Worshipping Our Executioners

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 26 September, 2020
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2020-0926 -Worshipping Our Executioners.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
LET ME begin with just a quick note that our Cosmotheist book store is just now featuring our brand new CD, The Power of Truth, vol. 10 — that I talked about last week. It includes over 20 of Dr. Pierce’s complete speeches, remastered in beautiful sound, better than any we’ve presented before. We’re also offering $50 off a complete set of Dr. Pierce CDs. Visit cosmotheistchurch.org for more details.
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SCANNING the FM radio dial today, I noticed that the funeral ceremony of Jewish Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — taking place in the Capitol, no less — was being carried live on the local National Public Radio station, which apparently canceled all their other programming for this momentous event. Has any other dead Supreme generated such media attention?
The host and hostess were going on and on about the greatness of Ginsburg, about how she was the “first woman” and “first Jew” to “lie in state” at the Capitol, about her “perfect writing” and “brilliant mind” and “generous soul.” They were speaking in hushed and reverent tones they never use even for religious figures, and interviewing various lawyers and politicians whose “lives had been touched” by the powerful Jewess who was chosen by Bill Clinton’s employers to tell us for the last 27 years what the Founders “really meant” when they wrote the US Constitution. (Actually, she didn’t give a damn for what the Founders meant, hated everything they stood for, and strove her entire legal career to undo all the good that they had done, and impose an alien, anti-White, anti-child, Jewish agenda on a prostrate country.)
Well, that broadcast, and all the others on the various Jewish-run networks, and the funeral itself, are all theatre. The controlled media did essentially the same thing for Senator John McCain when he died not too long ago, because they wanted to elevate the Zionist toady and warmonger and open borders advocate to some kind of demigod status in the eyes of the marks. (How many Senators have died and not received such adulation? Practically all of them.) This “theatre” is designed to suggest to the rubes and suckers that Ginsburg is universally loved, even revered and near-worshiped, by “all the best people,” so naturally the suckers will want to “revere” her, too, so they can be just as “intellectual” as Nina Totenberg.
Thus the rubes are induced to hero-worship their own executioners. For Ruth Bader Ginsburg, far from being the champion of women she is made out to be by the controlled media, never met a White girl she didn’t hate — never met a White woman she didn’t want to see aborted before she was born, and she strove her entire professional career for women to see such acts not as murder of the innocent but as a kind of sacred “right” — never met a White female she didn’t want to see aborting her own healthy children in the womb, which she portrayed as a “noble” or “necessary” “choice,” or even murdering them after they were born in the grisly horror of “partial birth abortion” she fought to make legal — never met a White girl or boy she didn’t want to see mutilating her or his own genitals and permanently incapable of having children, the “right” to “choose” to do this being another perversion she elevated to the status of “sacred right” — never met a young White woman or man she didn’t want to engage in sex perversion, and she even officiated at at least one so-called marriage of two perverts — never met a White child, girl or boy, she didn’t want to live closely alongside non-Whites for whom she helped keep the borders open, and be possessed sexually by them. In short, she hated us. She hated our very existence. And that is enough to make this dwarflike Jewess into a great heroine, according to those who are killing us.
In an unintentionally appropriate “tribute,” researchers at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History gave a species of praying mantis — a gruesome-looking predatory insect which eats butterflies and sometimes decapitates its own mate and eats its head — the name Ilomantis ginsburgae in her “honor.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg and other Jews also are responsible for the ridiculous Political Correctness engaged in even by Donald Trump, who is dutifully considering only women for his “short list” of potential nominees to replace Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. Can’t replace a “feminist” icon with a man, now can we? That would be so incorrect. And Trump also dutifully went to “pay his respects” to the dead hater’s coffin, as did Biden and his wife. All march in lockstep on the “really important things.”
Besides worshipping our executioners, what are these “really important things”? Number one on that list is staying a multiracial country (we long ago became one; thanks, Jews) — and not just staying a multiracial country, but celebrating the fact. Celebrating the fact that Whites cannot have their own businesses, neighborhoods, schools, or safe spaces of any kind — the fact that any association of White people as White people is essentially forbidden on pain of quasi-legal persecution and loss of income — the fact that, while the Jewish media keep White people divided, non-Whites vote and act in a bloc, ensuring that the so-called “democratic process” can never lead — and Trump certainly proves it can never lead — to a government of our own again. And that’s a bipartisan policy, Jack. That’s what both parties agree on. We have no choice: No White neighborhoods, ever. No White nation again, ever. And you’d better believe that all the “approved” churches agree on that too.
