Southern Border Brouhaha
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 27 January, 2024
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THERE IS ANGER in America over the rising mass influx of non-White invaders on our southern border. The anger is real, but the “two-party system”’s reactions to it are not. “Conservative” organizations strike a pose as “raising the alarm” over “Biden’s mishandling of our border security,” while Alzy Joe himself, for his part, recently admitted outright in a television interview that “the border is insecure.” He then hastily added that he’s “been saying that for ten years,” but he “needs more money” to make things “secure” again.
Of course everyone knows nothing delights the gang that controls old Joe more than 40 million more Brown invaders, and so everyone also knows that all Joe’s blather about “security” is just hogwash for the rubes who still watch, and take seriously, the controlled media’s TV news. The Democratic Party’s essential strategy is serving itself by bringing in as many non-Whites as possible, legal or illegal, to swell the ranks of their constituency and get more votes; and serving its Jewish donors by weakening White Americans, encouraging White racial genocide and suicide through racial replacement and racial mixing, turning America into even more of mass of a morons than it is already, and thereby cementing Jewish rule over America. Rebellion against Jewish power by Europeans and European-descended peoples has been a problem for Jews for at least 2,000 years. Rebellion against tyrants is always more likely when your nation consists of a united people with shared values, history, and heritage than when your country consists of a divided multiracial, multicultural, squabbling mass. So the Jews who call the shots for the Democrats want as many non-Whites as possible, the laws — and all the murders, rapes, reduced quality of life, demographic doom, etc. caused by the influx — be damned.
The Republicans and conservatives make a lot of noise as they oppose the Democrats’ open borders policy. But their shrill outrage over Biden’s border failure is largely fake, and their “battle” against open borders, which they have consistently lost for more than half a century now, is mainly an act, even if a very few of them are exceptions to that rule. Even those conservative Republicans with sound gut instincts on the browning of America, and who’d really prefer to stop it, are helpless. They are bound to be ineffective because 1) their party is nearly as dominated by Jewish mega-donors as the Democrats are, and those donors want the browning to continue and actively prevent anything from stopping it; 2) the Republicans also are dependent on business support, and business interests want the cheap labor and dumb consumers that non-White immigrants supply — nothing, and especially not anything so “extreme” and “disreputable” as White racial survival, is more important than profits to these capitalist types, and furthermore they well know that the Jewish-run media can destroy their businesses, built up over generations, in a weekend if they oppose the Jews’ multiracial agenda too effectively or tell too much of the truth; 3) most Republicans and conservatives are undone and made totally ineffective by their Christian religion; and their churches, almost without exception, teach them that to oppose racial mixing and racial replacement of Whites is “sinful,” and to oppose Jewish interests — to oppose the interests of “God’s Chosen People” — is the greatest sin of all; and 4) the conservative tendency to disparage the unity of racial kinship (the kinship that is actually the essence of nationhood), and to instead define themselves by non-existent abstract “principles” like the non-aggression principle, or the rules of “free market capitalism,” or constitutional limits on government power, makes them pathetically helpless before an enemy united by blood, and hamstrings them and prevents them from doing what’s best for their people, which in many cases might mean using all available force against invaders, enemies, deceivers, and traitors, even if that means engaging in “aggression” that would make libertarians faint — or building necessary social unity and social institutions that some might say constitutes wicked, wicked “socialism” or even more wicked “racism” …or the ultimate “wickedness,” National Socialism. Such prissy milquetoasts cannot last long upon this merciless Earth, and won’t.
Conservative outlet JustFacts Daily reported yesterday on their major concern about the border situation:
Average annual illegal border crossing deaths have been markedly higher during the presidency of Joe Biden than any other president for as far back as recorded. During the presidency of George W. Bush, an average of 382 people per year died while illegally crossing the border. Under Obama, this figure was about the same at 372. Under Trump, deaths were significantly lower at 282. During Biden’s first two fiscal years in office, there were an average of 707 such deaths per year, or 2.5 times the rate under Trump. Unlike previous presidents, Biden’s appointees haven’t published these data, but U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB) personnel have leaked the figures to the press. Contrary to a federal law that requires CPB to record all border crossing deaths, the Biden administration stopped doing this in 2023 for cases where the federal government isn’t the first entity to discover the dead bodies.
