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Southern Border Brouhaha
A gathering of hard-working “natural conservatives” at the southern US border, seeking entry to America through the “big golden door” promised them by Donald Trump, and eager to begin Making America Great Again and “doing the jobs that Americans won’t do.”…
Conservatism 101: Less than Worthless
by John Massaro WHETHER IN GOVERNMENT OR media, conservatives just react to the leading news stories each day, sounding off within their prescribed boundaries. Step over the line and you’re sent packing, as Joe Sobran, who wrote a column for National Review under the withering eye of conservative…
Conservatism 101: A Rogue’s Gallery of Fakes
by John Massaro
(book excerpt, 2020) DONALD TRUMP WAS ELECTED president with the overwhelming support of the White working class and a solid chunk of the White middle class — conservatism USA. He appealed to the hopes and dreams of so many frustrated people in this country who for so long have yearned…
(book excerpt, 2020) DONALD TRUMP WAS ELECTED president with the overwhelming support of the White working class and a solid chunk of the White middle class — conservatism USA. He appealed to the hopes and dreams of so many frustrated people in this country who for so long have yearned…
Conservatism 101: What You Need to Know
by John Massaro A FEW words are in order here about the canard that this is a free country with plenty of competing ideas and opinions, as in liberal versus conservative, Left vs. Right, Democrat vs. Republican. This distracting soap opera has been playing for a long time, and I’m hardly the first one to…
Republican Treacle
Mike Pompeo by Douglas Mercer WE JUST CELEBRATED the Fourth, the ideal time for the Republicans to engage in some criminal revisionism. On Independence Day Republican Mike Pompeo thought it a fit time to rear back and lay on the bull with a trowel, to lard up the toast with some patriotic butter —…
The (Anti-) American Creed
Kyle Rittenhouse and Tucker Carlson by Douglas Mercer KYLE Rittenhouse did an American deed but no sooner was the ink dry on his verdict than he popped up all scrubbed and prepped on deracinated Fox News to spout the “American Creed.” Between the two is a vast chasm that will never be bridged.…
Patriotic Gore, part 2
by Douglas Mercer MIKE POMPEO is an evangelical Zionist, willingly and enthusiastically blood-libels his own people, and exalts his real gods, the Jews. He takes no second seat when it comes to servility to Jews. Most frequently when he speaks, it’s to praise, defend, and lionize the (wait for…
Quit Pretending
Breeding ground of the “New York race” American Dissident Voices broadcast of 24 July, 2021 2021-0724 Quit Pretending.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom I apologize for the fact that this program, and several other pieces I’m working…
A Critical Look at Rush Limbaugh (1951-2021)
by Hadding Scott Prologue LIKE MANY of Rush Limbaugh’s listeners I felt a personal connection to him, but unlike many, I did not believe that he was practically infallible or always told the truth. I saw great merits in him but also weaknesses. “A Critical Look at Rush Limbaugh,” published by The Occidental…
2020 Presidential Election Recap — Trump has No One to Blame but Himself
The 2020 U.S. presidential election has been a disaster of biblical proportions, an embarrassment even by the standards of a third world country, and although we can’t pronounce with certainty what exactly transpired state by state, it seems obvious to me and most other red-pilled Americans…