Those Who Aid Rapist Invaders Must Be Punished
by David Sims
IF YOU WANT to see just how dirty a government agency can be, read this: In the United Kingdom, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) reviewed thousands of cases of child sexual abuse by a Pakistani-run crime business that was allowed, for more than 12 years, to rape and to prostitute British children while the police looked the other way, fearing to be called “racists” and probably lose their jobs.
The CICA has denied compensation to at least 700 persons who were among the children raped and prostituted by Pakistani criminals in the UK between 1997 and 2013, most famously in Rotherham, but also in a number of other cities. Perhaps it is coincidence, but the street on which CICA has its offices in Liverpool is named “Cheapside.”
“In one case, a 12-year-old girl who was given alcohol, led into the woods and sexually assaulted by a 21-year-old man, was denied compensation because she went with him ‘voluntarily.’ Her attacker pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13.”
This is the kind of repression that you expect only of a military authority in occupation of the territory of a defeated enemy. Actually, you expect better than that even from such as them, but military authorities often get away with winking at abuses against the subjugated people committed by their soldiers. In essence, then, the government of the United Kingdom has become the enemy of the UK’s native inhabitants, and it now identifies itself with a different group which has invaded that country.
That is, of course, treason. But by whom, and how, shall it be punished and corrected?
If it is difficult to believe that a government agency can become as evil as this, just remember that this is the kind of evil perpetrated, also, by the secret police of the government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. It doesn’t make any sort of sense in terms of justice or civic responsibility. It isn’t supposed to. The intent is to crush the spirit of one people, so that a different race can dominate them. The method is to make losers of the disfavored national group, consistently, every time they are victimized by members of the more highly favored group.
UK Government Agency Denied Muslim Rape Gang Victim Compensation After Telling Her She ‘Consented’
She was 14. How could she have consented? British authorities are sick. All they care about is appeasing their Muslim population, and they don’t care how many of the lives of their own girls are destroyed. They are destroying their own nation’s future.
“Government agency denied Rotherham sex abuse survivor compensation after telling her she ‘consented,’” by Anthony Pearce, Yahoo News UK, September 11, 2017:
A woman who was raped as a child by a Rotherham grooming gang was refused compensation after a government agency claimed she consented to the sexual abuse.
Sammy Woodhouse, who waived her anonymity this year, was 14 when she was groomed by the ringleader of the gang.
Her evidence helped convict her Arshid Hussain, 24, who was jailed for 35 years after being convicted — along with his brothers — of multiple offences including rape, abduction and indecent assault.
But Woodhouse was told by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) that she was not “manipulated”.
The BBC’s Inside Out Yorkshire and Lincolnshire programme found that CICA initially said: “I am not satisfied that your consent was falsely given as a result of being groomed by the offender.
“The evidence does not indicate that you were manipulated or progressively lured into a false relationship.”
Woodhouse said: “If an adult can privately think that it’s a child’s fault for being abused, beaten, raped, abducted, I think you’re in the wrong job.”
In July, it was revealed that sexually abused children as young as 12 are being denied compensation by the agency because they are considered to have “consented”.
The CICA, which is part of the Ministry of Justice, offers compensation payouts for sexual assault cases that range from £1,000 to £44,000.
However, it has refused payments to almost 700 child victims, a freedom of information request revealed.
The age of consent in the UK is 16, and the Sexual Offences Act 2003 provides specific legal protection for children aged 12 and under who cannot legally give their consent to any form of sexual activity.
But, by using a different criteria, the CICA has been able to deny compensation.
In one case, a 12-year-old girl who was given alcohol, led into the woods and sexually assaulted by a 21-year-old man, was denied compensation because she went with him “voluntarily”.
Her attacker pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13.
Woodhouse’s solicitor David Greenwood said: “I am utterly shocked by the notion that decision-makers in a government organisation can consider that 14- or 15-year-old girls can consent to sex with adults.
“They decided she must have consented when it’s just not legally possible.”
In 2016, brothers Arshid, Basharat and Bannaras Hussain were convicted of sexually abusing young girls in the South Yorkshire town.
The men groomed and raped children for nearly 20 years, and were found guilty of 55 serious offences….
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Source: Author, the Geller Report and National Vanguard correspondents
The policy decision of CICA looks legally suspect and therefore judicially reviewable for the reasons given above – in law a child cannot give consent, it’s statutory rape, and concepts of “willingness” are just Jewish shysterising and pilpul seeking to obscure the fundamental point that there was no substantive consent to participate. “Woodhouse’s solicitor David Greenwood said: “I am utterly shocked by the notion that decision-makers in a government organisation can consider that 14- or 15-year-old girls can consent to sex with adults.” Actually it is not “shocking” at all, it’s exactly the sort of treasonous and subversive act one would expect from a hostile “elite” which seems to have a biological aversion to the majority of people it purports to govern and whose other actions including a revision of… Read more »
The government are in on it. A huge child sex ring involving politicians, celebrities and other people of power. Our once beautiful country has gone to the dogs…
Greetings Dan. The fish rots from the head.
One could ask oneself how long the fishes head has stunken and the electorate not smelt it long before.