Hitler and the Slavs in Historical Perspective
Adolf Hitler: German Chancellor or Pan-Aryan Leader?
CONTEMPORARY National Socialists view Adolf Hitler as the symbolic leader of the whole of the Aryan race. I, personally, believe that this conception of Hitler is correct and I embrace it enthusiastically. In Mein Kampf and elsewhere, Hitler spoke repeatedly about the fundamental, trans-national unity of the Aryan race, and specifically about the pan-Aryan nature of the struggle against international Jewry.
Such statements apart, however, it must be said that Hitler did not consider himself as any kind of a world leader of Aryandom. Rather, he saw himself as the political leader of the German nation, and perhaps more generally the symbolic leader of all of the Germanic peoples.
But the onset of the War in 1939 transformed Hitler’s role as an historical figure to a degree, and the defeat of 1945 changed it even more radically and irreversibly. The world of today is not the world of pre-War Europe.
Increasingly as the War went on, Hitler found himself as the de facto head of all of the Aryan peoples of Europe, and not just of the Germans or of the Germanics. Indeed, from the historical perspective that we now enjoy, we can see that despite being at war with Great Britain, it was Hitler who had the best long term interests of the British people at heart, and not the drunken Jewish cat’s paw Winston Churchill, who proved to be the true gravedigger of the British Empire.
By the end of the War, Hitler had come to realize that his historical role had expanded far beyond that of simply being the chancellor of the German Reich. In his Political Testament, written immediately before his death, he spoke of himself in the role of the defender of the “European children of the Aryan nations.”
Hitler and the Slavs: Theory
The ethnic or racial struggle between the Germans and the Slavs in Eastern Europe has deep historical roots that go back many centuries before the birth of Adolf Hitler. For good or for ill, as leader of the German Reich, Hitler was heir to this conflict.
Historically, Hitler’s view of the Slavic peoples was contentious and adversarial. It is not difficult to find hostile and aggressive remarks concerning the Slavs in both Hitler’s formal writings as well as in his informal discussions. In Mein Kampf, he ascribes his youthful awakening as a folkish nationalist to the ethnic struggles that he himself experienced between the Slavic Czechs and the Germans within the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Hitler’s mature attitude towards the Slavs, however, especially after 1938 or 1939, evolved and became nuanced. He recognized, for example, that there were large segments of the Czech and Slovenian Slavic peoples that were racially valuable, and he eagerly anticipated incorporating them into his postwar Greater Germanic Reich. In other words, he felt that not all Slavs were created equal.
Hitler and the Slavic Peoples: The Historical Record
Words and theories are all very well and fine, and should by no means be undervalued. But in the world of facts it is actions alone that count, not intentions.
James Murphy is responsible for a very bad translation of Mein Kampf — to which, ironically, he wrote a fine introduction. In it, he comments on the evolution of Hitler’s thought over the years:
“Why doesn’t Hitler revise Mein Kampf? The answer, as I think, which would immediately come into the mind of any impartial critic is that Mein Kampf is an historical document which bears the imprint of its own time. To revise it would involve taking it out of its historical context. Moreover Hitler has declared that his acts and public statements constitute a partial revision of his book, and are to be taken as such.” (p. 10)
To understand Hitler’s thinking on the Slavs after it matured we need to look at the actions he took and the policies he enacted during the War.
What emerges from such an examination is that Hitler treated the various Slavic nations depending on their attitude towards Germany; those that were friendly towards Germany, he treated as friends; those who were hostile to Germany, he treated as enemies. Is there anyone, anywhere who finds this policy unreasonable?
Poland: In 1936, National Socialist Germany and the Japanese Empire signed the Anti-Comintern Pact, in which they pledged to support each other against communist aggression by the Soviet Union. Other nations were invited to join, including Poland. Some Eastern European countries with large Slavic populations did come aboard, including Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia and Hungary — but Poland declined. Hitler later made repeated entreaties to the Poles to join him in a common front against the USSR, but to no avail. Poland, goaded on by the Jews, the British, and the French, instead chose to adopt an anti-German stance. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind!
Slovakia: After the break-up of the artificial state of Czechoslovakia, Hitler granted the Slovaks complete national independence, for the first time in their history. The Slovak Republic (Slovenska republika) under Jozef Tiso lasted from 1939-1945.
The Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia: The Czech-populated territory of the former Czechoslovakia was re-organized as this Reich’s Protectorate. In it, the Czech people essentially sat out the Second World War, unmolested. The menfolk were not required to fight in the War, their economy prospered and the Czech capital, Prague, was spared the ravages of war.
Croatia: Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany granted the Croatians national independence, like the Slovaks. The independent State of Croatia (Nezavisna Drvara Hrvatska or NDH) existed from 1941-1945.
The Waffen-SS: As the war progressed, large numbers of Slavic volunteers were recruited into military formations under the auspices of the SS. Most notable among them was the 14th Waffen-Grenadier Division of the SS. This outstanding combat unit was made up entirely of Ukrainians: that is, of Slavs. Other units were formed by Russians, Croatians, and other Slavic peoples, as well as of non-Slavic Eastern Europeans. Had Hitler won the war, these volunteer Slavic formations would have formed the nucleus of new armies for their respective peoples.
In summary: it is naïve and misleading to characterize Hitler as “anti-Slavic” because of statements he made at the beginning of his political career, or based on the incomplete and sometimes unreliable notes made of his informal conversations (the so-called Table Talks). The policies towards the Slavic peoples which he enacted after 1933 (and especially during the War), show that he was willing to work with those Slavs who were friendly towards Germany, and to treat them with the same respect he accorded other Aryans.
Into the Future
Today, our Race is faced with a worldwide existential threat. We can ill-afford the intra-Aryan ethnic tensions and rivalries that characterized pre-1939 Europe. Only the National Socialism of Adolf Hitler is strategically and ideologically equipped to ensure the survival of our respective Aryan peoples, and to lead them to victory. German and Slav, Celt and Mediterranean: all must come together in a spirit of racial solidarity. We must move beyond the ethnic troubles of the past, and unite around the Swastika banner.
In this connection, White brothers and sisters the world over need to see Adolf Hitler as more than a German political leader of a bygone era, but rather as the champion of Aryan destiny. His eternal message of racial salvation transcends the barriers of time and space, and exceeds the narrow historical limitations into which he was born.
Source: Stormfront
Hello. I follow you and read your articles for years and in most cases you are dead on and right on many issues, but sometimes propaganda sneaks in between the words and the article looses a lot of value as it reflects manipulated truth. There is no such thing as Aryan race, it has never been anything like that. Arya was a cast of noble and educated people who were able to use Sanskrit and understood knowledge of Veda.The word “arya” is probably one of most miscued, misunderstood and misinterpreted words in recent times. The truth is the world was used in ancient India to denote people of certain social background rather than a particular race. It is used in Sanskrit both as a noun and as an adjective to… Read more »
Mate, the “noble birth” and social strata WERE referring to race, a self-designation of the indoeuropean conquerers who formed those ranks, and enforced the racial social structure. In ancient times they wished to distinguish themselves from the lower racials they had conquered (and in fact the Vedas were largely written as a justification of righteous racial subjugation of the conquerors over the dravidics). Aryan is an appropriate term for Indo-European as it is one of the earliest attested direct references to them, and now that blood survives primarily in white europeans. Of course its not Sandanavia (nor Atlantis), but the Pontic Steppe of Ukraine, where it originated, which anthropologists couldn’t have known at the time (especially considering the aryan phenotype seems to have survived most strongly in the nordic due… Read more »
Here is an additional information. Polish family Boreyco had a Swastica in its Coat of Arms in XIII century…way before formation of Germany and birth of National Socialist Party. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boreyko_coat_of_arms
The division between the Germanic and Slavic communities should be resolved, not exacerbated
Solid piece by James Harting. I’ve always tried to illustrate the same thing when talking to others regarding Hitler and the Slavs. People must look at the actual policies put into place and the actions taken by Hitler during the 6 years of that terrible conflict. In Mein Kampf he did express feelings of dislike towards the Slavic peoples, mostly because the Austria in which he grew up was mult-culturalized to a large degree. But, as Harting points out, his thinking matured and he did find some racial commonality with the Slavic sub-race, and allowed them to fight with the Germans in the Waffen SS.
