
Russian Government Adds NV to Block List

by Rosemary W. Pennington

AN EMAIL WAS JUST sent from Russia’s official “Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR)” to National Vanguard, declaring that an article we published in early 2020, “National Socialism — The Struggle for a Higher Cause” (by Sebastian Elofsson of the Nordic Resistance Movement) “contains forbidden content.” Exactly what the forbidden content is was not explained, but generally truth-telling about the virtues of National Socialism and its role in Germany and World War 2 is not legally allowed in Putin’s Russia.

The full text of the email is as follows (you will note that it claims that there was a prior email, triggering this one since “within one day the information was not deleted,” but in fact no prior email was received):

Subject: Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR)
Message Body: Hello, We should inform you that the URL contains forbidden content. You have been sent a notice from mailbox and within one day the information was not deleted. According to the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 № 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technology and Information Security” ( and the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on October 26, 2012 № 1101 ( this IP address and URL will be included to the “Unified register of domain names, Internet web-site page links and network addresses enabling to identify the Internet web-sites containing the information prohibited for public distribution in the Russian Federation” and will be blocked by communication operators on the territory of the Russian Federation. Please inform us about the removal of information in the shortest time possible. Thank you for your cooperation!

— Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR).

The IP address from which this communication was sent traces back to Russia’s “Federal Unitary State Enterprise General Radio Frequency Centre” in Moscow, so it is likely to be what it claims to be.

National Alliance Media Director Kevin Alfred Strom, when told about the Russian state demand, stated that “National Vanguard has no intention of removing, censoring, or in any way altering the content in question.”

He also added, “It is regrettable that Russia, which claims to be an alternative society to the degenerate West, should embrace the Jewish/”Western” narrative about National Socialism and World War 2. National Socialism, as has been stated many times, is simply the application of the laws of Nature to human society. It is not evil. It is good. Along with William Pierce’s masterful elaboration and extension of it in Cosmotheism, it is the essence of morality. The race that Russians, Germans, European-Americans, and all Europeans share can only survive if we abandon the immoral systems based on Jewish creations such as Abrahamic religions, Communism or neo-Communism, individualism, fractional reserve banking, and unbridled finance capitalism. National Socialism, and the superhuman sacrifices of its adherents, point the way forward for our race. In the words of Sebastian Elofsson, the author of the ‘forbidden’ article, our blood is holy.”

* * *

Source: Author

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1 December, 2023 5:49 am

Not only in Russia! At least they had the courtesy of giving you a warning.

Here in USA, our own landlord and internet provider has NV “blocked” within their network with the excuse that the site couldn’t be “verified”, whatever that means.

People never get a chance to casually an alternative view of the world.

Art Thief
Art Thief
1 December, 2023 8:06 am

Given what Wolf Stoner has shared with us about the disposition of the Russian Federation to ethnic Russian nationalists, I can only say that I am surprised this took so long.
Hopefully our Russian brother can continue to access our publications, though distributing them will likely carry greatly increased risk. I hope he begins taking extra personal security measures.

Reply to  Art Thief
2 December, 2023 2:59 pm

As far as I know about Wolf Stoner, he is not easily pushed to whatever shit they would try to put him on. Also, he has some Lithuanian blood. I had suspicion about that when I first read his articles here and on the forum, since his mind from his articles was very similar to my own psyche (and I am 100% White, and also have Lithuanian psyche). I am not sure if people who are of non-Lithuanian, non-Russian origin can understand that. But Wolf Stoner did not show in his articles his Russian psyche, and probably other Russians do not see him as completely 100% Russian in reality (on this, I might be wrong). It is similar to White Russian one, but it is not completely the same. And… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Antanas
9 December, 2023 10:42 pm

Antanas: As far as I know about Wolf Stoner, he is not easily pushed to whatever shit they would try to put him on… Of course, security measures are necessary, since these shitheads from the Kremlin regime would try to definitely kill him. So people here should really appreciate the work that Wolf Stoner does for the White race. I know that in the US NV is blocked in lots of places (and this blocking completely violates the ICANN principles, and probably the US constitution)… In Russia, Wolf Stoner can be sent to Putin’s Gulag… So please appreciate the work that Wolf Stoner does. He is actually risking his own life for the work he does regarding the White race. And his work is really extraordinary. In the future, some… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Antanas
10 December, 2023 9:51 am

