
An Experience with the VFW

The graphic, like the mentality, is childish and naïve.

by William White Williams
National Alliance Chairman

RECENTLY, I RAN INTO a fellow outside our Mountain City, Tennessee, post office. He had a De Oppresso Liber — Latin, roughly: To Free the Oppressed — motto license plate on the front of his truck that I was facing in my truck. I recognized that as the slogan for the Special Forces (SF) branch of the Army in which I’d served back in the 1960s in southeast Asia. Figuring the driver was a fellow former Green Beret, I got out of my truck, approached his window, told him I recognized the slogan, and asked him where he had served with SF. He said it was in Iraq. So, though we’d served in different conflicts in different eras, still it was nice to meet a fellow SF vet in my hometown. We chatted for a couple more minutes. He told me I should go to the local VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) hall that has a monthly meeting, where I could possibly meet four or five other local SF vets.

I took him up on his offer, and sure enough, among the other veterans were several more SF vets. They invited me to meet with another group that is exclusively for SF vets. I attended one of those small gatherings, and was pleased to at least find myself among a group of White alpha males that I could relate to, though, by now I am the “old man,” the only Vietnam veteran. That made my previous visit to the VFW hall worth my time, especially with the excellent buffet spread provided by the wives of the vets.

Skip forward a couple of months and I was free to attend another monthly VFW gathering and another buffet. There were 21 veterans of foreign wars in attendance; their wives met separately on the other side of the hall. I was not there to politicize their gathering, but to observe, and saw that every attendee was a White man. I had not officially joined the group, but had provided a copy of my DD214 — the single-page document that shows when and where a soldier served, his training, promotions, and dates of rank, awards, etc. they had asked for to prove I was a veteran of a foreign war. I figured that was the only requirement for a group calling itself the VFW.

After the meal and after the hat had been passed around the long table for donations, the first official business was to stand and salute the American flag — once to the one in the center of the hall, along with the women; then, after the wives were excused, again to another flag in the partitioned room with the vets. Out of respect for the attendees I stood, but neither saluted or put my hand over my heart, nor mouthed the familiar Pledge of Allegiance. Following the second ritual pledge the leader of the group led everyone in reciting the familiar Lord’s Prayer. I remained standing, but did not bow my head and close my eyes. Instead, I was looking around the room to see if anyone else had his eyes open and was not reciting the prayer. My eyes met another SF vet’s eyes which was encouraging. Everyone else had their eyes shut, heads bowed, reciting the prayer.

I think someone must have told the old fellow at the head of the table who officiated that I hadn’t saluted the flag at that earlier meeting I’d attended — or perhaps he was told that I headed National Alliance, and “Googled” us to find the WikiJews’ scary description — because as soon at the prayer was concluded and we had taken our seats, he announced: “I want to make clear that anyone here who does not salute our flag is not welcome.” Everyone except me had saluted the flag, so my hand shot up with, “I did not salute the flag.” Someone asked, “Why?”

I answered loud and clear, verbatim: “Because this country has turned to sh__ and that flag represents the country.”

The reader should be reminded that this VFW meeting was just two days after White House Resident Joe Biden, the Commander-in-Chief of the US military, had delivered his prime time, nationwide “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” speech (discussed on this week’s American Dissident Voices broadcast), declaring that any American who supported his expected opponent, former Republican President Trump, and didn’t support him and his whacky Democrats, is a “semi-fascist”: a euphemism for a dread “nazi.” Of course the blubbering Idiot-in-Chief Biden was including most of the veterans gathered in that VFW hall with those he labeled as such. We should wish that they all wake up, ditch the GOP, and become National Socialists and a genuine “threat to democracy,” as Biden has accused. I’m sure some, probably most, of the vets in the room were aware of Biden’s foolish slander.

I added only, “Am I not welcome here because I choose to no longer salute the flag?” I had much more I could have added, having served honorably as an infantry combatant, a young Green Beret captain in a foreign “war,” even had been MIA (Missing In Action) during one particularly nasty battle, but held my tongue. The doddering old fellow who appears to be in his 90s, probably a veteran of Korea, but possibly WWII, told me and the assembled, “No, you are not welcome,” adding his non sequitur, “I served 22 years for that flag.”

I wasn’t surprised. I didn’t say another word, simply got up from the table and walked out of the hall head held high. I was thinking to myself as I walked outside, “I just witnessed first hand why Dr. Pierce called typically authoritarian American Legion and VFW patriotards ‘yahoos,’” distinguishable from your regular American “lemming” herd animal because they style themselves patriots.