Sub-race? This is exactly what I am talking about. If Slavs are sub-race then who is master race? Germans, English, French, Greeks, Italians, Jews or maybe Chinese?……because all of them claim their superiority. If so many consider themselves superior they all wrong because it is illogical. You can’t have so many different people superior. No group is superior. One may be better in doing one thing and other doing other thing. If we use this kind of logic then we can easily say that black man is superior to white man, because a black man is much better prepared to withstand tropical climate and vice versa…is it illogical bs. How can anyone call other group sub-race? In fact Slavs are race with very specific genetic formation, with specific and unique… Read more »
He didn’t mean “sub” as in lesser or lower, he meant “sub” as in subcategory. Thus, Slavs are a subcategory of European, just as Volkswagens are a subcategory of automobiles. No value judgement was implied.
Cleared and fixed……
PS. Mr.Strom, let me have the opportunity to thank you for what you have been doing for years. I read most (if not all) of your articles and I enjoyed every one of them.
Thank you very much, sir!
Mr. Strom is correct, I did not mean “sub-race” to imply inferiority of any sort. I was simply saying Slavs are a sub-grouping (perhaps that’s a better term) of the Indo-European race, just like the Latin, Germanic, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, and Baltic sub-groups.
@ Cezary Zbikowski The Sanskrit word Ārya does indeed mean “noble” and is also used for members of the three upper castes in India, but it was originally an ethnic name used as selfdesignation by the ancestors of the undivided Indo-Iranians in the steppes of Central Asia. The name Iran is a contraction of Middle Persian Iranshahr from Old Persian Āryānām Khshathram meaning Kingdom of the Aryans. The Persian king Darius calls himself an “Aryan” in one of his inscriptions. It is wrong to use this Indo-Iranian ethnic name for other branches of the Indo-European family. There is indeed a close relationship between the Indo-Iranian and the Balto-Slavic languages. Many words in Lithuanian and Sanskrit are almost the same. The haplogroup R1a is frequent among Slavs and uppercaste Indians, but… Read more »
Thanks for reminding all the Hitler-worshippers here about these horrific crimes, actual and planned, of the Nazis against Eastern European peoples!
Adolf Hitler – German nationalist or Aryan racialist?: http://www.national-socialism.com/adolf-hitler-german-nationalist-or-aryan-racialist/ http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Himmler#Himmler_about_the_future_of_SS Himmler about the future of [the] SS In a personal conversation with Artur Silgailis, chief of staff of Inspection General the Latvian Legion, the Latvian Waffen-SS, Heinrich Himmler outlined his future intentions with the SS and the organization of Europe: He [Himmler] then singled out those nations which he regarded as belonging to the German family of nations and they were: the Germans, the Dutch, the Flemish, the Anglo-Saxons, the Scandinavians and the Baltic people. ‘To combine all of these nations into one big family is the most important task at the present time’ [Himmler said]. ‘This unification has to take place on the principle of equality and at that same time has to secure the identity of each nation… Read more »
@Franklin Ryckaert
re “He [Hitler] recognized, for example, that there were large segments of the Czech and Slovenian Slavic peoples that were racially valuable, and he eagerly anticipated incorporating them into his postwar Greater Germanic Reich. In other words, he felt that not all Slavs were created equal.” So Hitler regarded Czechs and Slovenians as valuable and more equal than other Slavs. Which Slavs did he regard as non-valuable and less equal than others? Was he right about regarding them so? Wow what a good dad Hitler was of all Aryan Europeans. re “Hitler treated the various Slavic nations depending on their attitude towards Germany; those that were friendly towards Germany, he treated as friends; those who were hostile to Germany, he treated as enemies. Is there anyone, anywhere who finds this… Read more »
That is the one reason why the average Soviet Soldier fought till the very last cartrige against the Nazi invaders. The Russian people did NOT fought the Great Patriotic War for Communism, but against Hitler’s brutal policies against Slavic peoples as a whole! For example, in Poland, over 90 percent of Historical Libraries were deliberately and systematically destroyed by Nazi occupation forces, and countless historical munuments razed to the ground. Hitler, in his “table talks”, gloats openly about reducing Slavic people to total destitution, analphabetism and slavery, with actual mass extermination as ultimate goal. ALL of Russia’s large historical cities, for example, including Moscow, were scheduled to be RAZED to the ground, right after final Nazi victory over Russia!…
So much for Hitler being a “champion for the White Race”!!