Where has this bi-partisan policy led? Open season on Whites, that’s what. Like what happened to Wilma Hochstetler this week. Here’s what National File had to say about it:
A Mennonite couple were robbed and shot while fixing a broken down trailer in the early hours of Thursday morning. The wife and mother died at the scene, while the husband remains in critical condition after being shot in the neck.
Forty-year-old Wilma Hochstetler died at the scene following a deadly robbery where two black males stole money and phones off the couple before shooting them at close range before taking off.
The two men did not see the couple’s youngest son sat waiting for them in the car before fleeing the scene.
The couple were fixing a broken down truck that had blown a tire into the evening until the couple noticed a malfunction with the trailer’s lights.
After having sent his crew back to Bloomfield in their truck, the couple worked on fixing the trailer outside a roofing project. [Let me break in to say that the husband called his wife to the downtown area near his roofing job to help with the trailer. The couple are ardent Christians, proud of their aid to Third Worlders and belief in “equality.” Perhaps the folly of fetching his young wife and his six-year-old to Darktown was an idea his religious beliefs wouldn’t allow him to entertain. — Ed.]
Jonathan Hochstetler remains in critical condition after a bullet went through his neck, but is expected to survive after a long road to recovery and is thankful to have not been left paralyzed. [He just spent his 40th birthday in the hospital. — Ed.]
The gunshot wound fractured three vertebrae in his neck which required surgical fusion. Jonathan also suffered a broken jaw and other facial fractures from the shooting.
Despite his severe injuries, he was able to crawl to the car and dial 911 to call for help with the assistance of his six-year-old son.
“It got after midnight,” Sam Hochstetler said, reported Indy Star. “They fixed the tire, they’re ready to leave and then the running lights of the trailer didn’t work.”
“Jonathan told us that (the robbers) turned around and started to walk away,” Sam added. “All of a sudden, they just turned and shot. His wife was instantly killed. Jonathan was hit through the neck.”
Sam Hochstetler, who the father of Jonathan Hochstetler, read a letter aloud that has been dubbed “powerful” by local sources, according to WTHR.
“I feel no hatred, bitterness, anger, nor revenge towards the two Black men that murdered my daughter-in-law,” Sam said. “I extend forgiveness for the two murderers. Revenge only begets more violence. My heart’s desire for them is that they would repent, to fall on their faces before the Lord Jesus, and cry out for mercy for their own souls’ sake.”
The Hochstetlers also have three other children, aged 16, 13 and 10, who were not present at the time of the shooting.

By the way, almost none of the articles on this case mention the race of the killers — this one, from an alternative media site, is one of the very few exceptions. And not only do the Jewish-controlled, or PC, local newspapers and local stations that bothered enough to cover this murder not say that the killers were Black — always just saying that “two men” or the like did the shooting — but the Jewish-controlled national media have been silent about it. CNN: crickets. CBS: crickets. ABC: crickets. Fox News: crickets. Do I have to go on?
The National Alliance doesn’t have the manpower yet to document every case like the Hochstetlers’ — and neither does New Nation News, which does nothing but try to catch as much of the daily toll of White victims of non-White violence in this country that they can, and document them. But you’d better believe it’s happening every day.
What’s the solution?
Sam Hochstetler’s Christian solution will do nothing to solve this problem. The large low-IQ, low-impulse-control, and White-hating fractions of the Black minority in this country are not going to fall on their faces “before Jesus,” and, even if they did, it would make no change in their essential nature.
Many, even perhaps many of the people hearing my voice right now, would say that better law enforcement is the solution. “Identify the killers! Don’t be PC, and tell the public they’re Black, and describe them well. Be tough! Give them no breaks! And punish them as powerfully as possible to deter others!”
Do you think that will fix the problem? It will not. No matter how “tough” you make law enforcement, as the cliché goes, “you can’t fix stupid,” low-IQ people. (And good luck with making law enforcement “tougher” in the Jewish-led “defund [or de-fang] the cops” mania going on right now.) You can’t fix the low impulse control of their cerebral cortices with law enforcement. Barring the expulsion of the Jews and their media, you can’t fix their anti-White ferocity and hate.
