence now, so massive that the recent South African videos alone would take you weeks to watch. But a sampling is all you need to grasp the nature and enormity of what is going on.
The insane Black violence is mainly in Black areas, but that doesn’t mean Whites aren’t being hurt or killed. Some Whites live in Natal, the epicenter of some of the worst mayhem, but it’s considered a “Black area.” There have been significant spillovers of Black savagery into Indian neighborhoods, and the calls from Indians for help from the mostly-Black police have even resulted in some Indians being threatened with arrest for “disrespecting” the Black officers — all this while roving bands of Blacks are being recorded on camera using axes, bludgeons, rocks, and battering rams to break down the doors of occupied homes — the final denouements of these horrific scenes are not known, but they can’t be pretty.
The national Minister of Police — Black, of course — is interviewed. He proves to be a near-illiterate and makes the claim that he will stop the looting by threatening to “check everyone’s receipts” — I kid you not.
Some White policemen have been seen acting competently, but they are few and their colleagues and superiors are Black, some of whom secretly or not-so-secretly sympathize with the rioters, and the police as a whole are so vastly outnumbered by the ravaging hundreds of thousands that essentially nothing can be done even if there was the best will in the world to do so. If Whites were organized racially, and fully in charge of the police’s resources, it would probably be a different story. There have been cases of Whites organizing armed community defenses, setting up roadblocks to keep the mobs out, and shooting some non-lethal weapons to good effect. Interviews indicate that these efforts have been successful, which is heartening. But the Whites have to live under a regime run by their enemies. They haven’t dared to use real bullets. How long our kinsmen’s superior organizational skills will let them hold out under such restrictions in the face of Black mayhem is uncertain. Let us hope they regain the courage to do what must be done, and let us also hope that one day soon, they will be able to oust the regime from their cities and towns and farms and regain the sovereignty they must have in order to live.
One interesting thing is that, more than a quarter century after the Whites gave up their country and handed over control to Jew-backed Blacks under the official guise of “becoming a non-racial democracy,” despite all the “we are equal” propaganda, despite all the rhetoric of how separation of the races is “evil,” there are still distinct Black areas and White areas and Indian areas in South Africa. Of course there are. You can’t change Nature, and racial separation is natural. Racial separation is the great engine of evolution, which could not take place without it. Without racial separation Life could not diverge and evolve as it must to survive. So there is still a great deal of racial separation in South Africa. But even the limited degree of forced racial association that exists there is enough to endanger and destroy the lives and livelihoods of millions of our kinsmen and others in that blighted land.
And the very same kind of violence is coming to America. It’s already here, though the scale is not quite as large as what is happening in Kwa-Zulu Natal.
I wonder how many Whites in South Africa — and non-Whites, for that matter — still think it was “good” and “moral” and “humanitarian” to hand their country over to weaponized Communist Blacks and their Jewish overlords. I wonder how many still think that it “was worth it” to give away their country so their sports teams could compete overseas and have the US boycott lifted? I wonder how many still think that it “was worth it” to give away their country so the Christian churches and Jewish media would stop saying bad things about them, and implying that Jesus didn’t approve of Whites being in charge of their own nation. I wonder indeed.
The Jews who run CNN have chimed in on the situation. They can’t hide these riots, as they can and do hide non-White on White murders in the US, so they’re resorting to their same old tricks of blaming “White racism” and lack of sufficient wealth transfers from Whites to Blacks as the “underlying causes” of the riots. I just finished watching one Jew on CNN named Bender call this massive outbreak “South Africa’s January 6th moment,” as if this carnage on a subcontinental scale can be compared to a few almost entirely peaceful White protesters seeking a redress of grievances walking into the US Capitol, saying a few words, and leaving. But that’s Jews for you, so skilfully and inveterately deceptive that they aren’t satisfied until they’ve got you believing not only an untruth, but the opposite of the truth. Even the Blacks in South Africa aren’t blaming the White man this time, but the Jews at CNN are.
