Posts Tagged

Democratic Party

American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

A gathering of hard-working “natural conservatives” at the southern US border, seeking entry to America through the “big golden door” promised them by Donald Trump, and eager to begin Making America Great Again and “doing the jobs that Americans won’t do.”…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

White living space — there is no substitute. Introductory Note: The entire Strom household — myself, my wife, and our two very young children — has been under the pall of viral infections this week, and I apologize for the fact that the sick leave I’ve been forced to take has impacted…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Stacey Abrams by Douglas Mercer THE ADVERTISING character/image “Aunt Jemima” got the bum’s rush a while back because it perpetuated some benign and pretty much accurate stereotypes of Blacks — but not to worry, the spitting image of the famous dough-faced Negro still…
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David SimsEssaysOpinion

by David Sims SINCE 5 November 2020, the Democratic Party’s massive election-rigging machine has been exposed. Before then, it was only a speculation, or, as leftists would say, a “conspiracy theory.” Now we know that that particular conspiracy theory is true.

Because people…
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David SimsNews

by David Sims THERE ARE almost certainly enough fraudulent votes for Joe Biden that, if investigators can find them all, will swing enough electors away from Biden and Donald Trump will be recognized as having won the election fairly. However, the fake votes for Biden might have been so thoroughly mixed…
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Editor’s Note: Question — How do you make sense of the racial disparities which continue to persist in America despite half a century’s worth of “civil rights” if you believe in the literal equality, sameness, and interchangeability of human populations, otherwise
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PRESIDENT TRUMP lobbed a new attack at Democrats he claims are ‘anti-Jewish’ and ‘anti-Israel’ on Tuesday morning, promoting a Jewish millennial group that’s pushing people to leave the party.…
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THE ABSOLUTE STATE of the Democratic Party. From ABC 7 WJLA, “California organizers cancel Women’s March due to ‘overwhelmingly white’ participants”: The organizers of the annual Women’s March have decided not to hold a rally in Eureka on Jan. 19, as previously…
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Editor’s Note: The massive, almost unbelievable amount of corruption that has piled up over the years with respect to the Clinton family is one of those open secrets in Washington which discredits America’s entire ruling class, not just the Democratic Party. Every major media outlet
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Introduction by John I. Johnson A while back I read a long, informative 3-part article on the World Socialist Web Site, an official publication of the Trotskyite Communist Fourth International, that was quite fascinating, the most significant parts of which are excerpted below. It reveals the extraordinarily…
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