A Guide for Readers
The old college syllabus — radicalized
by Dr. William L. Pierce
NO GROUP OF PEOPLE can hope to gain control of their destiny unless they possess two essential things: the will to survive as a people and knowledge. The purpose of this guide is to provide a reasonably accessible storehouse of knowledge for the English-speaking reader — and a little inspiration as well, in the hope that the inspiration and the knowledge together will strengthen and guide the will of the reader to participate in shaping the future of his people.
If the reader is to have a well-guided will, he needs more than a mere jumble of facts in his head; he must have organized knowledge, knowledge acquired with his purpose in mind. He needs, first of all, an unshakable sense of identity: an understanding of who he is and what his relationship is to the world around him. This can come only from a broad knowledge of the history of his people. He needs to know their most distant origins, their characteristics, their strengths and weaknesses, the ways in which they differ from other peoples. He needs a knowledge of the way they have been shaped by events over the centuries and of the present challenges facing them.
In addition, he should have an acquaintance with the folk traditions, the legends and myths, and the lives of the great heroes of his people. He should be familiar with their natural spiritual inclinations, the directions of their philosophical questing, and their cultural achievements over the ages. Finally, he must have as intimate as possible a knowledge of the enemies of his people.
Books are a natural source for all this knowledge. Unfortunately, however, the most valuable books are not readily available. Bookstores are afraid to stock them, and the controlled media will not review them or allow them to be advertised. Many have been purged from libraries by alien groups determined that we shall not be permitted to regain control of our destiny. Even the universities have practically ceased functioning as disseminators of the knowledge necessary for a proper sense of identity. Because of their emphasis on “equality” at any cost, the teaching of Western history and culture has become awkward, at best. Even when books have not been deliberately suppressed, they may be hard to find. Then there are the problems of choice and evaluation. Is a given book on history or race really worth reading? Can its author be trusted? Where there are several choices in a particular subject, which is the book to buy? If each has something valuable in it, which should be read first?
This guide exists to help overcome these problems: These books have been published in several countries. Some are published by major firms with New York or London addresses; others come from “underground” printers with very limited distribution channels. Each has been selected because it has something valuable to offer.
Some books are essential to a basic understanding of the task facing us as a people. Others are also important, but primarily for filling in the details. This guide is for readers who want to be sure that they read all of the really essential books, and then as many of the others as their time and pocketbooks will permit, and who want to read them in a logical sequence.
We should base our study of history on a knowledge of European prehistory. That is, before we begin compartmentalizing into Greek history, English history, and so on, we should understand the common racial, linguistic, and cultural roots of all of our Aryan ancestors. We should see the racial and tribal patterns in ancient Europe before we become distracted by national patterns. The text and maps of McEvedy’s Atlas of Ancient History gives an excellent, concise overview of European and Middle Eastern prehistory. Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe and Archaeology and Language give a view of pre-Aryan continental Europe, and The Secret of the Runes looks at what might be the earliest system of writing. In Search of the Indo-Europeans provides an excellent introduction to the study of Aryan origins.
After that, one can focus on specific areas and peoples. For the Celts there is Chadwick’s The Celts and Eluere’s The Celts: Conquerors of Ancient Europe. For the Germanic peoples there are History of the Vikings, The Long-Haired Kings, The Anglo-Saxons, and Teuton and the Roman. Tacitus’ fascinating Agricola and Germania, combined in one volume, and Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul give views of the life of both the Celts and the Germans of two millennia ago. Moving into the historical era, Ancient Greece provides a good overview of Hellenic civilization. More details are found in Herodotus’ Histories, the books on Alexander’s conquests by Arrian and Curtius, the treatments of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides and Xenophon, and Livy’s excellent books on Roman history. These can be supplemented by Kitto’s The Greeks, which gives excellent character sketches of the people from whom the Romans learned many things. Plato’s The Republic and The Laws give a taste of the Classical-Pagan view of the world — which in many ways was both more Aryan and more modern than the Medieval-Christian view that followed it.
