EssaysH. Millard

Great White Fathers, Great White Mothers: Butt Out

by H. Millard

TOO MANY WHITES HAVE, for too long, thought of Whites as the saviors — or Great White Mothers and Great White Fathers — of “all mankind,” and this false belief has harmed us in many ways. This attitude can lead to our extinction as a distinct type of human.

This false savior belief is wrapped up in the Christian beliefs that we “must go forth and proselytize” to all other humans and have them “become Christians.” But their internalized idea of “becoming Christian” is irrevocably entwined with the non-Whites becoming non-White on the outside but White on the inside and mimicking White values, White ways, White haircut styles, White lifestyles, White mores.

These “do-gooder” Whites are often held up to other Whites as wonderful, sacrificing people who go to jungles and Third Word nations to “help” the people there. However, what they are really doing, among other things, is trying to assimilate those peoples into a White, Western way of life. This is unspoken but is at the heart of their Christian faith.

This savior complex is perhaps most clearly seen in the apologies over the past few years by White US officials, White Canadian officials, and White Australian officials who all have tearfully apologized to the “native peoples” in their countries for past efforts by Whites to assimilate these native peoples into being essentially “non-White Whites.”

In America, we saw these Great White Mothers and Fathers take little American Indian kids and force them to get White-style haircuts, wear clothes cut in the White fashion, and go to White schools. In Canada and Australia, the Great White Mothers and Great White Fathers in those countries often took the native kids out of their own families and placed them in White families. They justified this by saying at the time that native parents and cultures were abusive — so the non-White children had to be rescued and fostered into White families.

Those Great-White-Mother and Great-White-Father policies were stupid policies back then and the modern versions of them are stupid now.

Whites need to get rid of their savior complexes and butt out of the business of all non-Whites. Let the non-Whites, in their own lands and cultures, live as they want and do as they want so long as they do not harm Whites. We must stop being the big buttinsky of this planet.

Interestingly, among Whites it is those of us who believe that we must leave other races alone and mind our own White business who are often called White supremacists, “White Nationalists, “racists,” and similar terms — when in fact what we are is White separatists who simply want all peoples to be able to live in their own lands with their own people and not have other races butt into their business.

Today, too many Whites in the US are still engaged in this buttinsky nonsense. We see this with missionaries of various Christian faiths still running around the planet with doe eyes butting into the business of non-Whites to try to convert them to our ways in the name of Christianity.

And we see the US government, with its military installations in many, many foreign nations also doing a similar thing. “Why, we’re there to help and protect the people in those nations,” is an oft-believed myth, whether expressed exactly that way or not.

We have to stop doing this. We Whites must stop trying to proselytize non-Whites and we must leave other peoples alone to practice their own ways — and we must mind our own White business.

Today, this Great White Mother and Great White Father — or Lord Jim or even Lawrence of Arabia — idea is contributing to our formerly all-White nations becoming “diverse” and mixed-race, and this is now causing increasing miscegenation by Whites and a lowering of the White birthrate.

We must change our mindset and start taking care of Whites only. Screw universalism. Follow particularism.

This is what other peoples do with great success. The Chinese, Japanese, Blacks, and you name it don’t care about other peoples and largely mind their own business — which is the correct way to live.

Live and let live and stop trying to “save” or convert non-Whites into being White, whether you call it “being Christian” or “embracing democracy.” Ultimately these ideas will result in Whites becoming non-White, as we Whites are a tiny minority on this planet — and it is the large that assimilates the tiny, not the other way round.

Today, the biggest danger to the continued existence of White people is the call for “diversity” in all White nations and the miscegenation that naturally occurs as a result. In time, there will be fewer and fewer truly White people, as miscegenation continues. This is genocide of Whites. It is our extinction. We must prevent this. And to prevent this, Whites must completely separate from all non-Whites and start minding our own pro-White business.