Joe Pryce, who worked on staff with me and Kevin Strom for Dr. Pierce in West Virginia 30 years ago, was the second smartest individual I’d ever worked with. (See “Rest in Peace, Joe Pryce” on National Vanguard.) Joe once told me of a French idiom, though I forget the phrase in French. He said it translated as “walking up the staircase backwards,” referring to thinking of something later that you wished you had said for effect earlier. We all do that, I suppose. Anyway, after I’d exited the VFW hall I wished I’d told the old fellow, “You’d obediently salute your Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden, who just called you a ‘semi-fascist,’ is deliberately replacing the White founding stock in the US with non-Whites, and driving the nation you ‘proudly served’ into even deeper sh__.” Now I’m glad I just left in a dignified manner without insulting the old, retired “lifer.”

My flag: our symbol of the White Resistance

I had owned my words, had said enough, and hopefully gave that gathering of younger White veterans of America’s far-flung, undeclared military adventures something to think about when ordered to salute the degraded American flag, now the symbol of democracy. They, save one SF vet, were unaware that I had also refused to mouth the Lord’s Prayer to the Jew’s vengeful tribal god Yahweh. I hope to see that one fellow at a future gathering that will be restricted to SF vets in our region. They will no doubt also pledge allegiance to the flag and say the Lord’s Prayer because that’s what is expected of them, but I hope they reserve their right to become more intelligent, independent-minded, and racially responsible.

Again, if given that opportunity, the “old man” will recite neither, on principle. If questioned why, I’ll be prepared to give a short block of instruction to the brave Green Berets on the difference between physical courage and moral courage.

* * *

Source: Author

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5 September, 2022 11:07 pm

Most of the servicemen in Vietnam were drafted. Even most of those who voluntarily enlisted thought they were doing the right thing because they trusted their government at the time. But in the subsequent 50 years with the knowledge that the government lied about the need for each of these wars, the fact that none were fought for any other objective than Israel or corporate interests, the abandonment of POWs, the reckless exposure to toxic chemicals, the poor treatment of veterans and all the other lies, even the dullest person must realize that military service to the US government is a fool’s errand. So why do so many whites who now recognize that the politicians are congenital liars who actually hate whites still willfully sign up for military service and… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Guest
7 September, 2022 1:50 am

Because of money; as simple as this. For the same reason the Russian fools enlist in Putin’s army. Everyone hopes that others would die but he would survive and gain a hefty sum of money. This delusion always compelled some people to become mercenaries. And it is what it is. Both, American army and Putin’s army are a bunch of mercenaries devoid of any higher values. But in the same time they want to look good and to be perceived as ardent patriots; this purpose serve all those theatricals with flags (both in America and Russia).

5 September, 2022 11:12 pm

Good job, Mr. Williams!

As an 11-Mike combat veteran of the 1991 Gulf War, I never have gone to any local VFW chapter because I always figured it would feature some ritualistic mindlessness like that.

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
6 September, 2022 12:24 am

There’s so much to say on this subject; so many powerful ironies. The vast majority of people live in their own little bubble in which they are required to protect and defend the well-cultivated public self-character they’ve created. and the rancid politic then becomes instrumental to that self-character.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
6 September, 2022 4:07 am

Very interesting episode. It is almost the same with Russian/Soviet military men. I suppose that Russian situation is even worse because here the officer corps has undergone even more thorough anti-national brainwashing. They were programmed to follow any orders, to be “internationalists” and to hate “Nazism”. Conformism is the main quality in all modern western military forces; only few can overcome this programming. But in most cases, even the most intelligent of them, prefer to follow the flow. It is why the system can commit any crime without fearing of internal rebellion among its military. This bunch of solemn buffoons would happily shoot at their own White people if ordered by some uncle Remus from Pentagon. The thinking process in their mind is substituted by the magical phrase “it is… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
12 September, 2022 4:42 am

So very well put…soldiers are careerist patriotards…just look at the symbols of cultural ownership on the USA and USSR flags///Masonic pentagrams behind which, the McGuffin hexagram of supremacist Judaism…acronyms denote kosher tax farm gulags… the goal should be to replace the stars with swastikas from America to Europa to Eurasia and expel every single stealth Jew and obvious alien…we must bigger than the evil Jew.

6 September, 2022 4:24 am

They sound hopelessly moronic. Why bother saluting the flag at this stage? Like the British flag over here, it’s frankly become toilet paper. They now represent the “chosen people’s” lording it over us and all of their “liberal, tolerant” values, such as the “rights” for perverts to sodomise each other, children to be mutilated, etc. As for their worshipping the big Jew in the sky, just pathetic. Not surprising though.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
6 September, 2022 7:28 am

A very encouraging read about an American who has his focus on the people and not on the flag. The flag is doing fine, I see it everywhere. The people under the flag? Not so good.