So that’s why we should oppose open borders! — because too many precious Brown and Black lives are being lost! Good thing that “JustFacts Daily” and conservatives generally have their priorities straight. Let’s not mention the fact that entire US cities have been lost to us, with vast regions now “no go” areas for Whites who want to stay alive. Let’s not say a thing about the rapes and sexual slavery inflicted upon White women and children. Let’s keep silent about the depression and suicide epidemic among Whites and especially young Whites, dispossessed and ruined in the land that should have been theirs. It’s the invaders we should be concerned about!
Just who is JustFacts Daily? It’s one of many recently-minted Republican/conservative/civic-nationalist outlets that seem to sprout like mushrooms these days to keep White Americans “thinking correctly” about the issues that concern them. It takes allies and money to create and run such active and far-reaching operations, so likely large financial donors are behind them. We know where most of the money for Conservatism, Inc. and the Republicans comes from — and, even if it doesn’t come directly from Jews, such organs must toe the Jewish line or be expelled from the conservative mainstream.
JustFacts is nominally run by James D. Agresti, a White man who is a Bible-believing Christian with an academic and engineering background, and who says in his online biographical note that part of his lifestyle includes finding “a way to relate most things to Seinfeld.”
JustFacts Daily also makes sure that their conservative anti-open-borders readers get the proper multiracialist message: In numerous places on their pages, they feature a picture of a darkish female Negro holding a smartphone with the legend “Stay ahead of the spin, enter your email to receive new research.” No White racial loyalty here, sir!
I am sure that you can predict just how successful such “opposition” to open borders is going to be. Here’s the key: They really aren’t opponents of the browning of America at all — they just want, they say, fewer terrorists and drug kingpins and the like. More Brown and Black people are just fine and dandy as far as they’re concerned. They proudly point to the racially mixed couples in their churches, and to Uncle Webster who married that nice Filipina, have you seen her recipe for arsenic pancakes? Conservatives essentially embrace and promote a Third World future for America, though they say that it should all be done more legally and carefully and constitutionally than at present — but it should be done.
Some opposition!
It’s actually nothing of the kind. It’s actually just another branch of the same anti-White operation — and at its root controlled by the same Jewish power structure.
Meanwhile, Jewish organizations and media are working day and night to further the racial destruction of White America and other White nations even beyond what their bought and paid for governments can do on their own.
Adolf Hitler divined the real intentions of the Jews in bringing non-Whites into White countries almost 100 years ago — it has nothing to do with “kindness” or “humanitarianism” — when he wrote in 1925:
With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated White race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master. For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone. And so he tries systematically to lower the racial level by continuous poisoning of individuals.
There is honesty. There is truth. There is uncorrupted truth. Only on such a basis can we prevail — or even survive.
But where is realism and uncorrupted truth to be found today? Not in the Jewish-run media. Not in the hyper-corrupted churches. Not in the Republican Party or Conservatism, Inc. As I said on this program some years ago:
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We tell you, in the strongest possible terms… even ending “illegal immigration” forever is not enough: 1) The non-White invasion must be reversed, not merely stopped — or we will be overwhelmed by their arrival in the maternity wards just as surely as by their arrival on our shores, with a meaningless difference of a few decades; and 2) we must openly speak of race, for the opposite of what conservatives say is true: This is about race.
