
Homosexuals Are Normalizing Pedophilia


The following article contains disturbing passages that should not be read by children or sensitive persons.

MY LAST ARTICLE about bestiality may have disturbed your stomach, and this article may disturb your heart. Again, I believe awareness is essential to our cause. Truth is our ultimate goal. When researching the subject and original study plan, ‘the normalization of pedophilia’, it became pretty clear, pretty fast that homosexuals have a passionate voice, concern and need to promote sympathy for pedophiles. They write a lot, lobby a lot and try to push for the acceptance of pedophilia. In other words, many gay men want it to be considered morally acceptable to fuck boys. This is not the only form of child abuse, but these disgusting degenerates want to normalize their “relationships”, and because of this, all forms of abuse will become acceptable. Get ready to tolerate the intolerable; this is where we are standing.

The muddying of the waters became clear in 2013 when the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) changed the classifications of Paraphilias as a whole. A Paraphilia is a non typical sexual behaviour. What they did with this was place a consensual clause in it.

For Pedophilia to be classed as a mental health disorder it must cause distress to yourself or another, injury or death to another, or have sexual desires about those unable or unwilling to consent. So in other words, like when they began normalizing homosexuality it came first with ‘comfortability’ — if you are comfortable being gay then it is not a disorder. It appears this is what is happening here. And just so you know, the same doctors who removed Homosexuality from the DSM are the same ones now fighting for pedophiles.

Well, there are lots of people comfortable with being a pedophile and were happily lobbying the DSM, asking that pedophilia be removed, and it almost was, but there was public disagreement. Thank the gods some of us can still say no.

However, I often think they push these things knowing it is too soon and people will not allow it, but gently, gently, the move has begun. B4U Act is an organisation, which has this as a mission statement:

“To publicly promote professional services and resources for self-identified individuals (adults and adolescents) who are sexually attracted to children and desire such assistance

“To educate mental health providers regarding approaches needed in understanding and responding to individuals (adult and adolescents) who are sexually attracted to children and who either seek or are referred for services regarding issues identified by such persons or by those referring them for services

“To develop a pool of health care providers in Maryland who agree to serve individuals (adults and adolescents) who are sexually attracted to children, utilizing the therapeutic approaches advocated by the organization

“To educate the citizens of Maryland regarding issues faced by individuals (adults and adolescents) who are sexually attracted to children

“To undertake other projects, programs, and activities not inconsistent with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as the need to do so presents itself in the opinion of the Board of Directors

The reason for such an organisation to exist of course is because:

“Now, many experts view it as a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality or homosexuality. It is a deep-rooted predisposition — limited almost entirely to men — that becomes clear during puberty and does not change.” (Los Angeles Times)

I would be annoyed if I was a man today, when the world is beginning to believe that pedophilia is just a sexual orientation amongst mostly men.

“Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.

“By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

“Other pedophiles are “good people who are struggling,” said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit. “They’re tortured souls fighting like heck not to do this. We do virtually nothing in terms of reaching out to these folks. We drive it underground.”

I think this is reoccurring, the, ‘we are different’, we love children, just like Zoophiles, wanting acceptance because ‘they’ are the victim in all of this. I think I have a cure; if you need to watch other people abuse children, or cannot help but do it yourself — jump off a cliff, you ARE harmful, you are dangerous, and I’d rather you die than them, every time!

pic_2910410011897057730It is clear that there is a way of getting sexual deviance accepted by the wider society. They have a recipe; they claim it is innate, it is cultural and has a place throughout history, they argue against the belief that the effects are harmful to others, that the evidence to support harm is over represented and weak, they say it can be consensual and even pleasurable for the perpetrator’s victim, they explain how it cannot be a disorder if the person with the disorder does not feel they have a disorder, they argue people are only against it because of societal beliefs that are imposed on them, they say that the standards that are set are oppressing them and they need to be liberated from them. As people just cannot help being pedophiles and are born how they were born, like many before them and many to come. And quite frankly, it is our duty, to support them in living the best life they can, due to their painful biological predisposition.

If my biological predisposition was to hurt little people who are vulnerable and who depend upon us not to use them for sexual gratification, then I believe the last thing I would want is some acceptance; I think I would want to die. Well, here lies the biggest selling feature — they are suicidal, they need therapy, and they need our compassion, and if we relax the laws on pedophilia, more people will come forward for help without the fear of punishment. Well, it is already becoming harder and harder to be seen as having a mental health disorder for pedophilia, and having sex with children isn’t even enough; you have to be more than a repeat offender and have a whole six months of thinking about sex with children in order to fit the criteria.