Essential for study of the Middle Ages is McEvedy’s Atlas of Medieval History. The story of the supplanting of Roman power by German power is told especially well in Bury’s Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians. A good general survey is provided by Everyday Life in Medieval Times. Dealing with events on the Continent are The History of the Franks, Chronicles of the Crusades, and Keen’s Penguin History of Medieval Europe. For the current historical era, an indispensable reference work is McEvedy’s Atlas of Modern History. The French Revolution by Webster describes the hidden forces attempting to bring down the old aristocratic order in Europe. And for American history, be sure to read Teddy Roosevelt’s magnificent Winning of the West and Myers’ gripping account of White heroism, The Alamo.
Racial identity is based on more than history; the soul of a people is in its legends and myths. For the Greeks and Romans, the outstanding legends are Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid. An excellent collection is Guerber’s Myths of Greece and Rome. For the Anglo-Saxons, the great classic is Beowulf. For the Celts The Mabinogion and Rolleston’s excellent Celtic Myths and Legends are especially recommended. For Germans, The Nibelungenlied contains the text of the central legend, and the Illustrated Ring of the Nibelung and Lee’s Wagner’s Ring: Turning the Sky Around provide especially enjoyable synopses of Richard Wagner’s operatic interpretation of this great body of Germanic lore. For Scandinavians, all of the sagas are valuable, as well as The Poetic Edda, Heimskringla, and Guerber’s Myths of the Norsemen.
European religious myths are narrated in many of the books listed in the preceding section. A more scholarly look at the pre-Christian religion of Europe is found in Davidson’s two books, Gods and Myths of Northern Europe and Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe; and also in A History of Pagan Europe, by Jones and Pennick. The modern expression of the Aryan race-soul is given in philosophical-religious terms in Shaw’s Man and Superman; in Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and Beyond Good and Evil; in Brown’s The Might of the West, and perhaps best of all, in Simpson’s Which Way Western Man?. The same essence is expressed in political-social terms in Hitler’s Mein Kampf. All of these books are really indispensable for the reader who wants to understand the vexing problems of this age from an Aryan standpoint.
Seven books on race eminently suitable for beginners are Alien Nation, Paved with Good Intentions, The Dispossessed Majority, Race and Reason, Why Civilizations Self-Destruct, Destiny of Angels, and The Ideal and Destiny. Readers with an interest in the biology as well as the sociology of race will find Rushton’s Race, Evolution, and Behavior, Wilson’s Sociobiology: the New Synthesis and Darwin’s The Origin of Species useful. The statistics-lovers will enjoy Whitney’s Race, Genetics, and Society. Valuable works on eugenics and dysgenics are Ancient Eugenics, War and the Breed, and Shockley on Eugenics and Race. The three volumes of An Atlas of Mankind (i.e., Face of Africa, Classical World, and Modern Europe) give a good photographic survey of racial types.
Shahak’s Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Goldberg’s Jewish Power, Maisel and Foreman’s Jews in American Politics and Cantor’s Sacred Chain give us the facts about our foes straight from the horse’s mouth. Beginners will also find much of value in the little book Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin. Also good for beginners are Jews Must Live and You Gentiles. Communism is not the only racially destructive movement the Jews have been behind; feminism (for Gentiles) is another, and two especially good exposures of its fallacies and its pernicious influence on American society are Sex Differences and The Great Sex Divide. The destructive role of the Jews in psychology and psychiatry becomes apparent from a reading of The Decline and Fall of the Freudian Empire.
The international reach of the Jews in enforcing their policies of “political correctness” is described in detail in Jailed in ‘Democratic’ Germany, by Hans Schmidt, an American writer who found out about it first hand when he went to Germany to visit relatives and was arrested by the police there for things he had said in America. Much information about the parasitic Jewish role in American and European economic life is given in The Rise of the House of Rothschild and The Predators’ Ball. The destructive role of organized Jewish power is brought out in Revilo Oliver’s The Jewish Strategy (which should be read in conjunction with his America’s Decline) and in the video Guns, Race, and Freedom. Of interest to those learning about the Jews for the first time is Philip de Vier’s Blood Ritual. The Jews’ claim to immunity from criticism, based on their unique “victim” status — specifically, on the alleged extermination of 6,000,000 of them in gas chambers during WW2 — is dealt with in The Auschwitz Lie, Did Six Million Really Die?, My Banned Holocaust Interview, and in the video The Great Holocaust Trial.
Finally, the two videos, The Eternal Jew and The Other Israel, are excellent documentaries that forcefully summarize the entire Jewish question. No patriot should be without them.
The greatest calamity that has befallen our race in modern times was the Second World War. This suicidal conflict led us directly to the racial and moral chaos that is consuming the West today. Every racially conscious White person must understand what that war was really about and what really happened in it.
First, there are five books that will help the reader to understand why there was a war in the first place and who wanted it. They are Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, Pearl Harbor: Story of the Secret War, Infamy, and The Origins of the Second World War. There is hardly a need to offer the reader any books about the conduct of the war itself from the American side, because they are so readily and plentifully available. But he may find it interesting to see what the war looked like from the other side. For this purpose, Commando Extraordinary, about the exploits of a remarkable soldier, is very good. Then there is the incomparable Wenn Alle Bruder Schweigen, the best book on the SS. And Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days by Karl Doenitz, Hitler’s successor, is excellent.
Finally, there is the question of who the “good guys” and the “bad guys” were: who were the people fighting for the White race, and who were fighting against its interests; who showed a certain degree of decency and humanity in the conduct of the war, and who were the savages? The very disturbing answers will be found in Dachau: Hour of the Avenger, Hitler’s Last Bastion, Terrible Revenge, and The Russians in Germany.
The reader who is concerned about the future as well as the past should now read Mein Kampf again. Finally, unless he is a timid or squeamish soul, he should read Hunter and The Turner Diaries. The government and the controlled news media have been raising quite a fuss about the last of these books for decades.
The reader who begins a library with the 100 or so books recommended here will have a very valuable source of knowledge and inspiration at hand indeed. He will then be in a very good position to continue building his library, his knowledge, and his will to participate in shaping the future for his people.
Listening online to our weekly radio broadcast, American Dissident Voices, at NationalVanguard.org will also prove to be both educational and inspirational. NationalVanguard.org also provides a daily digest of news items and editorials of interest to the racially conscious reader. This Guide for Readers is also available in PDF form for printing and use as a flier for distribution in your community.
Those readers who are ready to take the next step beyond education — who are ready to take part in the National Alliance’s efforts to secure a healthy and progressive future for our people — should visit our main organizational Web site, natall.com, and apply for membership, or write to our address below to receive further information and a membership application in the mail. For a copy of our full-color magazine-style booklet explaining the National Alliance’s work, Building a New White World: What is the National Alliance?, please enclose $3.
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Source: National Alliance
Thank you so much for re-publishing this here, I had some copies of this for distribution with the Building A New White World booklet but ran out and gave away my best master copy. Now I can re-print it.
We have a pdf version of this article by Dr. Pierce, that is more suitable for duplicating and distribution, that was included with one of our monthly National Alliance BULLETINs (September 2015?), mailed to members. I’ll try to find that for you, Jim.
The PDF version of this Guide can be found at http://natall.com/fliers along with many other fliers and graphics.
What year did Dr. Pierce first publish this recommended list?
I think that Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy on the Jews — A People That Shall Dwell Alone, Separation and Its Discontents, and The Culture of Critique — ought to have a place in any revision of the above guide for readers. Indeed, National Vanguard Vanguard Books stocked all three books soon after their publication, but their high price made them prohibitively expensive, and would explain their omission in the guide. William Pierce’s review of A People That Shall Dwell Alone and his catalogue entries for MacDonald’s trilogy indicates that he thought highly of it.
Reading but half of these books would provide an education rivaling a PhD from a major university.
I’ve started reading this list sometime ago (I’m currently on Chadwick’s The Celts).
Although one of the most important contributes of WLP (and I’m probably being nitpicky), I count four books at the “Second World War” section and not five…
Just saying it…