Get this, conservatives: The violence and murder and rape toll on our people isn’t happening because law enforcement has become weak and corrupt. Oh, yes, law enforcement has indeed become weak and corrupt, no doubt about it. But the Black assault on White America began a long, long time ago. The problem isn’t the justice system. The problem is that they keep on assaulting and raping and murdering no matter what the justice system does. They might catch these two Blacks. They might be convicted and imprisoned for the rest of their lives.
But Wilma Hochstetler is gone forever. No justice system will ever bring her back. And no justice system can bring back yesterday’s unsung and unlamented and unreported Wilma Hochstetler — or the day before yesterday’s — or last week’s — or last year’s — all the way back, every day, to the so-called “Civil Rights” revolution. They’re all gone forever.
And the way the Ruth Bader Ginsburgs of this world want it, we also and any posterity we might have had, will soon be gone forever too.
The National Alliance aims to stop them. The National Alliance has a plan, a serious plan, to do that. And you are a part of that plan.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2020-0926 -Worshipping Our Executioners.mp3
If the people living in an area are fundamentally rotten, no amount of law enforcement will help control crime. It will make only a marginal difference. Usually it just moves crime to another area. I live in a city of almost 300,000 people. It is only about 2% negro, a few percent mestizo. The rest are White or east asian. Most of the crimes here are things like burglary, particularly package theft, car break ins and vandalism. I think we get 1 or 2 murders a year, though I can’t remember how long ago the last murder was. During the lockdown police patrols were pretty much curtailed. I noticed that incidents of crime seemed to actually go down. This at a time when my state is releasing felons into the… Read more »
Sam Hochstetler, father of Jonathan, says:
Regarding this sappy, effusively sentimental tripe spoken by Sam Hochstetler, I sometimes wonder who our greatest enemies are. Are they the Jews, the violent, mindless blacks being used by them, or the wretched, pitiful white cucks like Sam Hochstetler whose religion is being used to destroy our race and civilization? I think King Leonidas in the movie 300 would have kicked this cuck into the well along with the black Persian messenger.
Eine treffende Antwort. Die Juden und die Schwarzen sind nicht die Gefahr. Die agefahr geht von Leuten aus, die immer noch nicht begriffen haben was hinter den Kulissen läuft. Diese Leute werden solange indoktriniert, bis die es selber glauben was die für einen geistigen Müll von sich geben. Wenn ein Volk oder eine Ethnie geschlossen steht, dann gibt es keine Gefahr mehr von außen.
Mit besten Grüßen aus Deutschland
You are so correct in your statement, “If a people or an ethnicity stands united, then there is no more danger from outside.” The International Jews have pulled out all the stops in preventing us from uniting, knowing full well that a united White race is the only real enemy they have. There is no such thing as “race is a social construct” among these people. The Jew, Benjamin Disraeli, summed up the value of race when he said: “No one may be indifferent to the racial principle, the racial question. It is the key to world history. History is often confusing because it is written by people who did not understand the racial question and the aspects relevant to it… Race is everything, and every race that does not… Read more »
Gute antwort, kamerad.
The National Alliance needs to grow – in many ways
I would like to show you a successful economic model. In 1994 the Kopp-Verlag was founded in Germany. Today the company sells many things, examples: national books, ballistic vests and even legal weapons. The photo gives you an impression what a cunning German police officer was able to set up in a short time.
The National Alliance needs economic branches and a sly businessmen.
Pic: Kopp-Company in Rottenburg, Germany.
Agree 100%. Having a website (even though a great one) and putting up stickers and flyers in the middle of the night is not going to do the trick.
Of course not. The company’s success reflects the value of its leaders. I openly admit that I cannot prove any such success in my life. By the way: The Kopp-Company is an object of hate for “German” lefties.
I wanted to inspire. The National Alliance needs the ability to open careers for shrewd, White patiots.
