CommentaryDavid SimsNews

Perverts Should Never Be Allowed to Adopt or Live With Children

by David Sims

DO YOU REMEMBER the story about the two homosexual men, William and Zachary Zulock, in Atlanta who raped their two adopted little boys and offered them as juvenile prostitutes to other “gays” in their neighborhood? You might have thought that lesbians wouldn’t be as nasty as those male queers were. But you’d be wrong!

A look into the news archives finds that a few years ago a lesbian couple, Rachel Jean Stevens, 29, and Kayla Ann Jones, 26, beat their 5-year-old son with a hammer, duct-taped his eyes shut, and kicked him in the groin until he bled there, in a brutal attack that caused him to suffer two strokes while he was in the hospital.

Nor was that the only such case. Another lesbian couple, Deborah Harrison, 37, and the girl’s stepmother Jennifer Harrison, 30, beat their daughter with hammer 34 times for eating food without their permission.

Crime Online reported:

Two Muskogee, Oklahoma, women beat a young boy so badly that he suffered two strokes while hospitalized.

Tulsa World reports that Rachel Jean Stevens, 29, and Kayla Ann Jones, 26, pleaded no contest to child abuse and child neglect charges and were both sentenced to two 20-year prison sentences to be served concurrently.

Police got involved in December 2015, after the severely injured 5-year-old claimed Stevens, his mother, and girlfriend Jones beat him with a belt.

It was later uncovered that the boy was bound, locked in a room, and had his eyes taped shut. Police said Stevens hit her son’s hand with a hammer and Jones “kicked him so hard in the groin that it made him bleed.”

Other children in the home told investigators that the boy was routinely beaten in this manner, according to Muskogee Now.

Documents also noted that the 5-year-old had face lacerations and began having seizures while being hospitalized on December 8. After being airlifted to a hospital in Oklahoma City, doctors discovered that he was malnourished and had several broken bones that were in different stages of healing.

Muskogee Now also reports that the boy suffered two strokes and got a staph infection during his time in the hospital. The local paper also noted that the child’s swelling was so serious that x-rays originally missed additional broken bones he had endured.

As part of the plea agreement, Stevens and Jones are banned from having any contact with the child during their incarceration.

And YourTango reported:

Details Revealed About Lesbian Couple’s Horrific Abuse of Their 5-Year-Old Son that Caused Two Strokes and Broken Bones

Both women were sentenced to 20 years in jail.

In December of 2015, a 5-year-old boy of Muskogee, Oklahoma told police that his mother Rachel Jean Stevens and her girlfriend (his step-mother) Kayla Ann Jones had beaten him with a belt all over his body. They were called to the hospital in Tulsa to check on a child with “severe injuries” to determine if they were a result of child abuse by the lesbian couple.

After interviewing the boy — who had lesions on his face and seizures — officers learned that Stevens, 29, and Jones, 26, locked him in a room, bound him and put duct tape over his eyes. Then Stevens, who is the boy’s mother, hit his hand with a hammer. 

Jones then “kicked him so hard in the groin that it made him bleed.”

Hospital staff also determine the boy was malnourished and had multiple broken bones that were in different stages of healing.

According to police, the child abuse went on for several months. 

To add more pain to the situation, before police got involved, the lesbian couple launched a GoFundMe campaign for the boy that claimed he was picking at his face and having seizures after “suffering from a fall.”

On the other case, Hull Online reported:

A mother and her partner who starved their teenage daughter then attacked her with a hammer in a “punishment beating” for stealing food have each been jailed for four years.

The victim, who was 16 at the time of the attack, was hit 34 times with the head and handle of a hammer – one blow for each food wrapper found by her mother Deborah Harrison, 37, and stepmother Jennifer.

She had previously been beaten with household items, had a knife pressed into her skin by her mother – and was made to cut the lawn at night with scissors – as part of a series of “sanctions” and “punishments” for failing to complete household chores on time.