6 September, 2022 7:42 am

You were the only real white man at the meeting, well done.

Robert Ferrara
Robert Ferrara
6 September, 2022 11:17 am

Tom Metzger had related the same experience when he was still with us. He refused to fly the flag expressing the same opinion. That flag does not represent the White Americans. David Lane also expressed the same belief as well.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Robert Ferrara
6 September, 2022 2:23 pm

The flag started out as the East India Company flag, the opium flag, I suspect to promote the idea that war was not wanted, only the same independence enjoyed by the East India Company. When war was required, the Union Jack was replaced by a field of 13 stars. The 13 stripes remained making it clear, apparently, that the new country would be another East India Company property, which it became. If you Google the East India Company flag, there you will see Ol’ Glory, or most of it.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
7 September, 2022 8:47 am

Interesting bit of history, Patrick. Thanks for that.

Imagine the American flag, especially when two more stars are added for D.C. and Puerto Rico. Will it finally become a “hate symbol” to those dispossessed Americans who are pro-White, like the once honored Confederate flag has become to those who oppose us?

We’ll have our own flag, the symbol of White resistance, whenever we can find a suitable flagmaker and the funds to have them manufactured at a reasonable price.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
7 September, 2022 2:05 pm

Regarding finding a flag maker, there’s a supplier of regalia (including flags as one of their primary products) who can have flags manufactured, and are local in my area. What sort of materials and sizes of flags would you like to start with? I’d be willing to assist by approaching these people when I have the basic information about what you want.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
7 September, 2022 8:46 pm

Good. I’ll get you the specs we’ve worked up. Unfortunately, flags these days, like so much else, seem to be Hecho et China.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
7 September, 2022 2:17 pm

The Civil Flag, with blue stars on a white canton and vertical alternating red and white stripes, was adopted in 1874 to signal the non-military, or civil side of the U.S. Something to think about. Thank you for your kind words.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
8 September, 2022 9:06 am

I didn’t know that, Patrick. That civil flag, adopted just after our country’s deadliest, most uncivil fratricidal war, cost more than 600,000 men of our best stock. See: Four Wars that We Lost, part 1 | National Vanguard

NV’s daily Today in History feature for 8 September should be placed here before it is lost down the Memory Hole.

comment image 
1892: The US Pledge of Allegiance, written by Francis Bellamy, is first published. For 50 years, until 1942, the salute accompanying the Pledge was the outstretched right arm, substantially the same as the Roman salute also used by Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany. The illustration shows school children in Southington, Connecticut performing the salute in May, 1942.

Tom Quick
Tom Quick
7 September, 2022 6:05 pm

Good job Mr. Williams! You have balls of steel!
That flag has been co-opted and turned against us long ago. I’m of the opinion that it never represented the interest of Whites in America from the beginning. It is a Judeo-masonic rag that represents zog’s hegemony over our people. I refuse to salute that flag or pay it any reverence in public, and I say that as a combat veteran of two of zog’s ridiculous “wars”.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Tom Quick
8 September, 2022 1:33 am

I agree with your assessment of Chairman Williams’ leadership quality, “balls of steel,” Mr. Quick. He fights as though it is to the death in every battle I’ve known him to face for the National Alliance and Our Cause’s sake even when he’s the only one doing so. As we are representing us Whites who see both the breadth and depth of our race’s problems and are bringing solutions that will have long lasting changes to our race and its future Path, enormous tasks lie before us that will take years, decades and centuries to accomplish and our need for sincere and serious men and women who aren’t afraid to be White in every respect are needed. Check out our well-worded What is the National Alliance? document located here:… Read more »

Former Liberal
Former Liberal
8 September, 2022 6:56 pm

I used to be proud of being a veteran, and even had a veteran tag on my car. But the way this country has been going, especially with a dementia patient as commander in chief, has utterly disgusted me! For a long time, I have refused to join veterans’ organizations, initially because there are certain experiences I don’t care to relive. But what really clinched the matter was finding out over five years ago that The American Legion refused and still refuses to give USS Liberty survivors a voice. A quick reminder:. Isreal bombed that ship in 1967 during the Six Day War, hoping to get us militarily involved. Interesting that you mentioned that old fool at the VFW. I am the daughter and stepdaughter of two now deceased World… Read more »

SD Heathen
SD Heathen
11 September, 2022 9:48 pm

My father in-law served in three wars. WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam. I am glad he isn’t alive to see what has happened to this country. I also do not bow down to foreign deities.