Since the so-called “civil rights revolution” pushed by the Jewsual suspects more than half a century ago, we in the US have been on the same path as South Africa. Things have happened faster in South Africa because of the higher proportion of non-Whites, especially Blacks, compared to America. But that is changing here, and fast. Our enemies, right and left, Republican and Democrat, are determined to keep our borders open and flood us with non-Whites of every description, especially the most primitive kinds. The Jewish-run media are a 24/7 promotion for open borders, racial mixing, “equality,” and extreme demonization of racially conscious Whites.
We have already seen our central cities burn in America — Washington, St. Louis, Trenton, Los Angeles, Ferguson, Detroit, and now even the great former Scandinavian-American redoubt of Minneapolis, Minnesota, where I used to play as a child. That was a very different America. We are even as I speak hearing major academic and heavily promoted media figures calling for violence against Whites and for the legal persecution and imprisonment of any Whites who dare to defend themselves. We have already seen Blacks literally walk free after murdering White people.
Ask yourself what path we are on, Americans: Are we headed for a future we can be proud of, a future where our society advances to ever-higher levels of knowledge and power? Are we headed for a future in which our sons and daughters can be safe in the land we bequeathed to them? Will it even be considered their land at all? Or are we headed for squalor, for violence, for unquenchable hatred and torment and terror directed at those daughters, at those sons, that we brought into the world?
The men and women of the National Alliance know what path our people must be on. We know it is the precise opposite of the path that the media and the churches and the politicians of both parties insist that we take. We are building a community with the intention of raising a generation of White children our children, who will take the good path, the right path, the path we must take if we and everything we love are to survive. Join us. We can do it.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help. 2021-0717 South African Apocalypse.mp3
“We are building a community with the intention of raising a generation of White children our children, who will take the good path, the right path, the path we must take if we and everything we love are to survive. Join us. We can do it.”
But waiting around for someone else to do all the lifting before YOU will join doesn’t work, as the South African Whites are finding to their sorrow. Mr. Strom’s call for action is one that needs to be taken NOW.
I offer solutions in the latest episode of NEED TO KNOW with James Fetzer and Maryam Henein.
Excellent ADV, Kevin. As horribly as conditions have turned for White South Africans, the TV image Americans have of that former White nation is that everything must be rosy there since South Africans are so well represented in this year’s British Open golf tournament. One of them, Louis Ossthuizen, is even leading it at the halfway point: The 13 SA golfers flying the flag high at 2021 Open Championship | Sport ( Considering the increasingly urgent racial situation in southern Africa, wouldn’t it be more appropriate if some interviewer would ask Mr. Oosthuizen, or his fellow SA golfer Ernie Els, not about the playing conditions on the Open’s golf course this year, but about what will be the future for our kinsmen in their homeland under Black rule, as described… Read more »
I wish that no food is sent to them – let them starve to death. The non-people knew
what they were doing when they destroyed White built South Africa. And while
your at it, drag out the gatling guns. The best guns for violent crowd control.
Botswana is one of the brightest economies in Africa. What did they do right? They won independence in 1970. They did not destroy farmers but took a 50% position in the mines. Revenues are profits. In ZA the blacks were made billionaires in high-ranking positions, given BEE to shut their mouths. Then the mines are protected from BEE. We ought to force the mines to comply with the Botswana model. Make the mining magnates and shareholders, many foreign, pay their fair share of this Union of South Africa.
I’m a non-White living in a non-White family. My mom always told me she had better experiences with blacks than with whites because of how “Blacks are not as racists as whites”.
For me, it’s the other way around, I had mostly better and safer experiences with whites than with blacks. I also bet that some of those “whites” she was referring to could probably be Jews since she thinks they are the same.
However, I have also met blacks who are way friendlier than transgenders. God, transes are some of the lowest scum of the earth. One of them was an Indian and the other one was a Jew (the latter to be expected).
