CommentaryDavid SimsNews

UK: White Girls Victimized, but “It’s Not Racial”

by David Sims

ACCORDING TO THE BBC, ten men in Britain were charged earlier this year in connection with an investigation into child sexual exploitation.

The men, who are from Rochdale (Greater Manchester, England, UK), are accused of the sexual abuse of two teenage girls between 2003 and 2008.

Here is a list of the accused and the charges made against them. Notice that the names are Arabic or Pakistani names. All of them. (We know from the shocking prior Rochedale cases that the victims, with minuscule exceptions, are invariably White.)

Irfan Qurban, 43, of Innings Way, Rochdale charged with two counts of sexual activity with a girl.

Amjad Mahmood, 51, of Channing Street, Rochdale charged with committing seven counts of rape, two counts of gross indecency, five counts of sexual activity, two counts of assault by penetration, two counts of indecent assault — all against an underage girl — and two counts of causing or inciting an underage girl to engage in sexual activity; he has also been charged with two counts of trafficking people within the UK for sexual exploitation.

Gulnawaz Khan, 40, of North Street, Rochdale charged with inciting an underage girl to commit an act of gross indecency, two counts of rape of an underage girl and two counts of sexual activity with an underage girl.

Naveed Anwar, 38, of Colley Street, Rochdale charged with three counts of sexual activity with an underage girl.

Arshad Mohammed, 53, previously of the Milkstone and Deelish ward of Rochdale, charged with meeting an underage girl following sexual grooming, two counts of rape of an underage girl, sexual activity with an underage girl, assault of an underage girl by penetration and rape of a woman.

Sheraz Hussain, 39, of Cook Street, Rochdale charged with six counts of rape of an underage girl and six counts of sexual activity with an underage girl.

Mohammed Zahed, 36, of Midhurst Street, Rochdale charged with six counts of sexual activity with an underage girl.

Khalid Mahmood, 39, of Wardle Edge, Rochdale charged with rape of a woman and rape of an underage girl.

Mukhtar Hussain, 39, of Royal Street, Rochdale charged with two counts of gross indecency, six counts of rape, five counts of sexual activity and unlawful sexual intercourse — all with an underage girl.

Shakeel Ahmed, 40, of Spinners Green, Rochdale charged with three counts of rape of an underage girl and sexual activity with an underage girl.

[And remember, this is all according to the BBC — an anti-White, make-non-White-invaders-look-good institution if there ever was one; the same BBC that is closely interlocked with the corrupt UK authorities who covered up the rape and sexual slavery of thousands of White girls for decades. If they admit this much, the situation is actually much worse. Also take careful note of the fact that no mention is made of the anti-White nature of the crimes. Whites as Whites are simply not to be protected from non-White invaders raping and abusing and attacking them — no, that would be “racist.” Even mentioning the glaringly obvious anti-White nature of the crimes would be “racist.” But the slightest thought or word against a sacred Jew is “anti-Semitism” or “incitement” or “anti-Semitic hate speech” and often results in loss of employment and prison time. — Ed.]

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Source: Author

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James Blake Taylor
James Blake Taylor
28 July, 2023 2:08 pm

I have been writing MI5 about these rape gangs in the UK and have called for deportation of all non-whites. These Alien Foreign Invaders attacking our women is an outright declaration of war on our people. I know the Kings of England including Chieftain Widukind of the Saxons would have not put up with this evil. ZOG is a demon with seemingly omnipotent power.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  James Blake Taylor
28 July, 2023 8:40 pm

Has MI5 listened to your entreaties, Mr. Taylor? It appears not considering that the flooding of hostile non-Whites continues unabated, both here in America and in the UK, which doesn’t surprise me given their track record these past 60+ years. Since you’ve learned that if they won’t listen, then what? Do we, the Whites descended from chieftains and kings as you’ve cited must decide to separate ourselves from the evil, gather and organize among ourselves, and do what we can to save ourselves? I think you can agree that is exactly what we must do: join the National Alliance.

Reply to  James Blake Taylor
21 August, 2023 6:35 pm

ZOG is responsible for the evils perpetrated on the planet. Look at Hawaii right now. The Hawaiian Governor is a Jew.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Wht&Proud
22 August, 2023 10:25 am

The Jew governor’s house did not burn.
Neither did a large hotel nearby…owned
by Jews of course.