Thank you for kind words. Yes, now it will be a problem to access NV from Russia. It is possible only through VPN. I don’t participate now in open opposition activities against the government, therefore, there is no immediate risk. But, certainly, if I had published the same articles in Russian, I would have problems with security services. They closely monitor all Russian-language sources and suppress dissent. As far as I know there is no one case when Russian courts would sentence anyone for publishing something critical in English. So far, this dissent is relatively safe. But there is an obvious tendency of the system toward Stalinist style all-out persecution of all those who even quietly disagree. The Kremlin would be happy to eliminate such people but it has not… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
11 December, 2023 9:42 pm

Thank you for kind words. Yes, now it will be a problem to access NV from Russia. It is possible only through VPN… Because of NV blacklisting I will visit this site less frequently. Therefore, if you (or someone else) want to write to me something, please, do it through This site is freely available in Russia as yet… — We appreciate your weighing in on this development from Russia, Wolf, and hope you can make an occasional appearance here through VPN, whatever that is. Yes, WB is still available to you and your countrymen. If the Putinists block WB, so be it. They can’t shut you up here in the U.S. — your WB comment, here, on the most recent ADV about NA’s memorial to Robert McCorkill:… Read more »

1 December, 2023 2:39 pm

Surprised it took them this long. There has been an enormous uptick in the number of sites banned in Russia since they decided to invade Ukraine:

“The spokesperson noted that more than 100,000 websites were deleted or blocked in 2022 — up from 7,000 the previous year, 1,500 in 2020 and just “several hundred” in 2019.”

A top Russian official also recently spoke of the importance of ‘eradicating the ideas of neo-Nazism’:

23 December, 2023 5:19 pm

Like Denethor mentioned, the Censorship ‘Profile’ in Russia is weighted towards “Anti-Nah-Zee” more so than in the ‘west’, in spite of the lesser influence of (((them))) in Russia. No Matter how truthfully you Speak about National Socialism in Germany, Russians are just Allergic to it. Having seen (on Russian Sites) the reaction of average Russians to “German Tanks in the Ukraine” I rather doubt that any of them disagree with N-V or other sites like it being ‘Censored’.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Gryphon
23 December, 2023 6:47 pm

The anti-White zealotry prevails here in the U.S. as well, we White separatists are the spiritual and ideological descendants of the National Socialists and are seen by many in America as being unwanted as our White kinsmen in Russia are. It will not change unless we build our own institutions, especially media, to counter the hatred hammered into the brains of otherwise well-meaning Whites. This task begins with us, each and every one of us who are willing to take responsibility for our race’s future and seize what opportunities we have to build what revolutionary institutions we can to reach all our people wherever we are. Let’s not declare defeat by bemoaning the fact that too many Whites have been imbued with hate for their own race before we’re dead,… Read more »

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
7 January, 2024 7:22 pm

Kevin Alfred Strom spoke to Jan Lamprecht before. Both have good ideas about how the future will unfold for Whites.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Fashman88
7 January, 2024 11:59 pm

I’m sorry, Mr. Fashman88. Your point has nothing to do with what I wrote. Would you like to comment on lending a bit of your strength to that of ours to help us to make the future we in the National Alliance want to see unfold?

Reply to  Gryphon
18 March, 2024 1:27 am

We are just as heavily censored here.. if not more. From ‘content moderation’ to the FBI showing up at your house to intimidate you.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Tracy
18 March, 2024 12:51 pm

Whites have a common issue worldwide with anti-Whites in government seeking to intimidate us into silence, Tracy. The answer is counter them using what resources we do have. Building a loud voice with our own media (such as but not limited to what this National Alliance asset called National Vanguard brings) to inform other Whites wherever we are of their underhanded and occasionally illegal methods is one way. Another is for individual Whites worthy of our race to have a camera and record anyone trying to intimidate you, then share it with our media.

Join us, help us get stronger in the face of our adversaries.