Call to Action

Defund the Thought Police

5-inch by 3-inch version (click for printable high-resolution file)

A new National Alliance sticker — and also bumper sticker — to help you to spread the word to others in your community that there is indeed resistance to the anti-White regime.

by Rosemary W. Pennington

TODAY WE’VE released two new National Alliance stickers (which can also be used as fliers if printed on plain instead of adhesive paper), a 5-inch by 3-inch version and 10-inch by 3-inch bumper sticker, with the unforgettable message “Defund the thought police.” Today, everyone with two brain cells to rub together will know exactly who we mean by the thought police when they see this sticker. The healthy among our folk will be encouraged, and many will visit our site and study our message of hope.

10-inch by 3-inch bumper sticker version (click for printable high-resolution file)

You can print these yourselves — or have them printed quite cheaply by almost any local or online print shop — by simply clicking on the images here to get the large, high-resolution versions that are suitable for printing. (If enough people write and commit to buying these in bulk, we’ll consider offering them at the Cosmotheist book store’s activism section.)

In the meantime, though, just download them from the linked images in this article or visit our regularly updated sticker/flier repository at and download them there.

Our people need to know that they are not alone. They need to see these stickers, by the hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands, today.

* * *

Source: National Alliance

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13 January, 2021 7:15 pm

A better thought should be whether or not it might be advisable to defund ALL the Police not just what we call the thought police. The police themselves only work for whoever promises to fund their paycheck and their retirement funds. They’ll be loyal to whoever does that; that’s where their TRUE loyalty lies.

They clearly show that this last summer when they allowed BLM/antifa to run wild throughout the streets of virtually all the cities of the United States and to destroy monuments willy-nilly. They now work for the Communist ‘system’. So what value are they now?

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Howard
14 January, 2021 10:36 am

Well, then, Howard, you make that sticker. Camilla Harris might even like that one. You miss the more subtle point of this one. We need OUR police, the ones that don’t “stand down” when ordered by some nigger mayor to let her people and their marauding Antifa buddies loot, burn and destroy. Many cops quit their forces in disgust last year after having their noses rubbed in those spectacles. Our side needs cops like that. And we need our courts, and a justice system manned by our people for our welfare. That will only happen when our people find the will and determination to separate racially entirely. We will withdraw our collective consent to be governed by those of other races with their sorry White collaborators. Under a National Alliance… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
15 January, 2021 10:24 am

The amount of crime in an area really depends on the demographics of its population. If you have more than 5-10% negroes you are going to have a crime problem. The cops can move the crime around but they can’t stop it. My city has about 300,000 people but very low crime rate. Most of the crime is petty property crime. The reason is that we only have about 3% negroes. I think there are about 2 or 3 murders a year. When the police suspended most of their patrols due to the lockdown, my impression is that crime actually went down. Because more people were at home, property crimes were discouraged. Makes you wonder what would crime rates do if a family could be sustained on a single income.… Read more »

Reply to  guest
15 January, 2021 10:08 pm

I should clarify that I have no problem defunding the police in large urban areas dominated by minorities and Leftist whites. Let them reap the whirlwind.

Unfortunately, many Whites are stuck in areas where they must live in proximity to criminals. Unfortunately, the police may make their lives bearable until sanity prevails.

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
13 January, 2021 7:38 pm

This new Alliance sticker and bumper sticker — a couple of the last means of free expression — come at a most opportune time, with our Jewish watchdogs and Big Tech censors denying us financial services and means to sell our books online. They and the controlled media ARE THE THOUGHT POLICE. We are considered THOUGHT CRIMINALS for criticizing them and their string-pullers behind the scene who would silence us.. is by far the largest marketplace for booksellers – a relative monopoly when one considers Amazon is where most people go online to find a particular title. “In 1998, when Amazon was an ambitious start-up, its founder, Jeff Bezos, said, “We want to make every book available — the good, the bad and the ugly.” Customers reviews, he said, would ‘let… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
14 January, 2021 1:55 pm

