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Everybody’s a Fascist Now!
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IF YOU WATCH FOX NEWS or read political blogs you probably have a headache from all the accusations of “fascism” bouncing back and forth from left to right and back again. “Obama’s a fascist!” “Rush is a fascist!” “Bush is a fascist!” “The Zionists are fascists!” “Your grandmother’s…

Conservatism Is Not the Answer
by Kevin Alfred Strom
AMERICA IS FALLING to the invaders before our eyes. Our borders are open, and a large faction of an ostensibly conservative party wants to open them even further. So do their opponents. Our women and children are increasingly raped, beaten, and killed by non-White gangs, demographic…

Pat Buchanan’s Double Mind
by Kevin Alfred Strom
PATRICK BUCHANAN (pictured) utters truths that no one else in the mediasphere dares utter. For that I admire and like him.
But Buchanan has one foot inside establishment “conservatism,” and, whether due to a desire to placate that segment of his following or because of the wishful…

Jewish Control of Left and Right: The Case of National Review
EDITOR’S NOTE: What the Jewish author of this piece is proving — instead of the premise he says he is proving — is that Jews are neither of the “left” or the “right,” but are attempting to control both sides, so that all of the alternatives presented to the…

The New Order Changeth, Too
by Revilo P. Oliver
LAST AUTUMN the Christian Science Monitor devoted a full page to what would have been a ‘scoop’ in the old days of independent and competitive journalism. It predicted that on the first of January 1989, William F. Buckley, Jr., would retire from active management of…

What Is “Liberalism”?
EDITOR’S NOTE: Readers who consider themselves conservatives should be careful not to read too much into this critique of what they may see as their main social, political, and philosophical opponent. Oliver, by the time of this writing, had long abandoned conservatism as a cause both lost and unworthy,…

Classic Audio: Fundamentals for Victory
A Cosmotheist lecture given by Dr. William Pierce on October 24, 1976 at the office of the National Alliance in Arlington, Virginia
by Dr. William L. Pierce″ text=”Listen: Fundamentals for Victory”]…

What Makes Someone #Conservakin
YOU may be familiar with the concept of otherkin — people who identify as at least partially nonhuman. For example, if they believe that, spiritually, they are part cow, they might call themselves “cowkin,” and take to chewing on grass while they are writing the latest chapter in their fan fiction epic.…

Thoughts on Radicalism
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
ABOUT A YEAR ago the Alliance had as a supporting member one of the wealthiest women in America. One day, however, the National Office received a letter from her which said, in effect, “I’m beginning to believe from some of the things in your paper that the National…

Without a deep understanding of one key concept, all pro-White efforts will inevitably fail. But there is a way to win.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
PEOPLE OFTEN ASK me, “Are we making any progress? Are we winning? Can you see victory ahead?”
I answer thus: “Yes, we are making progress, but not enough. The Enemy,…