Posts Tagged
Open Borders

Southern Border Brouhaha
A gathering of hard-working “natural conservatives” at the southern US border, seeking entry to America through the “big golden door” promised them by Donald Trump, and eager to begin Making America Great Again and “doing the jobs that Americans won’t do.”…

Border Update: Sheltering the Invaders
by Douglas Mercer IT’S ALL RATHER loosey-goosey down at the border nowadays; it’s a catch-as-catch-can (or can’ t) world where the migrants traipse across and pretty much do as they damn well please. They have a Ticketmaster-like system set up where, in a casual fashion, the invaders can browse their…

Illegal Law
New Mexico’s Chief Justice Shannon Bacon by Douglas Mercer THERE HAVE BEEN ALL sorts of milestones in the invasion of our country — letting them attend our schools, giving them driver’s licenses, giving out so-called birthright citizenship, shielding them from the law by means…

Open Borders Caused the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Richard Houck CORONAVIRUS, or COVID-19, the virus which originated in China, has now swept the globe. People are sick, many have died, there is widespread panic, entire nations have been shut down, and daily life has been disrupted virtually everywhere at this point. The virus is both more infectious…

Restarting America After the Coronavirus Shutdown: Sooner is Better
THIS OUTLINE is based on there being three tiers of coronavirus: no treatment, protective treatment, necessary treatment. (All of this is assuming that some combination of anti-malarial and antibiotics (or something else) provides a near-term successful treatment.) Coronavirus (Covid-19)…

Border Denialists Have Blood on Their Hands
WE HAVE SEEN the dark fruit of their sick ideology. It is massacre and death, followed by inevitable restrictions on freedom. And the cycle continues, spiralling downwards into ever more tension and conflict. The proponents of the warped ideology that brought about the massacre in Christchurch must…

Finally, Some Real Resistance to the Establishment: Angela Nagle’s Timely Call for National Labor Consciousness
I consider the abridged version of the essay below an extraordinary contribution to the ongoing crisis over immigration, wages, and the massively entrenched structural inequality caused by the Jewish World Order of global finance capitalism. The Old Leftist case Ms. Nagle aptly summons against…

Ethno-Racial Flourishing: The Legitimate Aim of Politics
Below is an abridged version of a landmark essay which argues for White ethno-racial nationalism on the grounds that it is biologically adaptive in terms of enhancing not just our group-evolutionary interests, but also our individual evolutionary interests as well. This is key because if we are to…

Establishment Conservatism Has Reached the Absolute Nadir of Self-Negation
I’M SURE ALL of you have experienced it: A boomer cuckservative lavishing praise on Western Civilization . . . only to to justify some policy (such as Third World immigration) that is actually harmful to the people who built Western Civilization. Case in point: A truly embarrassing American…

The Economist Magazine: Always Shilling for Open Borders
Editorial Introduction by Chris Rossetti: What the courageous author of this piece does not mention is that the most important dimension of the neoliberal/Jewish push for open borders is racial: racial in that non-Whites replacing Whites constitutes biological and cultural destruction and ultimately…