During the apartheid era I contacted many journalists and asked them how many Whites there were in South Africa. None knew. I told them there were about four million and obviously most of them were children. I told them that the media was expecting about a million White taxpayers to provide health and education for their own children plus another thirty million Blacks who were opposed to them/ How? I told the media that it took 300 years for the Whites to become prosperous and build the houses that Blacks wanted. Blacks were streaming into South Africa in order to be persecuted. I said it was impossible for Blacks leaders to keep promises to their people. And now the media ignoramuses are confused. THEY are responsible for what is happening… Read more »
It probably wasn’t long after WWII when the Jews set about the business of putting together an army of saboteurs to wrest control of South Africa from the Whites and put it into the hands of Blacks. The book, Rivonia Unmasked!, by Lauritz Strydom, does an excellent job detailing the plans and criminal activities of a band of Jews, working with Nelson Mandela and a number of other Blacks, to destroy the White government of SA. By 1963, the country was besieged by an epidemic of sabotage. At the beginning of that year, “a pamphlet appeared in the letter boxes of many White persons. Issued by the African National Congress. It read: ‘Five Whites were murdered in the Transkei, another hacked to death at Langa . . . Sabotage erupts… Read more »
I guess we can’t blame “whitey” for the current state of affairs in South Africa.
Perhaps, given enough time, I’m quite certain that the traditional enemies of truth (a.k.a. humanity’s parasite) will come up with a legitimate reason to once again point the finger on the industrious ethnic European.
Aryans, I think we’re in the fight for our lives this time. They are throwing everything they have at us.
I recently read a comment by a White South African who stated he is the sixteenth generation of his family in South Africa. All of those looters and the police officer are colonists and invaders whose people arrived many generations after the original White settlers. The original inhabitants, the World’s oldest people are South Africa’s ‘bushmen’ people.
Fabulous article Kevin. The “Jew World Order” is putting everything upside down with any sense of order and righteousness being labelled as “nazi” and Natural Law is no longer being allowed to flourish. I saw the stores that have not been touched by these negro mobs were book stores. When truth is ignored civilization falls into a deep dark pit of destruction. One does not need to burn the Library at Alexandria to get the job done. Just ignore the great works of our white ancestors and the end result will be the same.
Our grand-childrens future right there because gutless Whites allowed it and never acted to stop it.America,Europe has this coming to them very soon. Thank jesus i`m 61
I’m black, Nigerian and I see what the zionistas are achieving worlwide, part of it is exactly this; pit 2 important races against each other; key to this strategy is to weaken the white race, on doing that; domination of the world becomes easier; as the rest of the world simply drowns into poverty. Sadly; this is something most of humanity know nothing about
Greetings Paul C. You have correctly perceived that Black people are generally more fortunate to be around and benefit from White civilization than around predatory jews. As a Nigerian you are also probably aware of the conduct of the Taubman who created Nigeria. Both Blacks and Whites deserve to advance their own ways.
South African blacks have enjoyed the highest standard of living among black Africans for decades. In the attached NBC video that was likely censored from TV broadcast in the US (or shown on it only once), thousands of well-fed and well-clothed blacks are seen drive-thru looting with late model vehicles, causing a traffic jam. What kind of example do they set for their children? If White racism was the cause, well in the name of black unity, what did the black looters leave on the store shelves (that they didn’t burn) for their fellow blacks who’d rather obey the law and wait out the mob? If we are all equals, why did 1,000’s of blacks share in a lack of forethought that they’ll have no place to shop for necessities… Read more »
The same crew of nation wreckers. Every. Single. Time.
The disenfranchised, e.g. the readers here, have learned that in the West, Jews cannot be relied on as political agents, most blacks cannot function in a complex modern society and need the ethnic-tribal shaman, and Whites are too politically immature to accept these two realities.
You left Helen Sussman out and she was a member of parliament at one time.
I fully understand that some South African Whites do not want to leave what their ancestors have built over the past 400-some years, but it seems to be that the situation has become beyond untenable. Get out while you can.
I think the same. Their position is unsustainable in long perspective.
And by the way. My grandfather wanted to emigrate from communist Czechoslovakia to South Africa in late sixties.
At age 10-11 or so, I was trying to talk my mom into emigrating to east Africa. Because animals…..During my teens, when it became very apparent that I did not want to stay in Europe, my dad eventually relented to the point where he told me he would try to help me get to Canada, Australia or New Zealand.
