The (Anti-) American Creed
by Douglas Mercer
KYLE Rittenhouse did an American deed but no sooner was the ink dry on his verdict than he popped up all scrubbed and prepped on deracinated Fox News to spout the “American Creed.” Between the two is a vast chasm that will never be bridged.
No sooner had he hearkened back to those heroes of old than he aped those mealy-mouthed cowards of today. Tucker Carlson stood him up straight and had him put on the Boy Scout mien and dribble out the most egregious words of our time: “I’m not a racist.” When the real question, of course, is “Have you stopped beating your wife?” And then, to add injury to insult, he says that he supports the Black Lives Matter movement.
So, just to recap, he strapped on a gun and went to guard his community from the Jew-weaponized savages who were burning it down; and then, after he successfully defended it, he turns around and says he supports the savages’ movement, the same movement that tried to kill and crucify him. This is the zombiefication of ideology, when The Narrative is so powerful even those who have seen its evil up close fall prey to it.
When he did this interview heard round the world, Conservatism, Incorporated was weeping for joy; here was a young man who in past times might have put on an Adam Smith tie and told all the world that America is an “exceptional” and non-racial nation. See, they say, this was just about the right to self-defense — not about race. We’re not racist, we just believe in law.
Kyle himself said that his case was “not about race.” But everything in America today is about race, and to see and understand this fact is our best — and only — chance of survival.
Despite the protestations of the Ben Shapiros of this world, Rittenhouse’s case was about race and nothing but race. It’s the reason Joy Ried went apoplectic at the verdict, and why the rubber room denizens of the Jewish media said it shows how White people have always had a special kind of citizenship, and how the verdict reinforces “narratives of White Supremacy endemic to America.” Well, nowadays White people do have a special kind of citizenship: second class. And when’s the last time anyone’s actually seen a White supremacist narrative being pushed in the primary media? 1924?
So in one sentence of ill-advised words, Rittenhouse managed pry defeat from the mouth of victory and go from Valhalla to the kiddie pool. And the sound you heard roundabout you, just as he was uttering those words, was the sound of ferocious winds being let out of a million sails.
And, sure, you can always say “he’s just a kid.” True enough. But anyone who could do what he did and see and experience what he experienced, and see our media and our legal system at their most vile and anti-White worst — surely he could have held his ground and spoken the truth.
Like clockwork, in response to the verdict a White-hating Black maniac took to the streets of Wisconsin and mowed down some dancing White grannies in a Christmas parade. But the cucked conservatives say that’s not about race either. But if you believe that, I’ll sell you Manhattan for $24, surely $24 more than it is currently worth. It’s high time that every single Republican coward sobers up and sobers up good, and realizes that the civic nationalist fantasy world of the increasingly avuncular Tucker Carlson is no longer going to cut it. It’s no way to win a race war.
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Source: Author
Well, let’s tear down the only guy with balls bigger than typing fingers for not being racist enough.
let’s. He had a chance to follow thru to the truth, and he blew it. He can be forgiven because of his age and the Jew stress he’s been under though .
He won’t ever get an opportunity to
“not cuck” like that again in the public sphere.
Your typing is not near as impressive as Rittenhouse’s actions.
who said it was?
i’m not here to impress complete strangers. I said what i said.
you don’t like = ignore.
Oh, george. It appears you are unable to see the fault in your written words (and unless you are dense, you will see that YOU replied to me… “impressing” being the goal or not.) Seems that if your advice to me is valid, perhaps you should take your own advice. Ignore. Here’s the deal: When I compare what the young man did to those who are typing at a website, well, I see no real comparison. The typist is but a recliner seated quarterback, demeaning the real actions of the guy that actually threw the touchdown while being rushed by gigantic linebackers and defensive ends. Now, george, I will remember your name and I promise I will never address you again. I’m glad you and pj aren’t the moderator. Thank… Read more »
do you feel better now?
How did Beulah’s post pass moderation?
Now wouldn’t that be great. Ban me for writing those words of disagreement?
Why in the world would you think I need to be banned. Be specific.
He probably didn’t like your argumentation: comparing apples (“typing”), to oranges (“shooting”), then coming back to say they were tangerines (“words of disagreement”). You see KR didn’t make a choice between typing and self defense — the need for self defense was thrust upon him. I’m sure we would all defend ourselves if forced to. So maybe it could seem like your “context free” apples to oranges (typing vs. shooting), comparison was akin to a promotion of violence as an equivalent choice to typing, merely requiring the “balls” to choose it. And we have to police the pushing of violence as that merely plays into the hands of the enemies’ agendas at this time. Anyhow that was my concern about your comments though I thought maybe it was just frustration… Read more »
Well, sure. I SHOULD be banned and have my comment deleted. Right? I didn’t lick spittle get on board enough, I guess.
See my comment to george above for the explanation I give.
Actually, I am glad your comment was not banned so that we all experience first hand what the real problem is. Thanks for posting your “disagreement” and more thanks to the administrator for not censoring it.
But don´t you think it´s a good thing that NV allow people with some different opinions to express their views?
No. The mainstream media monopoly doesn’t permit it outside of the narrow bounds it sets. Why should NV be generous to guests who’d squirm away from Dr. Pierce’s message when the future is on the line? I don’t agree with Dr. Pierce on several issues, and accept moderation of my posts as the host, NV, sees fit.
Mercer is correct. Whites that fall short aren’t given any mercy by our enemies and we need to be as tough on ourselves as well. Rittenhouse made a big mistake by cucking to our enemies and that’s the truth. I applaud Douglas Mercer for saying so.
If the truth troubles you, other websites that allow applause for pro-BLM types will be glad to have you. We don’t need that here.
Why would you accuse me of such? You are ridiculous.
… and here we go, when we run out of meaningful answers we start with the name calling again!
In the long view, it’s good Kyle cucked. It reveals to the enemy that the base of those willing to fight against the destruction of traditional America may be larger than expected.
Kyle and Tucker.
Holding hands and stepping up on white faces to better reach that bag of shekels.
Thank you for so swiftly pointing out the elephant in the room.
And thanks to young Rittenhouse for showing his colors so soon.
Glad he survived the physical and legal attacks, and may yet do some damage to our enemies, but my interest returns, as ever, to my own folk.
Have to agree. I waffled on KR’s anti-racism crossing himself…but it grated on me until my stomach said I just can’t feel positive about him further, young though he is. I have little to no room at all for “allowances.” We’re so far deep into the death-row cell, it feels like cucking to excuse anything other than full-throated pro-White speech at this point.
“But everything in America today is about race, and to see and understand this fact is our best — and only — chance of survival.”
This statement is the absolute distillation of truth regarding the life-or-death place we – Whites – find ourselves in at this very hour. This brief statement is the narrative and essentially ONLY NARRATIVE to be understood, internalized, and acted upon by “decent/normal” (self-preserving) Whites EVERYWHERE. Full stop!
“And the sound you heard roundabout you, just as he was uttering those words, was the sound of ferocious winds being let out of a million sails.”
Actually…it was the sound of Conservative, inc. massively breathing a collective sigh of relief. Let no one forget their utter perfidy, treachery, and guilt for what has fallen upon the European peoples to whom absolutely EVERYTHING belongs in this now ruined “nation.” The maw of hell is gaping to receive these traitorous vermin…at long last.
I thought it was hilarious that he says that he supports BLM. It’s like that old black cowboy I once read about. They asked him if he had ever had to kill a man.
“Ain’t never killed any man. Some no-good ‘paches (Apaches) and low-down cattle rustlers, but I ain’t never killed no MAN.”
So, in my imagination—Kyle: “I didn’t kill any men. So low-down perverts and creeps, but not any MEN. And I supported BLM and Antifa by removing some troubling elements from their ranks. They need more support like this, from more people. I was glad to help.”
I remember the words of Commander Rockwell where in his autobiography “This Time the World” where he disavowed the Conservative movement. He tried working with them but found them all to be cowards. They would talk about the “you-know-whos” in secret but would never confront them, and always take their money. It was a big reason he became an ardent National Socialist, to separate the cowards from those who believed in action.
spot on DM. again.
NO ONE that you will ever see on the Kike-Box, the Sewer Pipe in your living room, will ever speak Truth to the Jew Power Structure. NO ONE.
Hell, you can’t even find racial candor in your local tavern or bar anymore. Bunch a gelatous cowards and socially-nuetured eunuchs …..