Needs, needs, needs. Do you really believe what you just wrote is all our Alliance does? Who says we put out fliers and leaflets in the middle of the night? That suggests cowardice, Miss bzulo. Please, tell us how building a serious White resistance movement is supposed to be accomplished. Oleg, where did that cunning German police officer get the funding for his commercial enterprise? The National Alliance has the potential to surpass anything Kopp-Verlag is doing, and we are doing it for our people, not for some cop’s private business. It takes funding, serious funding. Much of that funding comes from our members’ monthly pledges. something you and Miss bzullo wouldn’t know anything about because neither of you are likely to apply for membership, commit to a monthly pledge,… Read more »
Then JOIN us and do something about it. I am really tired of the commentators on this site. ” this is what we have to do” If you know the answer then get off the computer and put in some work. Please and thank you.
So – we have two people who are not National Alliance members or supporters and who have not educated themselves on the NA’s cause and purpose as laid out by the founder, Dr. William Luther Pierce – and have not had any conversations with Chairman William White Williams – going on about what the NA needs? That’s kind of pathetic. At least bother to know what the National Alliance actually IS before discussing what it needs.
Kevin Strom is brilliant, as always. On the other side of the spectrum, we have “men” like Donald Trump (now promising $500 BILLION to the black community, and promising to declare the KKK as “domestic terrorists”), and Mr Hochstetler who is cucked to the nth degree. Unfortunately, there are many more men like the latter two than there are like Kevin.
Mr. Strom, thank you for this very well-thought-out and well-written essay. The worshiping of our eternal enemies is truly appalling, and you are so correct in your assessment of the blacks they force us to deal with, especially with your claim that, “You can’t fix the low impulse control of their cerebral cortices with law enforcement. Barring the expulsion of the Jews and their media, you can’t fix their anti-White ferocity and hate (. . .) The problem is that they keep on assaulting and raping and murdering no matter what the justice system does.” Revilo P. Oliver, in his A Brief History of The Evil God wrote, “The moral perception of evil is, for all practical purposes, limited to our race — not all persons of Aryan ancestry, but… Read more »
This item underscores my disgust
of both the Christian religion AND
their anti-sex Victorian morality! May
they both be damned!
I wholeheartedly agree with you, Mr. Hampton. Here are some quotes by some who understood our predicament very well: In his “Confession of Truth,” July, 1989, Professor Revilo P. Oliver quoted Otto Scott, an American historian: “Without Christians, there would be no chance for long-range survival of minorities in our midst.” In reference to this, Mr. Oliver said, “He correctly observes that our race is precisely the *only* race that worries about the welfare of other races and even makes enormous sacrifices to help them. He attributes our race’s morbid concern for the other, and necessarily enemy races, not to innate imbecility, but precisely and specifically to its belief in Christianity. That is what I have so frequently argued.” “Nothing, I believe, could more clearly show that we cannot hope… Read more »
FWIW– circumcision does NOT render you permanently incapable of having children.
I don’t know WTF the author is talking about. And no one loathes RBG more than I.
Mr. Strom isn’t talking about cicumcision. He’s talking about surgical mutilation under the guise of “transgenderism.”
I haven’t posted for about a year, and when I post after all that time, I find someone commented earlier that day with the same name. Though it is not so common for people to use all lowercase as I do, some do, and my name is fairly common. Not so unusual. After I started posting here, I found that someone used it before me (not all lowercase however), so, it happens, and I have been considering using this moniker anyway. No problem. I only noticed because when I posted before, I got a confirmation email when it was approved and I didn’t (that was my mistake, I put in the address wrong), so I searched the site and found this. I went back about a month to see how… Read more »
If I were allowed under the law, I would be armed to the proverbial teeth. Any nigger trying to inflict harm on me or any member of my family would get to know the business end of at least one AK47. I would aim for the head and keep pulling the trigger until a full magazine had been exhausted. Unfortunately in my neck-of-the-woods only the criminals get to use fire arms.
Christianity-it’s gay and the first victims of Orc will always be them, easy targets…did God save the Russians from the kosher Bolsheviks gulags? no? it’s a religion of weak tea apologists, who think everybody else, is a ‘Sinner.’ Forgiveness for Orcs? bah!
Avoid them, if you can see, hear, or smell them you are too dangerously close.
Hey, where is your problem? Worshipping our own executioners is in accordance with our Christian religion and values of decadence. Never forget what the holy, holy, holy bible tells us: Love your enemies, and hate your friends.
You’ve got to see this latest absurdity: