
Chairman Williams: Another Letter They Wouldn’t Publish

by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance

THE NUMEROUS Veterans Day celebrations and its federal holiday have passed. The best new piece about this I’ve seen is Kevin Strom’s “Veterans Day 2023” on 10 November.

I had put the following comment on the National Alliance’s small forum, here, a week ago: A Remembrance on Veterans Day:

…[T]omorrow, 11 November, 2023, Americans recognize as Veterans Day, but until 1954 it was known as Armistice Day, officially recognizing the armistice agreement that ended WWI on Nov. 11, 1918. Even though WWI was hopefully termed “The War to End All Wars,” it was anything but. By 1954 Americans had served in both WWII and the Korean War. Armistice Day was changed to Veterans Day on June 1, 1954.

It is a federal holiday for some, so enjoy the day off if you get it.

My local paper here in Upper East Tennessee, The Tomahawk, celebrates local military veterans’ service this week. I was honored for mine and the little ad they ran even included our National Alliance Web site address.

I was pleased with that ad in the 8 November issue and sent the following letter to the editor of The Tomahawk, Mr. Tamas Mondovics. I prefaced the letter thus: “Dear Mr. Mondovics, please publish the 250-word letter below in the next edition of The Tomahawk.”

I would like to thank The Tomahawk for printing the small ad honoring my military service in the 8 November “Celebrating Our Vets” issue. It mentions I was a Green Beret captain in Vietnam, but not that I served two tours there as an infantry combatant or that I had been Missing In Action (MIA) during a prolonged, deadly firefight. Juxtaposed to my ad, oddly enough, is Mr. Mondovics’ photo of the POW/MIA table that was set up at the Special Forces Association event “in remembrance for those unable to attend the event.”

The front-page article by Jinifer Rae in the same edition mentions that there were 12 Green Beret vets in attendance at that 3 November banquet that she covered. I’ve met those physically courageous men; however, I am not welcome among them because I didn’t salute the American flag when we stood together; only they pledged allegiance to it. I honored that flag 55 years ago when as a young man I impulsively fought for it, but no longer.

That flag, to me, has come to represent our once great nation that is now terminally lost, headed to Third World status — with an incompetent figurehead Commander-in-Chief that those elite veterans would follow, if ordered, but that I and an increasing number of Americans will not. I am not jingoistic and look to the future, not to my past. I appreciate that The Tomahawk included in the ad the Web site link to my 50-year-old organization, headquartered in Johnson County.

— Will Williams, Laurel Bloomery

That letter, submitted last week, was not published in this week’s 15 November edition as I’d requested, perhaps since the front-page, top-of-the-fold headline reads “Honoring those who served,” with a couple more articles featuring Veterans Day festivities — or because this veteran’s letter takes issue with the current Commander-in-Chief and what the American flag has come to represent. Tamas Mondovics is buddies with veterans of the local VFW chapter who take a dim view of yours truly, so I’m not surprised it didn’t see print. See my article “An Experience with the VFW” for some background on that.

But when a local paper’s editor does not agree with a letter like mine to the extent that he will not print it, we can publish it here on National Vanguard where it will not be censored — and it will be read by many more people, mostly friendly readers who likely will agree with my point of view. It will be archived here for future NV readers long after this week’s issue of The Tomahawk will have disappeared, used to start fires in subscribers’ stoves and fireplaces.

* * *

Source: Author

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Art Moenck
Art Moenck
18 November, 2023 12:58 pm

Whites who want our muted voices heard should join the National Alliance so that we may build a powerful voice that can’t be ignored like Chairman Williams’ voice was by the piddly Tomahawk rag.

An excellent start is made here at National Vanguard, but we can and will do so much better. Those who provide a little of their strength to be added to ours will help us get there.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Art Moenck
1 December, 2023 9:42 am

Thanks, Art. Some will call our local newspaper, The Tomahawk, a piddly rag. To some extent it is but having covered Johnson County since 1874 as its newspaper of record it is depended on still by our citizens to learn which neighbors have passed in the obituaries each week; what the City Council and County Commissioners are dealing with; festivals, public notices, church news (except ours), and what is going on with county library, Senior center, veterans groups, Heritage Hall, and advertisement specials. My favorite feature each week is the sports pages – mostly just reassuring pictures of Johnson County high and junior high school sports teams and cheerleaders — all lily White. Social media have replaced where many people get their news to a great extent, but what “news”… Read more »

C.E. Whiteoak
C.E. Whiteoak
19 November, 2023 12:23 am

I do not know Mr. Tamas Mondovics, but would guess by his name that he is not a native of the mountains of East Tennessee or anywhere nearby. This is an unfortunate trend among small-town newspapers. They are bought up by “somebody” from “somewhere else” and an editor is sent in to do everythig he can to make sure the local readers do not stray too far from the approved line of thought.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  C.E. Whiteoak
17 May, 2024 11:13 am

Mondovics strikes me as a Serbian name. He is White but could fit in a little better if he answered to Thomas Mondovich which is how his name is pronounced. He published the following letter in the 8 May edition of The Tomahawk, in which I didn’t mention queers, Jews, Negroes or the Holocaust. Many folks in Johnson County are supportive of my friend, former judge Perry Stout, so he needed a supportive letter to balance those who had been calling for his blood, or his “pound of flesh,” as he had put it last year. Fair and BalancedDear editor,  I was pleased to read about Judge Thomas’s lenient sentencing of Perry Stout in Mr. Mondovics’ report in The Tomahawk last week. Stout could have called for a jury trial rather than a bench… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman

...I had another letter published in the 11 April edition and have submitted another for next week’s edition. If not published in The Tomahawk, I’ll put it here.. — It was not published, so here it is as promised. It may have gotten a little too close to the JQ for The Tomahawk, but is mild for our NV readers. Dear editor,   The headline premise “Campus Protest[s] are Just a Pale Imitation of the 1960s” over attorney Christine Flowers’ column in last week’s issue of The Tomahawk is partially correct, but just give it some time.  Flowers was a child in 1968, the year she chose to compare college protests then to those now, so she depended on the impressions of her blogger friend who had been a Villanova student, demonstrating against the war and praying for peace… Read more »