Yesterday. 12 January, Amazon finally banned the popular novel by William Pierce, The Turner Diaries, outright. Amazon had already banned his other novel, Hunter, along with additional titles we publish: Which Way Western Man?, Serpent’s Walk, The Lightning and the Sun, Blood Ritual, and others… — Usually, whenever Jew-controlled media feature The Turner Diaries in sensationalistic pieces like this one in the LA Times a few days ago we enjoy a spike in sales of TD, but no longer. Perhaps this is what finally convinced Amazon to put its anti-White ideologay ahead of profits: Q&A: Kathleen Belew on The Turner Diaries and Capitol riots – Los Angeles Times ( ‘The Turner Diaries’ didn’t just inspire the Capitol attack. It warns us what might be next By DORANY PINEDA JAN. 8, 2021 In the 1978 novel “The… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
15 January, 2021 10:05 am

Zuckerberg – I delete your posts.
Bezos – I delete your books.
Google jewess – I delete your videos.
Dorsey – I delete your tweets.
Bill Gates – And I delete YOU!

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  guest
25 February, 2021 4:23 pm

Have heart for a possible ray of sunshine:

Should the EU quash Poland’s will to protect Poles’ freedom of speech a Polexit must follow, and Poland should simply ban censorious social media.

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
17 January, 2021 1:15 pm

Usually, whenever Jew-controlled media feature The Turner Diaries in sensationalistic pieces like this one in the LA Times a few days ago we enjoy a spike in sales of TD, but no longer. Perhaps this is what finally convinced Amazon to put its anti-White ideology ahead of profits: —–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTE5NDtoPTQw/ How ‘The Turner Diaries’ Inspires White SupremacistsAlexandra Alter Wed, January 13, 2021 In “The Turner Diaries,” a group of white supremacists attacks the Capitol in an effort to overthrow the U.S. government. Dozens are killed in the assault, including members of Congress and their staffers. But in the insurrectionists’ view, the greater victory is symbolic. “The real value of all our attacks today lies in the psychological impact, not the immediate casualties,” the 1978 novel’s narrator, Earl Turner, writes in his diary.… Read more »

15 January, 2021 12:01 pm

Just did a quick search on Amazon, just now. The only book that is of any relevance at all is “sins of my father” by Kelvin Pierce. This seems like the sort of book that we should all ignore. The strange thing is that all of my NS library I had previously bought from Amazon. This includes The Lightning and the Sun, For My Legionnaires, the Myth of the Twentieth Century, On the Jews and their Lies, and many others besides. Even Mein Kampf, naturally. My copy of The Turner Diaries came from a small independent bookshop here in the UK. I think the owner ordered it through AbeBooks. (Remember them, before Bezos swallowed all his competition?). The irony that I see in all of this censorship is that those… Read more »

Reply to  Matthew
15 January, 2021 10:10 pm

Buy hardcopy versions of any books that could be considered hateful. Whike you can.

Reply to  guest
16 January, 2021 6:54 am

I am already doing that, thank you. I hope everyone else is too.
You never know what they will ban next.
Is Winnie the Pooh racist? Probably, to their twisted minds at least.

There is a book that they should ban, actually, as it has inspired more murder and terror than any other book in history. Oh wait, the Marxists are trying to ban the Jew bible.

Let’s see what happens when they do.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Matthew
16 January, 2021 10:21 am

Matthew: Just did a quick search on Amazon, just now. The only book that is of any relevance at all is “sins of my father” by Kelvin Pierce. This seems like the sort of book that we should all ignore. — Yes, it’s anti-White trash. I purchased it, however, read it and submitted my review to Amazon, which was rejected: — Will Williams 1.0 of 5 stars Sins of My Father Verified Purchaser I Hate My Daddy The title of Kelvin Pierce’s book is taken from Hebrew biblical references, like the proverb in Jeremiah’s Book: “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children’s teeth are set on edge.” After reading Sins it’s clear that it is Kelvin’s teeth that are set on edge from eating sour grapes, not his father’s. One… Read more »

24 March, 2021 1:11 am

In Germany we have a new kind of police force to put down riots. Note the blue triangle.

The system will never defund the police.