* * *

Source: Author

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Dr. Thorndyke Grabpeeny
Dr. Thorndyke Grabpeeny
21 July, 2023 9:07 am

My thought for quite a while, but Millard gave them foundation. Good to see him back. But please correct “polices” to “policies.”

“Those Great-White-Mother and Great-White-Father polices were stupid polices back then and the modern versions of them are stupid now.”

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Dr. Thorndyke Grabpeeny
21 July, 2023 9:10 am

Thanks for the correction!

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
21 July, 2023 9:13 am

...[A]mong Whites it is those of us who believe that we must leave other races alone and mind our own White business who are often called White supremacists, “White Nationalists, “racists,” and similar terms — when in fact what we are is White separatists… — Exactly. — Today, too many Whites in the US are still engaged in this buttinsky nonsense. We see this with missionaries of various Christian faiths still running around the planet with doe eyes butting into the business of non-Whites to try to convert them to our ways in the name of Christianity. — Our ways are biological, not Christian. At root Christian ways are Jewish. This Christian buttinsky syndrome reminds me of Rudyard Kipling’s White Man’s Burden, written 124 years ago when the White race… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
22 July, 2023 8:55 am

I had intended to emphasize what the non-White author of this article about Kipling’s poem had to say about its Christian influence, but it was too late to make the edit. So here that is.

…Kipling’s White Man’s Burden, written 124 years ago when the White race and British empire ruled the planet, discussed here by a non-White: “The White Man’s Burden”: White Supremacy and Christianity | Scoop News


Kipling reconstitutes the concept of white supremacy by focusing on the backwardness of dark races in politics, sociology, culture, religion, ethics, and values. His argument for white supremacy seems to be different from conventional disputations, but derives largely from Christian theology.

Paul Drake
Paul Drake
21 July, 2023 12:51 pm

The jews assiduously promote both diversity and race-mixing, two of the most powerful Weapons of White Destruction (WWD) in the jews’ arsenal, and they do so without the slightest hint of the inherent contradictions between the two – as only a soulless and duplicitous race of life forms masquerading as humans could pull off with a straight face. Consider: If diversity is our greatest strength, then race-mixing – which necessarily destroys diversity by blending the separate and distinct races into a single, catch-all group of amorphous, featureless, mud-colored hominids – must surely be our greatest weakness. Well, which one is it, jew? Of course, what the jews tirelessly strive to impose upon the goyim they vehemently oppose for themselves – which is all part of their multi-generational master plan unfolding… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Paul Drake
22 July, 2023 12:29 am

We’ll do more than awaken, let’s inspire others to help us with our plan.

Reply to  Paul Drake
25 July, 2023 8:36 pm

Nicely said.

Richard Wright
Richard Wright
3 August, 2023 11:12 pm

It’s not really “a White, Western way of life”, but, rather it is a culture based upon Jewish culture, history and values.

We’re not learning about Vercingetorix, Boudica, William Wallace or Cú Chulainn, but, rather, Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob, Esau and other Jewish sect heroes. Our whole identity is close to being fully erased; our beautifully diverse sub-species, those of the human family with white skin and immense diversity, will soon follow.

Reply to  Richard Wright
13 August, 2023 7:17 am

Richard is right.

We are not learning about our own heroes but the Jewish ones.

The mental sickness of Whites will never go away so long Christianity remains as its most prominent religion.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Jamie
13 August, 2023 11:54 am

It is unfortunate, but the mental and spiritual sickness among Whites has reached its terminal stage. There is good news: many healthier Whites still exist and have by instinct become drawn to what we in the National Alliance offer: a life-philosophy (some call it a religion, either is acceptable) that is explicitly for the survival of our race and a path towards achieving Higher Man and beyond. We call this Cosmotheism. Much is written about this topic, and you’re welcome to use our archives here on National Vanguard through the search function by simply entering in that word. Discussing Christianity and the fate that’s coming to it and of those who swallow that Kool-Aid is all well and fine, but our focus is on bringing about that which fit our… Read more »