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Donald Trump the Lesser
by John I. Johnson
THIS IS FROM Donald Trump’s recent and much-discussed speech on immigration: “We’ve admitted 59 million immigrants to the United States between 1965 and 2015. Many of these arrivals have greatly enriched our country. So true. But we now have an obligation to them and…

White People: Stop Being Stupid
American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 14, 2016
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WHITE PEOPLE, you know I love you. But your behavior lately is — how can I say it — so incredibly stupid.
I see you on Twitter, saying “Hillary…

Former Staffers: Rightist and Conservative News Suppressed by Zuckerberg’s Facebook
If mere conservative sites are blacklisted, you may be sure that even more severe censorship of White sites is taking place — including actions against those who post links and articles from them.
FACEBOOK deliberately suppresses conservative news from its ‘trending’ section,…

Why Conservatives Can’t Win
As we approach another election in which decent Americans may be fooled by the ‘conservative’ charade of Fox News and the Republican party’s handlers, the far-seeing vision of William Pierce as expressed in this 1971 essay is more needed than ever. — Ed.
by Dr. William L.…
by Dr. William L.…

The Transcendental Titans
The one revolutionary force rightly feared by those who misrule us
TO THE uninitiated, to be an identitarian in this age seems to be an anachronistic and borderline masochistic endeavour. Every day presents more evidence that the notion of having a fixed historical identity is a dying one. From the…

Portrait of a “Conservative” Hack: On National Review’s Kevin D. Williamson
by a Dissident Millennial
NO ONE EMBODIES the vile nature of today’s “conservative” establishment better than National Review’s Kevin D. Williamson (pictured). In editorials titled “The Buchanan Boys” and “The Father-Fuhrer,” Williamson displays a vicious, anti-patriotic contempt towards…

Professor Defends Student’s Right to Free Speech. Now He’s Getting Fired. Here’s Why.
ON TUESDAY, Marquette University President Michael Lovell announced that tenured professor John McAdams (pictured) would be suspended without pay and would be fired should he fail to give a loyalty oath to the university’s vaguely defined “guiding values.” The university…

America’s “Planetary Renouncement of Our White Race”
JEAN CAU (pictured) was a leading French writer and recipient of the Prix Goncourt. He was known as an apostle of Travail, Famille, Patrie — everything that was most dear to Marshall Pétain. For years Cau promoted the Ortega y Gasset view that the mob has taken over Western civilization.

Today, Tomorrow, and Forever
Britain First speech by Sir Oswald Mosley at Exhibition Hall, 16 July 1939
FELLOW BRITONS, tonight the British people are here, (Cheers) and tonight from this great audience will be heard the voice of British people telling Parliament, telling Parties, telling Government something it is time that…

Conservatism or Radicalism? A Call for a Spiritual Elite
The following text is a transcript of the talk given by Attack! editor Dr. William Pierce at the weekly meeting of the National Alliance on January 16, 1977.
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
CONSERVATIVE AND right-wing political groups are concerned with a number of problems these days: forced school…