
Jewish Conservative Huckster: Trump Loved as “King of Israel” and the “Second Coming of God”

Wayne Allyn Root, a self-promoting hyper-capitalist Jew, an on-again off-again “converso,” and a former Libertarian Party officer and candidate, also said Trump is “good for Jews, good for blacks, good for gays.” Trump publicly welcomed the remarks.

NEWSMAX TV HOST Wayne Allyn Root, a supporter of President Trump, said the president is the greatest president for Jews and Israel “in the history of the world.” Root said Trump is so beloved he is like “the King of Israel” and treated as the second coming of God.

“I happen to be Jewish by birth and 75% of all Jews vote Democrat, and they don’t like Trump,” Root said Tuesday. “This is the greatest president for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world. Not just in America, Trump is the best president for Israel in the history of the world. And the Jewish people love him like he is the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God.”

“In America, American Jews don’t like him,” he continued. “They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense. But that’s okay. He keeps doing what he’s doing. He’s good for all of us. Good for Jews, good for blacks, good for gays.”

“He is good for everyone in America who wants a job,” Root finished.

Trump tweeted Root’s comments, thanking him in a series of tweets Wednesday morning:

In this video, Root declares Trump to be “our first Jewish president.”

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Source: Real Clear Politics

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21 August, 2019 9:45 pm

This was obvious long ago. I made a little diddy about it (note: I am no hyper-capitalist Jew)

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
27 August, 2019 2:41 pm

The chameleon is shedding his spots! The inner
Trump comes clean!

25 October, 2019 8:34 pm

Perhaps Trump is the ‘messiah’! He is in fact descended from Christ, Elizabeth Christ, real estate dealer.