Americans are quite literally petrified of being called names by Big Jew and his legions of masticating, pavlovian Goy lick-spittles.
America has become a shameful, filthy, miscegenated stew of faggots and mentally-defective White women.
Now, for the amusement of the No. 6 beaked Rats, lets all stick our heads in a bucket of warm S&@t, and bob for a semblance of racial dignity.
Gimme a break.
This fall, this day, is in a way the best ever Thanks giving or at least the most real. A few family and friends, and a clear understanding of what is happening and what must be done with the time and energy that remains. What was it like for our pioneering ancestors, to be few against a hostile situation? Maybe I understand them better now than ever before. Today I know who we are, what I am, and what to live and die for. It ain’t a material lot but I’ve never been richer in spirit. And I’m thankful. At least we have wisdom, you and I, and all of we few. And from wisdom and wise-action will come the power to do the 14 words. Most of all I… Read more »
i agree now with you.
At the least, folks like us can be thankful that we have learned enough in this befouled existence , so that we won’t be going to our grave with a mind full of greasy and malevolent JEW lies.
A precious gift, imho.
It wasn’t “just” dancing grannies, our elders, he attacked. He murdered an 8 year old boy, marching with his baseball team. What a Holiday reminder for his 12 yo brother, hit at the same time! He also put a 14 year old cheerleader in the hospital where she’s lost a kidney, among other injuries.
That Black piece of waste should be publicly hung…on the steps of the grotesque Washington Hollowhoax Memorial Museum.
Or the equally repetitive and disgusting Negroe History Museum right on the Mall
Let’s see, the black drove his SUV through unsuspecting whites, older whites and Christians and he wrote diatribes against whites, older whites and is reportedly a convert to Islam but (of course) the (((media))) isn’t calling the murder of the Dancing Grannies and a young white boy a “hate crime” or even a “possible hate crime” like they do every single time a white is involved in some mayhem with something non-white. Even the so-called radio conservatives can’t bring themselves to even mention the term “hate crime” and I listen several of then including the two cucks that replaced jew-tool Rush Limbaugh. Their talking points all seem to emphasize that the “leftist” or “biased” MSM isn’t calling it a “terrorist attack”—but no mention of a “hate crime”. One local radio cuck did… Read more »
no one that is on the radio, or the digital feces conduit in peasant’s living rooms, would be on those two platforms…. if they were not approved by our Kike Overjuden.
expect no allies from these two avenues of filth, no matter how “edgy” or “conservative” they appear…. you would not even know who they are if their tongues were not in some way inserted into the filthy wrinkled rectum’s of their Jew bread butterers…..
Before the peanut gallery gets me banned for being disagreeable, here is my latest video:
An agreeably amusing video — makes a good point too — thank you BuelahMan.
Thank you, b!
Why are you here? We’re not CONservatives.
Why do you want me gone? A difference of opinion?
Echo chamber music does not entice me.
…you did not simply offer a different opinion, you tried to impose your own personal dogma (which is btw unacceptable to the rest of us).
Your answering of a question with a question doesn’t impress me. Since you want to spew conservative videos at us, belittle others and myself with pejoratives, and be (you did describe yourself as) “disagreeable,” it appears you don’t fit in here at all. You’re definitely not National Alliance material. We here would benefit from your departure.
your videos are great.
you’re the one that seems perturbed because others had the compulsion to disagree with you.
what difference does any of it make?
in America, the Jew wins, and Jew lose.
Well, even if his inner opinions and feelings should be totally different he wouldn´t dare to reveal them. We all know this. However, this he said won´t help him. The ones who really hate him will keep on hating him and nothing will change this.
I must admit, when Rittenhouse uttered those traitorous words, the wind was taken out of my sails. Of course, he had adult coaching before the interview with Carlson, which makes the utterance all the more malignant. Woe unto Kyle for folding like a cheap suit.
I wonder if KR knows, or is advised, that he didn’t shoot “white men” but jews, and that the jews will never ever forgive him for that (let alone for “getting away with it”)?
Weren’t two of those shot not Jews (Anthony Huber, Gaige Grosskreutz)?
you are a correct.
it was another ((miniature)) Shoah.
The Rat-People never forgive or forget.
But they expect everybody else to.
Abhorrent, cyclopic earth -scum.