Author of table talks has Put in Lies for time to time
Real name of Darius on old persian its Dārayava(h)uš (dara-gift yava-in wake world) do you know in what language are means of the words? Propably dont, cause its Serbian. Today in this part of europe still have names with same base Dario,Darijan,BozjiDAR,Darko etc. Do your own reasearch but something that holds you back its propably you dont know Serbian(Sorbian,Sarbian,Sarmian,Aramian-Saramian etc.) i guess you are familiar with this words in history.Aryan is Serbian-Ilyrian mytology god of hunters. Aryan was shoted by the goddess Serbona with her special arrow to protect haunted animals. Hope this few sentence will help you investigate whole truth behind old civilizations. Love and peace
Same in Polish… Dar= gift Jawa=awake world
There are a lot interesting comments on this piece. One thing that I realized a long time ago is that people are often on unsteady ground whenever they make a statement beginning with “Hitler thought that…” If one looks at the totality of Hitler’s writings and statements as reported by reliable witnesses, it becomes clear that his perspective on various matters changed over time, although his values did not. This is exactly what one should expect to find reviewing records of the thoughts of any intelligent person. The only people whose views don’t change over time are those who are convinced they know everything already. Such people are not critical thinkers, nor likely very intelligent. Additionally, we cannot be certain that every statement made in Mein Kampf comes from the… Read more »
The White race has many sub-groups.
Some of the best NS came out of the Baltic states.
Slavic people that hate Hitler with the same enthusiasm as Jews are not stainless. The Slavs heavily participated in the horrors inflicted on East Germans and Germany in general at the end of the war. No I’m not against Slavs.
Sectional animosity in America is filled with prejudice and passion. People come from different feuds and religion.
“Slavic people that hate Hitler with the same enthusiasm as Jews are not stainless. The Slavs heavily participated in the horrors inflicted on East Germans and Germany in general at the end of the war.”
Agreed. And it is high time that the monuments to the Red Army in Germany were removed.
I have a question here about Mein Kampf and what it says about Slavs…have not read the book or a translation, but my understanding is that Hitler mentions that 70 percent of Germans are of Slavic origin…
I don’t think that I have ever read that.
Why don’t you just open the book and see what it says?
Here’s what a current German archeologist Johannes Musch says… ‘…Indeed an important percentage of the German people has Slavic ancestry. During the Migration Period between the 4th and the 7th century Slavic populations settled in nowadays Germany and populated vast areas stretching as far West as Hamburg. In fact most of the area East of the Elbe was settled by Slavic people. In the following centuries these Slavic populations got more or less germanized. Often the areas where Slavs were dominant were conquered by German aristocracies, but the local population of peasants and craftsmen remained, and only gradually adopted German as their first language. Hence, you still find a lot of placenames with Slavic origin in vast areas between the Elbe and the Oder (placenames ending in -itz and -ow).… Read more »
The fact that many Germans were largely of ALPINE RACE was widely acknowledged. That racial type is especially associated with Slavs. This was regarded as a problem that had to be addressed by increasing the Nordic element, which is disproportionately killed during wars. There are also Slavic minorities, the Sorbs and the Wends. My understanding is that the Sorbs were encouraged to maintain their language etc. under Hitler’s rule. The Wends however were assimilated long ago, and perhaps they are a significant source of that Alpine racial element. What should be remembered, when one talks about Slavic and Germanic, is that these are primarily linguistic terms. One can generalize that there is a racial type that is prevalent in each group — Nordic among the Germanic, Alpine among the Slavs… Read more »
Erratum: Manstein’s birthname was Lewinski, not Lewinsky.
That one letter makes a big difference.
About Brezhnev not looking ‘white’…just saw in the news Norway’s foreign minister…she looks even less white than Brezhnev…especially the roundish head which some would suggest is a mongoloid feature…
Prussians are actually Baltic peoples and the Old Prussian language, now extinct has nothing to do with German…
Anyway this is the first I have heard of this ‘alpine’ race…can you point to further info…?
Madison Grant: https://books.google.com/books?id=DUJBAAAAYAAJ&dq=“Madison%20Grant”&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=alpine&f=false
It’s believed by many historians and other schools of thought that the Alpine subgroup is a mixture of White Meds and Aryans. The latter began streaming into ancient Europe 5 thousand years ago and farther back.
White Mediterranean’s were pure at this time and quite brainy. They had already built great civilizations that matched anything east of them, including flush toilets, architecture, paintings, luxury, etc.
So the White Mediterranean gene pool is not lost to the White race. It was saved thousands of years ago by reproduction. White on White. I draw much of this knowledge from Arthur Kemp’s book.
What author believes that? Arthur Kemp? I’ve read a few authors on this subject and never seen that suggestion. Alpine is always designated as a fundamental race, with characteristics differing from both Nordic and Mediterranean.
