David SimsEssaysVideo

Savages Are Not Noble

Nobility, BLM style: The Benjamin Franklin tattoo adds just the right touch.

Warning: the video below is extremely disgusting and depicts sexuality in a horribly degraded, Negroid, form. It should not be viewed by children or sensitive persons. (Note well: While intellectual and philosophical discussions by racially conscious Whites are banned by the Jews at YouTube, this harmful garbage is permitted.)

by David Sims

I THINK that some readers might have an overly romanticized notion of Blacks. There was for a time a popular myth about the “noble savage,” the impoverished primitive who had a heart of gold. It’s nonsense. The primary characteristics of a savage are lust and brutality.

To illustrate, here’s a video made by the Black rapper “Blueface.”

Official video of Baby (content warning: simulated Negroid/Mulatto sex and other repellent Congoid behavior and words):

The same “song” with only the lyrics (instead of the “singer” and actors):

“Blueface” works for Monte and Avery Lipman’s Republic Records. Both Lipmans are Jews. Jews have been responsible for popularizing such “music” among young Whites.

You might, or might not, be surprised that Blueface is working on a reprise of this music video, in which the importance of sexual gratification, as opposed to the relative unimportance of babies, is demonstrated by showing parents tossing their babies through the air without any apparent concern for their safety, and then turning around, bending over, and twerking their buttocks.

[Nothing we have ever published is more damaging to the reputation of Blacks than what they themselves willingly and eagerly do. — Ed.]

* * *

Source: Author

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26 September, 2020 3:01 pm

On savages: I see something good in the chaotic development in the USA, namely: Discussions about gun control are now impossible with spiritually healthy Whites.

Mencken's Ghost
Mencken's Ghost
Reply to  Oleg
26 September, 2020 5:38 pm

Even gun-hating Jews in California are now applying for a permit. See the irony?

Reply to  Mencken's Ghost
26 September, 2020 5:45 pm

I suspect they wish weapons for themselves and defenselessness for Whites.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
Reply to  Oleg
26 September, 2020 11:10 pm

Indeed. Much like “dieversity” for thee but not for me. The jew is the enemy of all life. The would be “Master of the Universe”. A base coward and a liar. Unable to Tell the Truth.

Reply to  Oleg
4 October, 2020 3:20 pm

Discussions about gun control are a conjured jewish control thought process and psychological craft used upon the unwitting. And then to inject the idea there is a discussion on what clearly is an undebatable Constitutionally inserted written law outlining it’s guarantee. The very talk of “discussion” is criminal assault upon the Constitution and Citizens. 

26 September, 2020 4:20 pm

This “artist” was arrested for having an unregistered, loaded handgun in his car. He was also arrested for firing a gun into a vehicle to supposedly ward off an attempted robbery.

Where are all the concerns about his history of gun violence?

1 October, 2020 9:40 am

I just don’t get it. There is nothing enjoyable about that song. He can’t “sing”, the entire wording is very difficult to understand, rap inherently sucks, and he looks like a clown. I cannot find anything redeeming or attractive about any of this black culture BS.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  BuelahMan
1 October, 2020 3:30 pm

You are in error for calling it “culture.”

Reply to  Walt Hampton
2 October, 2020 6:42 am

Maybe the “BS” escaped you.

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  BuelahMan
2 October, 2020 6:51 pm

On YouTube there are videos from the 1970s of emerging black musical acts who were introduced to a white national television audience, and one can observe their tactful and humble manner. I believe that those “classy blacks” were cherry picked for their role of that day merely to set up what the Jews really had in mind all along…. which is the above. What we’re seeing more and more is the effeminate/straight black jackass, with all of the usual atrocious qualities being sold to the public. Years ago someone put some apparently hidden video camera footage of young black drug dealers in Oakland, selling drugs and twerking, to some rap music. These are real low level drug dealers on the street level. To my eyes, they’re acting like effeminate homosexuals.… Read more »