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Mayhem in Montpelier
Jewish billionaire David Rubenstein by Douglas Mercer RUBENSTEIN did you say? Indeed they did.
The left-wing war on America’s historical monuments has now claimed another victim, the home of Founding Father James Madison has undergone a dramatic overhaul for the modern woke culture that has all…
Southern Border Brouhaha
A gathering of hard-working “natural conservatives” at the southern US border, seeking entry to America through the “big golden door” promised them by Donald Trump, and eager to begin Making America Great Again and “doing the jobs that Americans won’t do.”…
Stuck in the Muck: Musings and Ramblings About Conservatism These Days, part 2
by John Massaro EMOTIONS ALWAYS RUN HIGH during wartime when one’s country, or a close ally, is brutally attacked. And so it is now, as I write, shortly after Israel, our only dependable ally in the Middle East, whose people only wish to live in peace with their Arab neighbors, fell victim to a dastardly…
Stuck in the Muck: Musings and Ramblings About Conservatism These Days, part 1
by John Massaro I MOVED FROM Long Island to rural upstate New York two years ago. I have an 86-year-old neighbor down the road named Walter who lives in a nice house with an American flag hanging on the front porch. He recently drove by in his pick-up truck, and seeing me standing outside, pulled over to chat…
Andrew Tate: The Grift Intensifies
The right-wing webzine The Gateway Pundit apparently loves Andrew Tate. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 29 July, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom I SPENT SEVERAL hours of my life this month that I’ll never get back studying the mixed-race “right wing” masculinity grifter Andrew…
An Establishment Bootlicker, part 2
Max Boot by Douglas Mercer JEWISH “former conservative” Max Boot recently bloviated: I’ve been feeling very blue this summer. Oh, I don’t mean I’m depressed — I’ve been having a ball. But I’ve been spending time in some of the most liberal enclaves in America: first Martha’s Vineyard…
An Establishment Bootlicker, part 1
Max Boot by Douglas Mercer PENNSYLVANIA CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR Josh Shapiro is (in case the name didn’t tip you off) a really big Jew. Indeed, had he been taken on the eighth day to the Temple to be circumcised by his uncle the Hight Priest, he couldn’t be more of a Jew. Shapiro attended high…
An Experience with the VFW
The graphic, like the mentality, is childish and naïve. by William White Williams
National Alliance Chairman RECENTLY, I RAN INTO a fellow outside our Mountain City, Tennessee, post office. He had a De Oppresso Liber — Latin, roughly: To Free the Oppressed — motto license plate on the…
National Alliance Chairman RECENTLY, I RAN INTO a fellow outside our Mountain City, Tennessee, post office. He had a De Oppresso Liber — Latin, roughly: To Free the Oppressed — motto license plate on the…
Conservatism 101: Less than Worthless
by John Massaro WHETHER IN GOVERNMENT OR media, conservatives just react to the leading news stories each day, sounding off within their prescribed boundaries. Step over the line and you’re sent packing, as Joe Sobran, who wrote a column for National Review under the withering eye of conservative…
Conservatism 101: A Rogue’s Gallery of Fakes
by John Massaro
(book excerpt, 2020) DONALD TRUMP WAS ELECTED president with the overwhelming support of the White working class and a solid chunk of the White middle class — conservatism USA. He appealed to the hopes and dreams of so many frustrated people in this country who for so long have yearned…
(book excerpt, 2020) DONALD TRUMP WAS ELECTED president with the overwhelming support of the White working class and a solid chunk of the White middle class — conservatism USA. He appealed to the hopes and dreams of so many frustrated people in this country who for so long have yearned…