Yes, Alpine is a White subgroup. Arthur Kemp’s book compares the Nordic, Alpine and White Meds in pictures. It clearly states the intermarriage of Nordic and White Meds and suggest from that you get the Alpine Caucasian. White Meds were in Europe long before Aryan tribes began streaming in. Mediterranean means ‘old European’. I don’t see any Slavic in the Alpine group. Southern Germany is mostly Alpine.
Swedish Vikings raided what is now the Baltic states. There is probably a significant Nordic-Slavic mix.
Okay I think your information is BAD.
Put down Arthur Kemp and pick up Carleton S. Coon.
Arthur Kemp was kind enough to send me the following information by email in 2003. “The White Mediterraneans, who, along with the Cro-Magnons, were the original inhabitants of much of Europe and the Middle East, are also White. They created great civilizations, long before the Nordics or Alpines got to Europe. In fact they laid the basis of what became Classical Greece and Rome. Even though most modern White Mediterraneans have either mixed with the Nordic/Alpine groupings (hence you get dark hair/light eyes or vice versa) and a sadly large number of Meds in the Middle East and parts of Europe have fallen to racial mixing, the fact remains that Mediterranean elements still constitute a significant part of the White race, and you can find them all over the place… Read more »
I have subscribed to the works of Carleton S. Coon for a long time.
“You stay in your village and I will stay in mine. If your sheep eat our grass we will kill you, or we may kill you anyhow to get all the grass for our own sheep. Anyone who tries to make us change our ways is a witch and we will kill him. Keep out of our village.” —Carleton Stevens Coon, “The Story of Man”, 1954, page 376
Actually, CC, Mediterranean means “middle of the world” not Old European.
And Kemp generally doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Meds and Nordics are long-headed. Alpines are round/short headed. You do not get an Alpine from mixing Med & Nordic.
I think in past article(s), NV discouraged attempts at sub-dividing whites into Mediterranean, Nordic, Slavic, etc., although we have our prejudices. As long as you remember that very many non-whites don’t give a damn which of those sub-race(s) you belong to; they want you and your posterity extinct. In the eugenics-based meritocracy that whites will eventually (re)build for themselves, the negative traits that might be more apparent in one sub-group vs. another will not matter, as the society will address it then fairly. There will always be the multicult mobocracies for whites who feel uncomfortable with such a society.
Kemp’s pictures show Nordics and White Meds long-headed and Alpines round-headed.
In ancient Europe there was intermarriage between Alpine, Nordics and White Meds.
British establishment has historically proven to be no friend of the Tripartite(Iran, Germany and Ireland). Remember the Treachery of 1979, Dresden, and the Irish Holocaust? What does that tell you?
All white-skinned people are “coming” from same area” – North of the Pontus Euxinus – Carpathians Mountains – West of Thanais River about 100 m above actual low-lands, from where the water poured in the sweet water lake to become the Black Sea. Thousands years ago there was no Western neither Northern Europe, the land being covered by Ice. The “start” was in the Carpathians Mountains,neighbored by the Okeamos Potamos and Sarmatian Sea… Is so funny to see the ideas of such white people believe they to be descendants of Asiatic tribes!?! These white people are the Aryans, not the Persians; they gave Vedas to the people in actual India. The languages were changed purposely by the rulers, based on political and religious interests. There is factually proto-european language carried… Read more »
How about the Lidice massacre in Czechia?
I think the most troubling misunderstanding among our Slavic brotherin is the myth of the strongly implied “Slavic holocaust” that we have all heard in our textbooks and high school classes in Slavic countries as well as in Western Europe, America and the rest of the White world. The lie that Hitler believed that Slavs were as low as Jews in his racial hierarchy and if he’d won the war, as soon as he was finished with the Jews, he would of herded the Slavs into gas chambers so he could Andrew Jackson all of European Russia. This myth often goes one step further by claiming that the colored nations that were allied with Germany were higher on Hitler’s personal racial hierarchy than nations that Germany was at war with,… Read more »
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I don’t agree with every word of it, but I it’s a worthwhile read. When you say:
I definitely agree that Dr. Pierce always cared for all our people. I would add that, over the years of his National Alliance and Cosmotheist work, as well as his personal life, he experienced so many examples of excellent and racially-loyal non-Germanic Europeans that his thinking evolved.