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Putin May Look Like an Ethno-Nationalist, But He’s Far Too Cozy With Certain Jews and Muslims
THERE IS AN unfortunate tendency in right-wing dissident circles here in America to view Vladimir Putin through rose-colored glasses. There is no question that Putin is not generally beholden to deeply anti-White, frequently Jewish oligarchs, in the same way Western leaders are. There is also no…

Some Austrian Classrooms Now 100 Per Cent. Non-White
TWO AUSTRIAN CLASSROOMS, in Villach and Klagenfurt, consist of children purely from migrant backgrounds and not a single child speaks German as a first language. The two classrooms are the first in the Austrian school system to have classes where none of the children speaks German as their native language.…

Jew: Muslims Rape White Girls “Because They Feel Excluded”
HERE WE HAVE a Jew, a Muslim invader from west Asia, and a half-baked Negro debating whether it is right to tell the White folks they are being mass gang-raped by invaders or whether this fact should be concealed from them. The Jew interviewer Robert Peston tells the Paki Home Secretary it’s best to keep…

The FreeTommy Rallies are Orchestrated and Funded by Jews
ON 14 July, another FreeTommy rally was scheduled in London. If you watched the last one, you may have wondered how they could afford that big screen where Lauren Southern’s face appeared so fetchingly. Wonder no more. It is now admitted that these protests are orchestrated and funded by Jews.
The Middle…

“Prepare for Guerrilla War,” Say Police Special Forces as the Authority of the State Crumbles in France
IN THESE VIDEOS we see French police coming under Kalashnikov fire in Marseilles. The local people interviewed about this incident afterwards said it was nothing special; things like that happen almost every day. Some of the footage showed them just walking around normally as the shooting went on.…

Muslims and Jews: Allies at the Very Beginning
THE SUPPORT OF THE Jews in the Middle East was vital for the propagation and spread of the word of Muhammad. Although the material for the early Islamic history is complicated, an unmistakable and striking theme can be consistently teased from the literature of this period — whether Arabic, Armenian,…

1795: Jews Profited from First US-Muslim Conflict
A Dey in the life of Coen Baccri THE SEIZURE OF Western hostages by Muslims is a habit hallowed by age, yet it appears to be another contretemps with which our ruling Liberal-Minority Coalition is unable to contend. The British Empire’s solution to the problem was to launch an attack on the perpetrators…

You Can’t Slap a Blonde Wig on Mohammed and Turn Him into a Swede
You also can’t slap a wig — or a name change — on Streisand or Spectre or Weinstein or Soros and turn them into Swedes, Germans, Italians, Russians, Britons, or any other kind of White. BRITISH JOURNALIST Katie Hopkins said the media must stop ignoring the mass crime wave and migrant rape epidemic…

British Values Agenda
YESTERDAY WE LOOKED at the systematic rape of children by foreign invaders in the British city of Telford. These horrific immigrant crimes were allowed to go on for decades while cowardly and gelded authorities looked the other way for fear of being called “racist” by a Jew enemy that…

Sweden: 55-Year-Old Man Fined Over Facebook Post Saying Muslims ‘Behind Many Rapes’
A 55-year-old Swedish man was put on trial and fined $1,265 for committing a “crime of opinion” by writing on Facebook that Sunni Muslims “account for a lot of gang crime in Sweden and other violent stuff like rapes,” Fria Tider reports. From Sputnik News:
During the trial,…