What we have here within the DSM is almost a ‘minor attraction’ card, that if you only desire children, are comfortable with it and don’t do much other than have a little look at pictures and CP (child porn), then maybe this is okay and there is nothing wrong with you. However, somebody takes those pictures, and somebody films those scenes, and somebody is being abused and exploited in that reel.


Homosexual journalist Luke Malone uses the term CP a lot instead of filmed sexual abuse. He discusses a man, an inactive self-proclaimed pedophile who fought with ‘his pornography habit’. In reality, he is illegally downloading sexually pervasive acts illegally filmed by criminals, containing victims of sexual rape and abuse and perpertraters who have mental health problems. These videos are put on the internet to be shared with more and more people with mental health problems, who become addicted to it and will likely one day act out what they see.

Yes, there is a direct link between watching ‘child porn’ and committing child abuse, but do you see how language can make something sound less sinister than it is? Referring to it as ‘child porn’ (not filmed sexual abuse) is helping to normalize it. You will also be hard pushed to find an immigration child abuse scandal, although not impossible, but very rare. Most say rape, gang rape, anal rape, and then the age of the child victim — a child of 10, or 3, or 11. They are normalizing sexual offences with children and terming them in the same way as with adults. It is sexual abuse and pedophilia, not rape. The homosexual is yearning not only for the abolishment of consensual ages so he can get his hands on your 11-14 years olds, their favourable age, but they are being helped, encouraged and used by the Jewish media to bring forward the normalization of the sexualization of children.

Back to the homosexual man being used for his filthy lust, these journalists like Malone and psychologists like James Canter attempt to drive into the mass an empathy with pedophiles. Canter is a homosexual sexologist/neurologist/psychologist, who “researched” the hardness of d*** of men watching ‘child porn’ and then looked for similarities within his subjects. He did this to come to the conclusion that it is not their choice, it is unavoidable for them and that social acceptance is needed, and therapy is the best way forward. So acceptance of non-offending pedophiles is healthier for society, so the argument goes, but who knows who is and isn’t offending?

The correlation between gay men and pedophilia is not a myth, but rather very well established:

“Pedophilia appears to have a greater than chance association with two other statistically frequent phenomena. The first is homosexuality” (Pedophiles, Mental Retardation, Maternal Age, and Sexual Orientation, Blanchard et al)

“The best epidemiological evidence indicates that only 2-4% of men attracted to adults prefer men. In contrast, around 25-40% of men attracted to children prefer boys. Thus the rate of homosexual attraction is 620 times higher among pedophiles.” (Fraternal Birth Order and Sexual Orientation in Pedophiles, Blanchard et al, 200)

“The proportion of sex offenders against male children among homosexual men is substantially larger than the proportion of sex offenders against female children among heterosexual men.” (Heterosexuality, Homosexuality and Erotic Age Preference, Freund et al,1989).

In a 1988 study of 229 convicted felons who where child molesters, 86% of them described themselves as gay or bisexual. (Behaviour Patterns of Child Molesters, Erickson et al).

The popular Jewish homosexual activists Karla Jay and Allen Young reported in their ‘Gay Report’ that 73% of homosexuals are active ‘Chicken Hawks’, which means they prey on boys.

Homosexual teacher/pupil relations are also over 80% ‘boy love’. NAMBLA anyone? The North American Boy Love Association, in which they openly declare that parents are being spoiled sports by not letting their children explore their sexuality with dirty s***y-fingered old men.

I am sure you are well aware of the lovely alt right movement that is full of homosexuals, and Milo’s recent recollection of his first experience with a black transvestite gay man, and how this is really quite a good thing. This is pure and simple condoning sexual abuse and the normalization of pedophilia. Don’t you just love how the alt right movement only seems to be contributing to anal prolapses; maybe that is why they are so full of s***.

Anyone heard of the Stonewall charity? It is based on the Stonewall Inn, which was a popular hangout for LGBTs back in the day. It was also notorious for drug trafficking and sexual activity with boys under the age of 16, or if you live in my world, sexual abuse and pedophilia. Stonewall is the name of a cult LGBT awareness charity, how beautiful. True pedophiles, as they call them, normally like girls between 7-11 , in other words pre-pubescent, while gay men prefer boys to be 11-14, in the midst of puberty. Sexual conditioning? Some efforts to cure pedophiles are to get them to masturbate to normal material, which is reconditioning. So surely these homosexual men preying on teenage boys are also sexually conditioning them, to later spew out the “proof” it is unharmful, since some of those boys are now grown up “gay” and proud of themselves. However, this just means that the children have been successfully conditioned. Other victims of abuse will end up being sickened by their trauma, with some taking their own lives because of it.

