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Estonia and Latvia Double Down With Public Praise of the Waffen SS
LATVIAN DEFENSE MINISTER, Artis Pabriks, said veterans, his compatriots who fought in the Waffen-SS, were “heroes” and memories of their sacrifice must be cherished. “It is our duty to honor these Latvian patriots from all the depths of our souls.” He then called the Latvian legionnaires freedom…
The SS Officer
Of Personality SHOULD WE in the Waffen-SS speak of “authority”? Does not a mysterious energy flow from the genuine leader, which shines through the whole unit and draws all to him? What kind of pitiful authority was the one that Jews and Marxists tried to convince us of: authority as something not personal,…
Stalin Would Have Reached Paris Before the Allies if Not for the Incredible Heroism of the Waffen SS
Introduction BEFORE THE OUTBREAK of the Second World War, Leon Degrelle was already known as the leader of the anti-Establishment Rexist party in Belgium, and as Europe’s youngest and most dynamic political figure. During the war he became known across the continent for his charismatic leadership…
On Oradour
Betrayed French children, and the replacements for those French children, listen while Emmanuel Macron and his fellow employees of the Jewish power structure preen themselves and boast about how morally superior they are at Oradour. Introduction by Hadding Scott THE TRADITIONAL war-propaganda…
The Last Waffen-SS Unit Defending Adolf Hitler’s Bunker was Comprised Entirely of Frenchmen
One of the last Waffen-SS units to hold out defending Adolf Hitler’s bunker in Berlin was comprised entirely of Frenchmen. THE 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French) and Charlemagne Regiment are collective names used for units of French volunteers in the Wehrmacht and later…
My Friend, The Waffen SS Soldier, part 2
by Racial Consciousness
Part Two: More About The War 1
THE FIRST STORY that Theodor Junker ever shared with me about his years on the Eastern Front, at war with the Russians, was his very first deployment.
He was originally sent out as a sharp-shooter. I do not know where he was during his first deployment…
My Friend, The Waffen SS Soldier, part 1
by Racial Consciousness
Part One: A Brief Introduction
I WAS FORTUNATE ENOUGH to have had a dear friend for some five years who was a retired veteran of the Waffen SS Wiking division: His name was Theodor Junker. He was born in a German village in Romania, and he retired on a small farm in southern Wisconsin.…
Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS
by Leon Degrelle
BEFORE THE OUTBREAK of the Second World War, Leon Degrelle was already known as the leader of the anti-Establishment Rexist party in Belgium, and as Europe’s youngest and most dynamic political figure. During the war he became known across the continent for his charismatic…
World War 2: Germany Blamed for Allied Crimes
by Mike Walsh VERY FEW PEOPLE know the details of Joseph Stalin’s notorious Torch-Man Order. As a consequence, people little realise that many images depicting German atrocities are falsified. These oft-seen filmed atrocities were the responsibility not of the Reich but of England and America’s…
The Beauty of Struggle
by John Calhoun ONE OF MY favorite activities is hiking in the beautiful mountains of Southern Appalachia. I try to find the most difficult and most remote trails that I can. Being far away from the sound of traffic and the chattering of a rapidly changing racial demographic centers me. Whereas modern…