Mastering Media: American Dissident Voices 24th Anniversary
American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 26, 2015
by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured in the first ADV studio, The Land, December 1991)
TODAY is the 24th anniversary of this radio program. To celebrate its founding, I am presenting a speech from 1984 that was the precursor to American Dissident Voices.
In 1984 I was a 28-year-old broadcast engineer. I’d been working with Dr. William Pierce, the founder of the Alliance, for two years. I had designed and installed a security system for the National Office; I had compiled, edited, and published a book, The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard; and I was in the process of adding audio recordings to our then-fledgling bookselling operation.
It was nearing the Labor Day weekend, the date we’d scheduled for the Alliance’s Seventh General Convention. Dr. Pierce asked me to think about how the Alliance could utilize media more effectively to spread our message, and then to present my ideas as a speech at the convention.
I had never spoken in public before. I can’t even describe to you how nervous that made me, but I wasn’t about to let Dr. Pierce down: The mission of the Alliance was my life’s mission now. I said yes, and this speech is the result. Seven years later, the ideas that were born that Summer day came to fruition, and American Dissident Voices was founded.
So let’s go back in time to late Summer, 1984, join that National Alliance meeting, and listen to “Mastering Media.”
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I’M EXTRAORDINARILY proud to be speaking before this convention of the National Alliance.
Let me introduce you to a typical White American family, circa the 1950s: Tom and Betty Jones live in Kansas City, where Tom works for the local Buick agency and Betty is a schoolteacher. They have three young children: Mike, Susan, and Dumont.
Dumont is the newest addition to the Jones family, and he is no normal child. Dumont is a deluxe 15-inch diagonally measured 18-tube all-channel TV with automatic fine tuning and dual-speaker hi-fi sound. Though the proud parents lavish more attention upon Dumont than upon Mike and Susan combined, the children aren’t jealous at all. Every member of the family is unanimously in love with the glowing box. When Susan came down with tonsillitis, her main complaint was that she had to miss all her favorite shows. And when Mike behaved particularly badly one day, he received the ultimate punishment: no TV tonight.
How boring Tom and Betty’s life must have been before television — before they could laugh with Milton Berle, ride the range with Matt Dillon, and understand world events with Edward R. Murrow and John Cameron Swayze. Now every night and many a weekend at the Jones home begins with a cheerily anticipatory warm-up hum and ends with a lonesome disappearing dot. And between those two events, the highest-paid behavior modification men in the world go to work on the Joneses.
Leaving politics aside, I might add that Tom drinks the beer drunk by all men who realize that “you only go around once in life”; Betty uses the detergent that puts a giant in your washing machine; Mike and Susan drink the soft drink with the mystical phrase “You like it — It likes you” printed on every bottle; and Tom smokes the cigarette for the Man Who Thinks for Himself. Well, it isn’t so much that these ad campaigns make any sense. (Even today, when the dancing mulattos sing “Coke is it,” does anybody know what they’re talking about?) It’s just that the products are on television — and are therefore “real.”
Tom and Betty didn’t know it, but there is something profoundly, perhaps fatally, sick about a society in which the most powerful medium for communication and education is largely devoted to the endless repetition of inane slogans promoting mindless consumerism as the ultimate reality. This ultimate reality, this electronic reality, is often more real to us than our own surroundings. The average American has long had a certain respect for anything he sees in print. In the old canard, the bumpkin says “They couldn’t print it if it wasn’t so.” Today’s global village bumpkin knows it’s so. He saw it last night on television. And more importantly, he knows what isn’t so: He hasn’t seen it on television.
The media experience is, to be sure, a powerful and intoxicating one. One can travel to the corners of the Earth, witness awesome athletic feats, watch historic military clashes, and be continually surrounded by the latest and hippest entertainers, musicians, comedians, and professional talkers, all from the contoured comfort of a La-Z-Boy recliner with an endless supply of beer and potato chips within easy reach. It’s just so easy. It’s no wonder that Americans have bought the TV lifestyle — and the not-so-subtly injected Jewish TV philosophy lock, stock, and barrel. It so easy to become, as one avowedly pro-TV organization calls its members, “couch potatoes.” So easy. And so deadly.
Let’s visit the Joneses again in the 1980s. Tom sells Toyotas now. Betty has retired from her teaching job and works twice a week at the YWCA counseling young Blacks in an unemployment workshop. They’re very proud of the fact that they’ve sponsored a Nigerian boy and two Laotian girls as part of their membership in World Vision International, which they watch faithfully every week. They had wanted more children themselves, but Steve Allen and Sally Struthers convinced them that the sponsorship route was better.
Young Mike combined his interests in rock music and photography and is now one of the official photographers for the Michael Jackson Victory Tour. (It never occurs to him, of course, to ask “Victory over what?”) His parents are proud as can be.
Their daughter Susan married well, or married into prosperity as they say. Her husband is Daniel Liebowitz. He’s the top writer for one of the best New York ad agencies. He makes over $60,000 a year and he’s best known for his singing toilet paper commercials.