Bisexual man Alfred Kinsey, the godfather of modern perversion, followed in Freud’s footsteps, selling the psychoanalytic bull**** to the masses, like only an American man can. Well, an American man surrounded by more Jews than a synagogue. He told us that 37% of homosexuals had sex with underage children in his works, and he is possibly one of the very rare individuals who has circumcised himself. I discuss this filthy piece of s*** because he gave the perception of the 1 in 10 gay man rule, and now we all believe 10% of men are homosexuals, but this is not true (except amongst Jewish men). It was a propaganda tool used to destigmatise gay men.

A lot of his work discussed pedophilia and expressed not only the idea that children can have orgasms, but the apparent proof. See the table below of his gathered data from rapists and pedophiles, who happened to have timed and recorded their findings for Kinsey to record. This is academic sexual abuse, which is still today a way to get around legally watching or partaking in abuse, being a part of research which holds a ‘certificate of confidentiality’. The recent surge for understanding and formatting pedophilia prevention care may result in many more of such studies, although in Kinsey’s day he did not need any official sanctioning. He is still quoted today within schools for sex education purposes, as well as in psychology and psychiatry classes when discussing sexual behaviours. He was a chair on the board of the Rockefeller Foundation, his lawyers were Jewish, his best friend was Jewish, and he was an important member of the Jewish run Psychoanalytic movement, which brought about the “sexual liberation” of the fifties and sixties. He also had dealings with Jewish child rapist Rex King who he took notes from for his books. King was stated to have had sex with nearly every female member of his family.


Kinsey stopped the stigma for homosexuality and recently his work on children’s orgasms has resurfaced from the Kinsey institute, letting us all know that:

“On April 23, 2014, the Kinsey Institute, whose founders argue that “children are sexual beings….sexual from the word go….sexual from birth,” was granted consultative status by the United Nations Committee on Non-governmental Organizations (CNO) of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). By creatively presenting the Institute’s history and mission in order to obtain its global lobbying status (see the discussion infra), it follows in the footsteps of its founder Alfred C. Kinsey” (International centre on law, life, faith and family).

If you do not know who ECOSOC are, they are global advocates for progress on global norms who work within the United Nations. So an organization that was built on pedophilia is consulting with this UN group regarding legislation, and incidentally the Kinsey Institute has a home page featuring two hugging lesbians.

There is a clear link between LGBT and pedophilia. Soon, like with all of the politically correct “tolerance” bulls***, we will be forced to accept it all. They are telling us that children like sex, and that it is time we allowed them the freedom to express it. Their solution, I am sure, will be to lower the age limitations and accept what they call ‘true pedophiles’ and nurture them into wanting a child just a few years older, maybe younger looking ones.

This is some seriously sick conditioning, that started a long, long time ago. Are you worried yet? Peak Jew was when they all sat down and wrote our future, not when we realised it.

* * *

Source: White Biocentrism

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2 June, 2016 5:50 pm

Just ask any faggot or dyke to define in clear terms what it means to be homosexual. It only takes a 5 second examination by a doctor or nurse to define heterosexuality. Essentially you drop your underwear – they examine your crotch – yep you’re a man or yep you’re a woman. Simple is it not! So what determines homosexuality – choice of partner, or more to the point – choice of sexual perversion? This is where the slippery slide to social chaos begins – anal invasion today, paedophilia and bestiality tomorrow. The future for faggots and dykes is not a good one. Under Islam both perversions are beheading offences. By the way the photo from London shows what appear to be a chink and a fat faggot. The scimitar… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
3 June, 2016 6:07 pm

Well, I must say…you certainly
do not believe in mincing words….sort of reminds
me of that scene with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson…

5 January, 2018 3:57 pm

The whole “acceptance movement” is just vile. While I personally believe that anyone who harms a child either directly, or indirectly by supporting or consumption of exploitative material, should be used in place of innocent animals for medical testing, to ensure future products and drugs are safe for the rest of us. I also know that pedophilia is a mental illness, and it is one that carries such a stigma (rightfully so) that people who are effected by it are unable to receive help to treat it. I do not support harming children in any way. Wich I get accused of when I say this. But we need to make available treatment for pedophilia, in order to prevent them from ever offending in the first place. So when I say… Read more »

William W Williams • National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams • National Alliance Chairman
24 January, 2023 7:25 pm