American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Reaching Out: An Interview with Kevin Alfred Strom

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 December, 2021

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ON TODAY’S program, I’m presenting the interview I did on the Patrick “Dino” Ryan Show a few days ago — it was Mr. Ryan’s second anniversary program since he broke away from his job hosting programs on the controlled media. Patrick has been a regular talk show host, sports commentator, and guest on SiriusXM Radio, Fox News, Fox Sports, Sean Hannity, Bill Hemmer, Imus in the Morning, and other major outlets. But, becoming concerned about the anti-White and anti-free-speech attitudes prevalent in his field, he quit the mainstream media, set up a new studio facility in Wyoming, and now broadcasts independently. I was grateful when he asked me to come on this special show, and I hope we can do it again. Here’s our interview; listen.

Here are some of the topics we covered in the show:

  • National Vanguard, as the online magazine of the National Alliance, has roots that go back all the way to 1970 as a print publication, and has been online since 2003.
  • The National Alliance — — is the leading organization for White people in North America.
  • Having a passionate belief in the National Alliance program to save our people gives me the will and the strength to overcome any difficulties I might encounter in my tasks.
  • Wikipedia’s entries for National Vanguard and the National Alliance are not only full of malicious lies, but they are also full of incompetent and ridiculous mistakes. They absolutely cannot be relied on to get even the most basic facts correct.
  • It’s an honor to be on the SPLC’s “hit list” of alleged “haters.” When a known liar calls you “evil,” well…
  • The National Alliance is not one of these groups whose primary or only presence is online, but is building a real-world community of White Americans determined to secure a future for our people.
  • The “dinosaur” media, also called the mainstream media, are essentially an information cartel run by and for Jewish interests and hostile to the interests of White people.
  • Having our own media means that, when the National Alliance is slandered by NBC News or other Jewish-run outlets, we can refute their slanders point-by-point as National Alliance Chairman William White Williams recently did.
  • There is a move — by millions of White Americans — to switch to alternative media, like ours, and away from the Jewish-controlled media.
  • One proof that the Jewish power structure knows the foregoing fact — and that they know that we are right about their lies and criminality — is their efforts to stifle independent voices.
  • Is serving the System that is killing us really the best use of your life? If not, why not arrange things so that you can serve a higher purpose, such as the cause of William Pierce and the Alliance?
  • and much more!

This program has been edited for broadcast. Thanks for listening and I’ll see you next time — right here on American Dissident Voices.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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Josef Tone
Josef Tone
25 December, 2021 10:53 pm

I don’t know that I have ever heard of a full career-mainstreamer break ranks such as this. Very interesting.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Josef Tone
26 December, 2021 10:24 pm

Josef Tone: I don’t know that I have ever heard of a full career-mainstreamer break ranks such as this.. — . “Such as this?” Ryan certainly has not fully broken ranks with mainstream media. It’s more likely that he was booted from their ranks. He strikes me as an incorrigible self-promoter, more a motormouth shock jock who enjoys being seen as controversial. Just because Kevin MacDonald, David Duke, and even Kevin Strom will appear on his show as controversial guests doesn’t give him any serious legitimacy as a spokesman for White America. I found Mr. Ryan’s site: In looking on his site for the show he did with Kevin all I could find was this: PATRICK RYAN OPENS UP THE SHOW TALKING ABOUT A BUNCH OF THINGS ON WEDNESDAY,… Read more »

26 December, 2021 4:19 am

Great job, Kevin. You didn’t get much time on the Patrick “Dino” Ryan show, but packed good quality content into every second given. It’s hoped you are given the opportunity to reappear there and bring our URLs and truths about race, the Jewed Media, and our White communities to a broader audience of serious and sincere Whites.

L.B. Blakeney
L.B. Blakeney
26 December, 2021 8:40 am

Great broadcast, gentlemen! I wasn’t familiar with Patrick Ryan and his show. If I try to use the radio when I drive, all I get is static, endless ad blocks, the same trite music that’s been playing all my life, rap, techno, pop, and coming in loud and crystal clear is the Mexican stuff. You sound very articulate and eloquent, KAS, not just when you’re leading a podcast, but just as well as a guest on someone else’s show. I am heartened that Mr. Ryan was eager to have you on his show. I also had no idea that the both of you were previously employed by jew establishment radio, even though in different capacities. This is good exposure for the National Alliance, because maybe Patrick Ryan’s listeners might not… Read more »