The Joneses haven’t had much to say to their neighbors for these past few years. They just don’t know them too well anymore. The funny thing is, they really don’t have much to say to each other either. It goes without saying that they have about as much racial consciousness as Phil Donahue.
It’s very sad.
I think the facts that explain the plight of the Joneses and the millions of more or less TV-burned families in media-dominated America include, firstly, that we only have so much room in our minds for current reality information — and our modern media flood us, overload us, with such an avalanche that our own experiences, our own thoughts, and what truth might be out there can be crowded out of our consciousness. For example, the “Holocaust” is real: It is the subject of ceaseless wailing, howling, and docudramas. The mulattofication and mestizification of our own women, our own blood, that you can see a hundred times a day on these streets, is not real. By not reporting it — by its absence from the overwhelming din of news glaring and blaring from every screen and speaker in the land — the Jews have turned the impending death of our race into a non-event. It’s not happening.
Secondly, I believe that there’s only so much room in our hearts for primary human experience. The more precious minutes of our short lives we spend in communion with the deodorant pitchmen, the fewer we have to spend with our families and with those whom we truly love. A generation has grown up in an environment in which if the family is together, they are listening not to one another, but to the Jew on the tube. You cannot let Don Rickles into your heart without crowding something else out.
It’s a grim picture.
But a question we must ask ourselves is: Are the electronic media — and by that term I mean television with all its component parts, the cinema, the radio, recorded music, et cetera — are they irredeemably flawed and are they destructive in and of themselves?
To gain a better picture of what these ubiquitous media really are, and to whom they really belong, let us go back to their origins. Throughout the 19th Century, scientists in several European countries experimented with electromagnetic waves, which appeared to travel easily through space or through the theoretical “aether.” Michael Faraday — James Clerk Maxwell — and Oliver Lodge were among the best-known names among the men who laid down the foundation of theory upon which others expanded into the practical application of sending messages through the air.
Guglielmo Marconi, then a very young man, read of these experiments in 1894, and soon after began experimenting with wireless communication. By 1896, he was able to send a Morse Code message over a distance of two miles. He left his native Italy for Britain in search of both scientific and financial assistance, and with the aid of the Crown and a group of British investors established the Marconi Wireless Company, which in 1897 and 1898 installed radio communications equipment on several ships of the British Navy. All of this, of course, was strictly point-to-point, two-way communication in Morse Code.
Around the same time, a Canadian, by the name of Reginald Aubrey Fessenden made a proposal to the US Department of Agriculture that he would find and develop a method of transmitting weather information by wireless. Fessenden had worked at the Edison Laboratories and had been professor of electrical engineering at Western University. One of his ideas was to find a way to transmit a human voice over the air. At the time, a knowledge of Morse Code was required to use the wireless. Voice transmission would make it usable for all. His first short-range experiments in 1901 proved successful, and so with the backing of Pittsburgh financiers and with technical assistance from Swedish-born scientist Ernst Alexanderson, he formed the National Electrical Signaling Company.
On Christmas Eve, 1906, Fessenden shocked radiotelegraph operators on ships and at coastal stations across the nation. As they pressed their earphones closer to their heads in amazement and astonishment, instead of the usual dits and dahs emanating from their headsets came a faint human voice — Fessenden’s voice — wishing them a Merry Christmas, followed by a brief explanation of his sending station and then the strains of Greensleeves played by Fessenden himself on his violin on that Winter night. A second broadcast conducted on New Year’s Eve at the dawn of 1907 was picked up by United Fruit Company ships in the West Indies. The Fessenden experiments were an unqualified success.
Lee De Forest, an American who in 1899 wrote a PhD dissertation at Yale on Hertzian waves, had also experimented on his own with several wireless devices. In 1902 De Forest formed, with several well-to-do friends, the De Forest Wireless Telegraph Company. Like other experimenters at that time, De Forest, who would later invent the first amplifying vacuum tube, was still thinking of wireless as a means of communication — a radio telephone. For the moment, however, his equipment had to be tested, and for that purpose he installed receivers at several locations and at the transmitter obtained some phonograph records and a player and sent music over the air. This broadcast — and the term “broadcast” means that the signal was sent to whomever could receive it and not to some specific person — was the first by De Forest, and it took place in 1917. De Forest himself, who died in 1961, later conceded he did not realize the importance of his accomplishment at the time.
The point of my telling you all this is to give you a taste of the romance and the excitement these White scientists and experimenters much have experienced in their journeys into the unknown — and to make it clear just who created this technology. As with nearly every other advance in Man’s upward struggle, the electronic media are at their root a consequence of European Man’s Faustian urge to discover and to know and to master — and of the genius and the will and the labor of the individual White men who gave birth to this technology. In a very real sense, it belongs to us — this electronic extension of Man’s ability to speak; this hardware that extends Man’s senses a millionfold; this collective ethereal supercortex that surrounds the world and binds men together; and which, just maybe, is an early step towards conscious direction of our own evolution. This power is by all rights ours, for we created it.
