England Must Love its Jews, part 3
by Douglas Mercer
NOT SINCE Louis-Ferdinand Celine ran like a madman through the Paris streets screaming at anyone who would listen, “Kill all the kikes!” have the stakes been higher. When he made his ranting dash even some weak-kneed National Socialists thought it was a bridge too far and had half a mind to put him in a straitjacket and place him securely in a rubber room. But who the madman really was is all too apparent by now; Celine knew that when the final battle arrived (it already had), no one ever died from becoming bereft of all human sentiment.
When it comes to the common run of so-called morality, if one is not skating on thin ice one is doing it wrong; that is, if you can make a National Socialist squeamish you have surely hit on the truth. Indeed, from hindsight, Celine’s signal intervention on that long ago day is enough to make a racist rhapsodist’s heart sing. For, in the face of what he perceived to be dangerous lassitude, he exposed what we as a people might call a simple rule: if you don’t f___ with us we don’t f___ with you; but if you f___ with us we’ll f___ with you until one of two thing happens: You stop f___ing with us or you’re dead. Because the time when love and pity and compassion could be our worldview has forever passed; now it’s aggression and hyper-violence. As the old saying goes, emerging victorious never killed anyone.
A host of politicians, historians and celebrities have called for a British Jewish History Month to celebrate the community amid rising antisemitism across the UK since October 7. Conservative backbencher Nickie Aiken will propose the absolutely inspired idea at a debate in Parliament. Names backing the plan include Maureen Lipman, Tracy-Ann Oberman, Churchill’s biographer Lord Andrew Roberts, Golders Green MP Mike Freer and Stephen Crabb MP, chairman of Conservative Friends of Israel.
A kike history month? Just a month? Ah, you are too modest, Jews. From your perspective, a month could never be sufficient to laud and extol your virtues, give rhapsodic odes to your past, lyrical elegies to your heroes, and chronicle the ups and downs and twists and turns and strange perambulations of your bitter sojourn on Earth. No, a month is much too paltry for such a people as the Jews; the tragic fate of those Yids on Masada is all by its lonesome good for a fortnight. And the Russian pogroms? — why, twenty days straight the bloody flag could be waved and the bitching and the whining could prevail. And don’t get me started on the marquee boondoggle that goes by name of “Shoah”; the Jews could rant and ramble on the subject day in and day out for centuries and they would not exhaust their font of screeching nonsense about made-up fables. But even the Jews, for all their gargantuan egos, know that they can’t ask for every day officially to be Jew Day; informally, it always will be, but on the calendars they need to be patient and accept only a piddling month. But they can take solace in the fact that the pile of maggots that comprises of actors, public officials, and historians with vastly inflated reputations will do their part by chiming in and demanding that they get the calendrical pound of flesh. They want the whole body, but will cover up their blood-stained fangs with their lips for the nonce, though — given their moral incontinence — you know it won’t be long before they bare them again.
Of the proposed month of Jewish history she added: “Let’s make sure it’s about what we’ve contributed to English life, in terms of for all people. I would support it in principle much more than building monuments because cities are full of monuments that you walk past, but education on our contribution to mainstream English life, political and social, entertainment and scholarship, that’s worth writing to. No minority has been so influential on British history in such a positive and fundamental way over the centuries as the Jews. It would also remind Britons that in the years when the Jews were expelled and banned, Britain languished, whereas when they returned, we thrived. What a marvelous way to celebrate the massive contribution to our national story.”
Safe to say this harridan is preaching an upside-down rendering of English history. The Jewish role in this history has been nothing but tragedy for White people; from usury and the impoverishment of the peasants to the fact that it was two filthy rich filthy Jews who floated the British government the cash to buy up all the slaves — thus setting up the pathway for White guilt and reparations; to the fact that it was the Jews who were the eggers-on and cause of the 1914 to 1945 White Civil War; to the corruption of morals and the flooding of England with dirty wogs and Erecti; the litany is legion and certainly hasn’t ended yet — and of course the notion that England languished without the Jews’ presence is a howler on a titanic scale. If you think that Shakespeare and Marlowe and the efflorescence of the Elizabethan era is “decline,” you probably think Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. Indeed, so bizarre and ludicrous is her notion that you realize yet again that only a Jew can lie so brazenly — they probably figuring that people nowadays are so stultifyingly stupid that they’ll believe anything.
Actress Tracy-Ann Oberman said antisemitism was rising and mainstream society would benefit from a greater awareness of the rich and varied history of British Jews. “It absolutely should be taught in schools,” she said. “Britain can use the Jewish community as a bellwether for much of its own history and intolerances.” London and Westminster MP Nickie Aiken, who came up with the proposal of a Jewish month said she took the idea from existing months devoted to black history, Islamophobia and gay pride. “The Jewish community is a minority in this country and we too often forget its contribution.”
Simone Schama expressed doubt about what he referred to as “this calendrical tokenism.” He wants to go whole-hog with a brand new building where Jews can, by turns, preen and pout and house a new museum dedicated to Jews, and also mandate education about the Jews in the schools. So, all Jews concur that their egotism should be taught in the schools (capture their brains when they are young!) — they just differ on whether a sacred Jews’ month would somehow or other imply that the other eleven should not be dominated by them as well. One way or another, the primal scene of October 7 certainly has the Jews fretting and frowning. And though it’s hard to believe (but true), they are ratcheting up their already mega-ratcheted-up demands that the entire state of England bow down and worship and promote them; after all, without them, what would England be? A wonderland or paradise?
“Particularly with events that have occurred in the Middle East and the rise of antisemitism that we have seen at unprecedented levels over recent months, we have to remind both Jews and non-Jews of the important contribution that the community has made over centuries. All forms of racism should be called out, and that includes antisemitism. But we also then need to remind ourselves of the contribution that British citizens within the Jewish faith have made to the benefit of us all. It’s about celebration. The Jewish community has always played a leading role across all sectors of society and made massive contributions to the wellbeing of this country,” she said. It’s time that we reminded ourselves of that.”
Something named Stephen Crabb, who somehow or other managed to pluck a spot in the British governing body, argued that a Jewish History Month would be an important focal point for “celebrating and promoting greater knowledge of the vital contribution of the Jewish community to the national life.” Which of course is like saying that head lice are good for the scalp, or that fecal matter is good for the drinking water, or blood-borne viruses are good for one’s health, or piranhas in the kiddie pool is solid pediatric care. It only shows that there is no dearth of shabbos goys in England eager and willing to become instrumental in the White man’s demise and to be hod- and water-carriers for the Jews. The Jews f___ with them and their reaction is to f___ with us, which is the opposite of good policy. But among the English “elite,” loving Jews is a national pastime and a permanent obsession; they know who keeps their lights on and who butters their bread; in fact they are just another version of those kings of old who sold out their people for a tawdry shekel or two, and let their blood kin go hang. But in the end we will remove them from the body of the people like a leg with gangrene, and we’ll find out once and for all if old England can once again flourish without the presence of plague-carrying rats.
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Source: Author
Excellent. Excellent!
Nobody on Earth does it better than Mr. Mercer when it comes to defining these verminous plague-rats…..and their pernicious presence in our lives.
live long Mr. Mercer.