12 September, 2022 7:43 am

I agree with this man’s essay but work in a different way. I’m a member of my local VFW (Vietnam vet) post and am active in that I turn out for the work details we do for events. While doing the work, we talk and I don’t hold back on my views (our post has only one black member who seldom comes to meetings and is never there for any work details). Mr. Williams did what he did, and I do what I do. I don’t say the prayer or pledge either and no one has challenged me on it. If I do get challenged, then I will do what Mr. Williams did. But I will have my say before I leave. Plus, there’s the small part that I do… Read more »

C.E. Whiteoak
C.E. Whiteoak
12 September, 2022 7:49 pm

That was a brave thing you did, Will. A sterling example of moral courage. Most “normies” do not know what moral courage is, and I doubt if there is a “respectable conservative” in this entire broken country who has any idea what it is.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  C.E. Whiteoak
17 September, 2022 7:58 pm

Thanks, C.E., but saying out loud what one believes and what needs saying — to anyone who asks or who will listen — comes natural to me. What I believe most strongly is all about preserving and advancing our unique race. There is no more noble cause. It doesn’t take “balls of steel” to do that, not among our own people. It just takes the confidence to state what one believes and back it up. I’ve had good mentors for that, especially William Pierce. UPDATE. I had said: — …I hope to see that one fellow at a future gathering that will be restricted to SF vets in our region. They will no doubt also pledge allegiance to the flag and say the Lord’s Prayer because that’s what is expected… Read more »

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
19 September, 2022 7:35 pm

I haven’t been around long enough to know the answer, but I’m really curious to know when the switch was made to change the meaning of “White supremacist” from “believing Whites should rule over other races” to simply believing we are worth preserving.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Art Thief
19 September, 2022 10:10 pm

Art Thief:…I’m really curious to know when the switch was made to change the meaning of “White supremacist” from “believing Whites should rule over other races” to simply believing we are worth preserving. — Since you are asking me, A.T., our National Alliance has never believed “Whites should rule over other races.” Whites certainly ruled over other races a hundred years ago and before, because the world was smaller and that was the natural order. Whites still ruled over Coloreds in the U.S, after WWII until segregation was no longer acceptable, and in South Africa less than 30 years ago when Apartheid was no longer acceptable there. Those are examples of “supremacy.” We will never return to that: the exploitation of other races to do our  domestic chores or work we… Read more »

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
21 September, 2022 4:56 pm

Oh I understand and that’s why I joined. I meant, when did the enemy (and thus, the greater mass of our White kin who’ve been led to reject Racialism) swap the definitions like that. Nowadays “White Supremacist” means any White person with standards when you get down to it. How – when – did the language get so mangled?

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Art Thief
22 September, 2022 10:56 am

Art Thief: … I understand and that’s why I joined… Nowadays “White Supremacist” means any White person with standards when you get down to it. — Thank you for joining our Alliance, A.T. NA members should use the term White separatist, and correct those who would call us supremacists. That is our “transition,” if you want to call it that. If there is such a term as White superiorist — which there is not — that term would be better that supremacist for the reason I said above.. ;o} — How – when – did the language get so mangled? — It’s been going on for a while but seems to have heightened with lazy folks typing with their thumbs on their “smart” telephones, using Yiddish and ebonic words instead… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
24 September, 2022 6:30 pm

One of the the points I was making with this story — the authoritarian nature of vets (and law enforcement) — got sidetracked with my trying to respond to Art Thief’s question about his perceived “transition” of the term White supremacy to White preservation. To get back on the topic: I’ve requested that Kevin republish an article from the current issue of Heritage & Destiny by Jack Antonio who recently became a neighbor of ours in adjacent Washington County, Tennessee. An excerpt: Tennessee is a solid red (Republican) state, and I am living in the reddest part of that state. This is Trump country. I landed here only a few months after Biden took office, but the roads were already lined with Trump 2024 signs, and I regularly see hilariously… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
15 November, 2022 1:51 pm

I’ve requested that Kevin republish an article from the current issue of Heritage & Destiny by Jack Antonio who recently became a neighbor of ours in adjacent Washington County, Tennessee… — Jack’s article was put up here a month ago: He and I dined together last week in one of Johnson City’s top restaurants. He is fine company. We swapped war lies for a couple of hours. While on the subject of veterans of foreign wars, I just saw this that Jim Mathias posted on the Alliance’s little forum: if you want to find out who is responsible for wars give Mel Gibson a drink. If you want to know why exploitable goyim go off to fight in those wars, especially brother wars (like Russia v. Ukraine) while… Read more »