Pretending that this is merely about legality — Talmudic quibbling over what the spots of ink on paper say — is setting ourselves up for total defeat, and defeat in the very near future, too. Soon there will be no more White majority to elect even a figurehead like Trump, to say nothing of a Congress capable of acting in the interests of our race — we lost that long ago. So inevitably this mass non-White invasion is going to be legalized. Even Trump [has caved] on the issue…. And when it is legalized, what will you say? There will be no more “illegal immigration,” because the spots of ink will have been moved around on the papers in the “proper” way. The invasion will be legal. Does that make the death of our people any more right? Should it stop us from defending ourselves? Should it stop us from working to build the nation we and our children need, the nation that will be ours alone? When you ape the pretended “tough talk” of the conservatives — like “What part of illegal don’t you understand?” — you are setting your people up for inevitable defeat and death. This is all about race, and the National Alliance recognizes that fact. True leadership requires that we tell this truth, and tell it proudly.
The National Alliance is different. We say — we know — that we Whites are different. There is something special about us. There is something different about our genius and creativity that leads us to build a civilization that is unique — that only we can build. That we need. That our children need — and that our children’s children a hundred generations removed will need. And we know — deep down spiritually, we know — that we must survive, or all the sacrifices of our ancestors will have been in vain. We must survive because our special kind of intelligence and creativity can and will, so long as we exist, move ever higher, toward God, and never lower, toward the mud of universal “equality” and degradation.
Our ancestors knew these things without saying them. But now the time has come when we must say them. And act upon them.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
“A gathering of … [conservatives] gather…”
Perhaps a downloading Grammarly for Dummies 88.0 might help?
Thanks for pointing out my typographical error! It has been corrected. Insults ignored.
Hmm, an aspiring grammar Nazi? Lol. My only nitpick about the show- both text and audio – was the use of “God”, rather than perhaps “the Creator “, which would be in keeping with the verbiage of the Cosmotheist book, as distinguished by the Abrahamic spook in the sky that so many of the White people in one particular ever-browning city in the Bible Belt worship. (that withstanding, I am aware that one can be a member or supporter of the National Alliance without necessarily being a member of the Cosmotheist Church, and vice-versa). Last trip into the town, dense with churches, albeit still majority White, I noticed more and more Mexican businesses and brown faces trickling in. I walked past a sign asking, “Are you ready to be saved?”,… Read more »
Texas and the GOP unanimously co-signed everything biden and the jews wanted for 3 years straight. If they had any problem with open borders, or injecting pfizer vaccines in 3 month olds, or pushing transgender stuff on first graders in Florida, all that money for jewish wars in Ukraine was the best leverage they had to force any compromise. They DELIBERATELY, waited until an election year to stage a media stunt out of it. But its such a callous and dull attempt at manipulation, that it would be insulting ourselves to reward them for it. We cant control the national borders, we have no national level representation. Its not the GOP, they’ll just start more jewish wars around the world, AND open up the borders to do the jobs they… Read more »
You talk about “we” in regards to many things, Bob88. Fun fact: the only “we” here is the National Alliance, the owner of National Vanguard online magazine. Are you one of our members? If so, you would know the program of the National Alliance that you’ve joined us to accomplish.
However, I suspect you’re referring to some other organized “we” of which you’re a part. Please explain who you’re talking about, thanks.
Jim, you are correct to tell Bob88 that he is not familiar with our Alliance’s strategy of community-building — then to provide the link for him and others to discover that plan.
Bob88 proposes: The only option we can attempt to achieve, is a state level territory…
Which U.S. state does he propose will be the model for White separation? Will that state include “whites” who are Jews, of mixed race, or who have non-White dependents? Alcoholics, drug addicts, porn addicts, LGBT freaks, or hopeless Christian Zionists? If so, how will that work out? None of those “whites” are eligible for Alliance membership. Our members like it that way.
Thanks, Will. Bob88 understands our need as Whites to come together and organize towards our race’s survival, and this puts him ahead of most. Whether or not he chooses to act to offer a part of his time, talents, and other strengths to our whole remains to be seen. Many can talk the talk, but aren’t willing to walk the walk — yet. Perhaps Bob88 will soon show us how to make his actions match his words.