It is true, of course, the creative work having been largely accomplished by the end of the 1920s, that the money-men and the monopolists, many of them Jews, moved into broadcasting as they had moved into Hollywood many years earlier. And it’s a very telling fact that for virtually all of their existence, the three largest radio and television networks — NBC, CBS, and ABC — have been headed by Jews. The names are familiar to you: Sarnoff, Paley, Goldenson. The litany of Jewish names in positions of control of our media environment does not need to be reiterated here. Suffice it to say that it is a litany of pain and despair, of unending misfortune and eternal regret — a litany of the executioners of White America.
White Americans allowed their attitudes to be molded, their spirits deformed, and their minds stunted by the alien persuaders. And what else, really, did we expect? The mass of people are very adaptable and easily swayed. They will often come to like, or believe they like, whatever is put in front of them. Can one imagine a healthy 13-year-old girl in a White environment swooning for a loathsome mulatto like “Prince” — without having been subjected to an intense media campaign beforehand? The Jews understand this very well.
Not all of us are leaders. For a race to survive, more followers must be born than leaders. And so the actions of the masses are determined by the attitudes engendered in them by others and by their surroundings. This is natural. But in a healthy society those “others” would be the best men — the natural leaders — of the race. It is my contention that the nucleus of this class of leaders is sitting in this room at this very moment. And it is also my contention that the new media are far, far from being detrimental to our race in the long run. Rather, they represent our greatest opportunity, an opportunity for us to reach more and more of our brothers and sisters with our message, and to tear off their blindfolds as they stand on the narrow ledge between a pinnacle and an abyss.
It is up to us to act, so this historic opportunity is not lost.
How many of you have seen Jim Bakker, the television evangelist? Now he may be loathsome and abhorrent, but let us give credit where credit is due. He’s one of the most powerful and influential men in the religion business. He heads a multimillion-dollar empire of real estate, radio, and television. And the man started out with a couple of reel-to-reel tape recorders. We can do it too.
The advent of home video and local access cable channels in cities and towns across the country represent a small but discernible chink in the walls of Jewish censorship which enclose the minds of our people today. At first it may be through such means that the Alliance message is spread, but as our skills and capabilities increase, as the available technology becomes more powerful, as our message brings others to join hands with us, there really will be no limit to what we can do. Admittedly, we are just starting down this road. We’re just beginning to expand into new media. But that’s okay. After all, if we were handed the control of television in this country on a silver platter at this moment, I don’t know how well we’d be able to handle it. Our growth into these roles will progress in a natural evolutionary manner.
Witness the first step, a step that’s already been taken in this growth, the first step into new media for the Alliance — we just experienced it: the establishment of a body of Alliance music by several very gifted Alliance members. Those who have heard and joined in in the singing of such songs as “Race of Beauty,” “Whites Unite,” “White Men Rise,” and the other Alliance songs have felt a sense of community — a sense of belonging — and a sense of our sacred mission on this lonely little planet of ours — that mere prose cannot convey. Tonight, at our film presentation, you will see a second important step in our mastery of new media, as well as a look into the past to see an inspiring example of what can be done.
It has occurred to me that the religious are undoubtedly right when they claim that even the greatest human achievements are empty and void of meaning unless seen in the larger sense of a cosmic purpose, an eternal whole. And, I think, the skeptics are also right when they claim that any meaning we find in this existence will be the meaning we create by the agencies of our will and our power. We of the National Alliance have a mission of eternal significance. If our race is to overcome the extinction our enemies have planned for it, we must have the will to expel the Jew from that holiest of holy places: the mind and soul of White humanity. And we must replace his filthy lies with the certainty that while our hearts beat, we shall never relent, we shall never pause, we shall never hesitate in our pursuit of the vision expressed so well in “Race of Beauty”:
Deeds and thoughts of all the past
Perish not while thou dost last
Greater men and glories still
Shall thy endless future fill
To which I can only add “amen.”
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This week we are offering a collection of the very best of Dr. William Pierce’s speeches and radio addresses, entitled William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Volume 1. This MP3-CD collection includes over eight hours of the most powerful and moving words you are likely to hear in your lifetime. To receive your copy of William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Volume 1, simply visit or send $16 each (or $50 for five copies) to National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Once again, that’s $16 for one (or $50 for five copies) to Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to never give up.
ON MATTERS OF RESONANCE I see no easy solution to our problems as a people. I do see a great future but the road leading to that future will be paved with blood and bone, sweat and tears and great personal loss for all white people. Many white people will die to ensure a future for the white race. And it is here that I draw an analogy between the plight of the white race and a physical phenomenon called resonance. Resonance is a physical phenomenon well-known to radio frequency enthusiasts. It is the basis of radio frequency tuned circuits and the oscillators used to tune the circuits. Resonance has also occurred in structural engineering but with devastating consequences. Some of you might recall the story of the Tacoma Narrows… Read more »
Nice analogy of the resonance of the bridge vs. the wind. Change is certainly in the air, but I think it will come in DNA manipulation. The new CRISPr technology looks to be a real game changer.