16 November, 2022 8:33 pm

I never served in the army . The army service has become an American last resort today and it is now Mr Bushes , all volunteer army.. This is strange for a land , which has been militarily committed since 1941 with brief pauses to prepare for the next . As a military family I respect it , for it is a moral duty. But I perceive there is never a declared “war” since December 8, 1941 after the “day of infamy.” that all are unlawful. The VFW will not help soldier , who needs help but soldiers who promote thier ruinous wars. On internet this is verified if you try to learn more about Viet Nam. I still believe every boy has military service responsibility .Though it grieves me… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Paul
16 November, 2022 9:21 pm

Paul, you wrote: “I still believe every boy has military service responsibility .Though it grieves me to see them go today . Were this so there would be no VFW , no doubt a jewish war mongering club.”

I believe that all White men of upstanding character and not having any disqualifiers (found here at ) ought to reject any sense of duty to the monstrosity known as the United States and all other entities supporting this perverted empire and instead render service to the National Alliance. We are by far holding a moral authority towards our race and future that others have not surpassed.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
17 November, 2022 9:41 am

I’m afraid I agree with you in your context. My thought was not to the US but for one’s land and family , if he had them,. This even extends to European lands , which are now jewish prostitutes. But I appreciate your reply.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Paul
19 November, 2022 6:52 pm

Paul: [In Germany] There is also no word for veteran. Strangely , it emanates from a German word, verraten.The word , verraten phonetically changed by metathesis , the mittel syllable goes to end and the last to the mittel. This becomes veterran or anglicized veteran… — That sounds far-fetched to me, Paul. This is its European etymology, from: veteran (n.)c. 1500, “old experienced soldier,” from French vétéran, from Latin veteranus “old, aged, that has been long in use,” especially of soldiers; as a plural noun, “old soldiers,” from vetus (genitive veteris) “old, aged, advanced in years; of a former time,” as a plural noun, vetores, “men of old, forefathers,” from PIE *wet-es-, from root *wet- (2) “year” (source also of Sanskrit vatsa- “year,” Greek etos “year,” Hittite witish “year,”… Read more »

22 November, 2023 8:12 am

Reading this, I’m reminded of my Catholic elementary school days. I would respectfully not participate in the sacrament of communion. Catholics believe in transubstantiation. Catholics believe they are eating the *actual* body & blood of a 2,000 man + God, when they participate. Saying this politely, the Catholic religious sacrament of Eucharist never appealed to me on any level. Other Catholic-school students thought the same thing. If this looked like actual human body & blood, most wouldn’t be able to bring themselves to partake. Most kids didn’t believe the miracle was really happening in the first place.
I was raked over the coals for this by everyone– teachers, priests, other kids’ parents. I was persona non grata.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Kim
22 November, 2023 1:27 pm

This is the kind of inner moral strength combined with intelligence needed to do what needs done. I’m a “former Catholic” myself and have rejected that hokum and searched for a philosophy that was greater than my own individual life and made good sense. Finding the National Alliance and many of its fine publications changed my life. Kim, take a bit of time and use the site’s search feature to look up “Cosmotheism” then have a look at the entries provided. Some of those publications I found back when can be found here and now, with just a few clicks. Your life may be changed as it happened for me.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
8 December, 2023 11:03 am

I just found this comment I’d made on our forum (under VFW magazine in Military section) well before my “VFW experience”:(175) VFW magazine – Page 2 – White Biocentrism …I’m a veteran of a foreign war, but don’t want anything to do with those flag waving yahoos. I do get the DAV (Disabled Veterans) rag but toss it without reading because it’s no different than the VFW ‘zine — all about diversity, sexual and racial equality in the new military. This cover says it all That’s in line with how NA Founder Pierce described the VFW crowd nearly 25 years ago here: The End of Patriotism | National Vanguard …[Jews] were never patriotic Americans themselves, even after they had been here five or six generations, but in the past they at… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
17 April, 2024 11:00 pm

I was listening to another of Dr. Pierce’s classic ADVs “The New Patriotism” on tract 14 of Volume 10 of our 12-volume Power of Truth CD series as I was driving around in my truck today, available here: The Power of Truth (Volume 10) – Cosmotheism ( It reminded me of my VFW experience. by Dr. William L. PierceYOU KNOW, I think that the word “patriotism” has a different meaning today than it did when I was growing up. It used to mean a love of one’s native land and one’s people: one’s fatherland, according to the etymology of the word. The fatherland was the land where one’s ancestors had been born and where a large extended family — everyone descended from those ancestors who originally had settled the land… Read more »