Cowards, traitors, and others having less than good character are unwanted in the National Alliance and I’m glad they’re not joining us. I am proud to say that I have good men and women around me.
pj dooner: How did Beulah’s post pass moderation? — Good question, pj. The mod was asleep at the wheel on this one, perhaps OD’d on turkey. KR said he is not a racist and that he supports BLM. Doug Mercer’s assessment of the boy is spot on and fair. Those who disagree with him are not Alliance material. Although NV occasionally publishes commentary from those in opposition to NA’s positions, if only to have foils to politely kick around. Beulah, whever he is, has crossed a line here. — BuelahMan: Well, sure. I SHOULD be banned and have my comment deleted. Right?… — Your comments to now will stay up, friend, as examples of what are unacceptable. But you are hereby banned from further commentating at NV because I say… Read more »
Thank you, Chairman Williams!
You’re quite welcome, Jim. I’m unable to monitor NV as closely as I’d like, so any time you see other anonymous gadflies like Beulah, violating NV’s reasonable rules, queering Alliance-building, please let me know.
If one asks oneself the question, what benefits and strengthens us, and what hinders, harms and destroys us (and why), one cannot help but realize that at the end of all this activity is the “final solution of the White Question”.
Bernhard: …[O]ne cannot help but realize that at the end of all this activity is the “final solution of the White Question”. — The only reasonable solution to the “WQ,” if you will, is not complicated: geographic separation of the races — ours from theirs; theirs from ours. No more quilt trip on Whitey; no more alleged “supremacy” or exploitation of non-Whites by us White racial separatists whatsoever; no more burdonsome “White Man’s burden.” Those who agree with the National Alliance’s separatist “final solution” — which includes all current eligible NA members — should join their strength with ours now!: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance ( There’s plenty more about racial separation to be found here on National Vanguard. Simply enter ‘separation’ in the search block and… Read more »
Why all the disillusionment with Rittenhouse??
You thought he was going to proclaim his European heritage and damn the muds to the underworld via the Ziomedia?
It should have been plainly evident that anyone dubbed ‘Saint Kyle of Kenosha’ by disgusting conservatives would act the part.
His is the typically twisted drama lived vicariously by gutless christian ‘patriots’ nothing more.
I don’t care how many degenerates he snuffed because it was never his intention, only reactionary.
The punk was never even close to an NA candidate, before or after his trial!
saoirse: Why all the disillusionment with Rittenhouse? The punk was never even close to an NA candidate, before or after his trial!
You’re right, saoirse, Few are. But he’s still very young and may well become radicalized after all the shabby treatment he’ll receive from the lemmings, of which he’s still part. We’d leave the door cracked for him should he reverse course and become the rare man of his race.
How about you? Are you a candidate?
A glimmer of hope perhaps.
Am I a candidate? Yes.
Leave it at that!
Wealthy white liberals can only sell out and ignore reality up to a point. Black and Hispanic gangs are tracking down wealthy whites and Jews in Los Angeles and other California urban areas, following them to their homes, robbing them, and often murdering them in the process. No questions asked about their politics or what they think of Black Lives Matter.
Similar about non-White immigration that jews support. Non-Whites don’t care about Israel, which they consider to be European occupiers of Palestine. Support for Palestine is already seen in several non-White congresswomen, some recent immigrants.
There are a multitude of White warriors who don’t stand for the status quo, ignore tweedle-dee tweedle-dum elections, and couldn’t care what CNN says. Andy Ngo features them on his twitter in fairly large numbers, possibly higher than the active membership of the NA. They are Antifa: e.g.
Or is the destruction of taxpaying downtown business and shopping districts part of the jews’ plan?
This might be true. However, they don’t fight for White people. In fact, they hate their own race and ancestors. That’s not ok. It breaks my heart too because we’re a global minority and it makes it difficult to fight one’s brother.
It’s worth pointing out that Carlson wears a red kabala bracelet, if not genetically semetic surely he is in mind. I suppose one would have to be when their sole purpose in life is spouting jew propaganda.
People need to own their actions & words, not walk back when accusations rain down.
“You’re a racist!”
“And what of it, so are you. I’m proud to have this positive personality trait & knowledge which fuels the love for my race.”
Simple words that more need to speak publicly.