The victim, now 20, who gave sometimes tearful evidence from behind a screen, told the court she once tried to take her own life by swallowing tablets from a medicine cabinet after realising she would not finish a “long list” of tasks before the women returned to their home in Railway Cottages, Bempton.

The victim said she was told she was not allowed to eat basic items of food, despite the kitchen being “full,” so would eat small amounts and hide the evidence in a box on a wardrobe.

Then one day she saw the box in the couple’s bedroom, and was confronted by Jennifer Harrison, who told her: “Right, 34 wrappers; 34 hits.”

During the hammer attack, which was mostly by Jennifer Harrison, the handle was pushed into her mouth, forcing her to “gag”.

She said: “At one point I was crying out too much, so she told me to shut up and sort of rammed the handle of the hammer to the back of my throat, and I had to hold still, and then she pulled it out again.”

Homosexuals, regardless of their sex, should never be allowed to adopt or live with children.

* * *

Source: Author

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28 July, 2023 12:01 am

Strange, seems like there is another media blackout surrounding the zulock case. I’m just curious as wanting to know what the actual sentence was handed down to them as they were both facing over 9 life sentences each. The judge presiding over the case was concerned about the media (Townhall) getting too involved with the court proceedings as they were questioning witnesses, Notes – Letters and emails constantly being leaked out by an informative to Townhall about sensitive court documents. Well if that’s the case that they were sentenced in secret, discreetly without public knowledge then that would probably be that media company’s fault.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Connor
28 July, 2023 9:01 pm

What’s so strange about Jewish-dominated propaganda manipulating organizations fixing the narrative, Connor? They’ve been poisoning minds with their prevaricative noise for many, many seasons now and their credibility among the thinking population of Whites has been shot for just as long. You know, some join us just to help fight for our race to separate ourselves from them and their narratives as necessary for our racial survival. You ought to consider doing so yourself.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
28 July, 2023 11:03 am

Homosexuals, regardless of their sex, should never be allowed to adopt or live with children. — Thank you, Mr. Sims. Under the current Judaized government queers of both genders, or of all three if everyone in the so-called LQT community are counted, are allowed, even encouraged to adopt children (Bisexuals, or Bs in the popular LGBT acronym, is redundant since they are also Q). Everyone in that community is ineligible for National Alliance membership, including lesbians. That’s the beginning toward common sense and normalcy. They make their choices and must live with the consequences — being in the ineligible outgroup. The word queer, in our lifetimes, meant peculiar, abnormal, freakish, not “gay,” so it is appreciated that you put that word in quotes. You point out that being a female… Read more »

31 July, 2023 6:18 pm

Recently I saw an article, that I didn’t keep, about two male perverts in Canada who had ‘contracted’ with a woman to bear them a Child (neither one of them being the father) and after becoming Pregnant, she was diagnosed with Cancer, and decided to allow the Child to be removed, prematurely, but old enough to be cared for, if at the Extremes of Neo-Natal Science… But the Perverts, who were “Legally” the child’s ‘Guardians’ allowed it to Die, because they didn’t want a (possibly) crippled Child. The Woman was Not ‘legally’ allowed to Adopt her own Child, and so it was allowed to Die.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Gryphon
31 July, 2023 9:44 pm

Life matters to us Cosmotheists, not to death worshipping poofters. We do take into serious consideration the quality of life above quantity, eugenically speaking, and are cognizant that not all life is created equal nor automatically required for supporting. In any event, our community does not permit homosexuals to be a part of our whole.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
1 August, 2023 4:10 pm

A minor correction is due here. “Poofers” or
“fluffers” are employees in the adult
entertainment industry who who are tasked
with bringing the primary talent into the
proper state of arousal for completion of
what is called the “money shot.” Sexual
orientation has little to do with the job.
They can be either male or female. 

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Walt Hampton
1 August, 2023 11:56 pm

Thanks for your expertise in this area, Walt.