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WLP91: To Be, or To Be Nice
This week we are celebrating the birth of Dr. William Luther Pierce (11 September 1933 – 23 July 2002), founder of the National Alliance, of the Cosmotheist Church, and of this online magazine. Here we present another example of his excellent ADV radio programs. by Dr. William L. Pierce (2001) HAVE…

What Was Wrong with Rhodesia and South Africa?
by Karl Dresden AS YOU WATCH THIS video showing training for the military men of Rhodesia, one of the most recent (not “last”!) racially-conscious White states, and listen to the soundtrack, “One Fire” by the group Rome, you will probably be by turns both inspired and saddened.…

Spiritual Man and South Africa
The southern tip of Africa, where White men once built a mighty civilization — and where their spiritually sick descendants gave it away. by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance THE STATE OF the White race in southern Africa is one of extreme peril, stemming from the near-absolute political…
Chairman, National Alliance THE STATE OF the White race in southern Africa is one of extreme peril, stemming from the near-absolute political…

Southern Africa: What We Killed
THIS VIDEO of home movies showing life in Rhodesia in the 1970s shows what we killed by allowing Jews to control our foreign policy. Because of our selfishness and laziness, because too many of us did not heed the voices of William Pierce…
THIS VIDEO of home movies showing life in Rhodesia in the 1970s shows what we killed by allowing Jews to control our foreign policy. Because of our selfishness and laziness, because too many of us did not heed the voices of William Pierce…

To Be, or To Be Nice
by Dr. William L. Pierce HAVE YOU BEEN paying attention to what’s happening in Rhodesia and South Africa in recent weeks? Certainly not, if your only sources of news are the controlled news media, such as CNN or the network television news programs. They’ve been far too busy giving you interviews…

The Rise of Rhodesia
Douglas Reed here describes the origin of White Rhodesia, a little-known story which nicely illustrates innate White exploration and nation-building tendencies, as well as where the colonists went wrong — e.g., inadvertently increasing the size of the Black population. by Douglas Reed…

The Raid on Chimoio
UNAVOIDABLY, a shifty-eyed hag grasping 12 pieces of silver as she passes her Rhodesian child to a pimp comes to mind when I write about Britain’s betrayal of Rhodesia. Ironically, it is the daughter whose quality of character was once attributed to her deceitful stepmother. By 1977, the world had largely…

Britain’s War Against Britain
by Michael Walsh I CONCEDE that hindsight and experience are the best teachers of all. An integral and loyal member of the British Empire, Rhodesia’s contribution to her mother country during the Boer War, the Great War, and World War II was remarkable. Yet today Rhodesia, since renamed Zimbabwe, symbolises…

To Be, or Not to Be
One of Dr. Pierce’s most powerful works by Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE SPOKEN about the murderous racial attacks against the farmers in Rhodesia during the previous two broadcasts, but the situation there continues to worsen, and I’m obliged to speak about it again today, because…

Zimbabwe: Liberal Consequences
by Dr. William L. Pierce TODAY LET’S TALK about liberalism. Let’s look at what this disease of the soul is doing to one group of our people. Let’s look at the consequences of liberalism in a country in the southeastern part of the continent of Africa, a country which until 20 years…