(With money, I assume, he did not have any ‘connections’)
I’m glad I stuck to my guns and didn’t go for any of those options.
When I was a teenager, I wanted to emigrate to the Canadian wilderness and live there as a hunter. I was also interested in animals at the time. That is why I like the connection of the Jews with Madagascar, because there is a unique fauna and the Jews are also a unique natural phenomenon.
There are too many reptiles, negroes, insects, and diseases in Africa for my taste.
What part of Germany do you live in?
Interestingly, the people of Madagascar have more in common with the people of SE Asia than with anyone in Africa.
And I wouldn’t want to curse them with the Jews. The Middle East is the proper place for them – they’re very much like Arabs, just smarter – we just need to figure out a way to KEEP them there.
I live in the SW US now.
Very noble of you, but I’m afraid, that the Jews will hardly survive in the Middle East without our generous help.
Die Wacht am Colorado. ;-)
Why not ? They survived there for thousands of years before they saw their first White person, they can do it again.
Why? This is a strange question.
Yes, they lived there for thousands of years, but for many events of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, they are more hated there than ever before.
The ‘hatred’ between Arabs and Jews is….complicated…. They are both Semitic people and therefore first cousins in much the same way the Germans and the English are first cousins. Physically, the original Middle Eastern Jews are indistinguishable from Arabs and many of their customs, beliefs and culture are similar. The people we call ‘Palestinians’ are a Jewish tribe, among the first to be converted to Islam back in the 7th century. Yemen was a Jewish kingdom before Mohammed’s army showed up. There are and always were plenty of Jews in Persia. Jews traveled with Islamic armies on their conquests of the southern Mediterranean, Iberia, the Balkans, Persia, India, while Jews already living in those areas often helped them gain access to cities and other fortifications, stabbing the White, Persian or… Read more »
Just remember that Jews literally want to build a global governmental high tech police state just to parasitically feast off these creatures, as they kill Whites who invented everything and are the backbone of the first world/their power?
Hows that gonna work?
I think they probably believe that they can infiltrate/coerce/bribe/threaten/blackmail/trick East Asians into taking Whitey’s place.
It was the Whites who built the cities, roads, railway lines, electrical grids, hospitals, schools, lawcourts, shops and domociles in South Africa, Rhodesia (f–k Zimbabwe) and even those found in actual native-populated Congoid nations were set-up by the Aryan Caucasians. But SA and Rhodesia were OURS! We should have withdrew our borders from the tribal reserves and left them to fend for themselves. We didn’t have a responsibility to hire floppies as housekeepers, butlers and gardeners. The Cape, Free State, Transvaal and Natal should have been allowed to become four independent WHITE countries. Anglos could have immigrated to Natal, the Cape and Rhodesia, while Dutch, Germans and Scandinavians would have went to the Free State and Transvaal to develop their economies.
The early Zionists and Jews of the late 1800’s should have been deported to British East Africa. East Africa was composed of Kenya and Uganda. Officially, it was meant to be a “protectorate”, but at least one province in British East Africa, the “White Highlands”, now “Central Province” in Kenya, was reserved exclusively for European settlers, due to the favourably cool climate there. The Jews in Britain and throughout Europe should have been sent there instead, then abandoned to their fate as a ex-colony full of ethnic-Jews in a sea of covetous Africans and spend their entire existence fending them off.
In 1910, British negotiated at the end of the ANGLO/Boer war a Union of South Africa. Notice there was no union before that date. There were separate nations. Zulu Kingdom, Ciskei, Transkei, etc. In 1910 the black ANC was founded. Now this uprising was in part tribal; the Zulus did not want their boy to be imprisoned. It was a tribal looting and punishment for harassing their leader Jacob Zuma. It had a great deal of planning. The first wave broke in then the second wave stole. General population. Then the first wave burnt the assets vehicles and property. Covid poverty contributed. When the s— hits the fan tribalism will return to this union. Trade Union, South Africa Union, Soviet Union, European Union are code words of the gutter religion.… Read more »