American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Vaccination and Our Future: An Interview With John Massaro, part 1

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 18 November, 2023

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY WE PRESENT the first part of my recent interview with author, world traveler, and activist John Massaro, who has written not only for National Vanguard, but for Wilmot Robertson’s Instauration magazine among other publications. Mr. Massaro is the author of the blockbuster book, Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?, a book that not only completely skewers the pro-vaccine Establishment, but shows how thoroughly Jewish — and crooked — it is. In this first part of our conversation,

Let’s listen to that interview now.

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Here are some of the topics we discussed on today’s program.

  • Most Americans — until recently at least — were taught to have total faith in the medical establishment and the public health authorities.
  • Very few are aware of the failures and dangers of the vaccines developed by Salk and Sabin — two Jews presented to us as near-saints and heroes.
  • There was something synthetic, fake, and propaganda-like in the Swine Flu scare campaign during the Ford administration.
  • Members of later generations have received far more childhood vaccine jabs than those of us born in the 1950s and 60s.
  • Mr. Massaro’s world travels led to him getting additional vaccinations during adulthood, some of which he now knows had potential fertility effects, though he was not warned at the time.
  • How many people read — or are even offered the opportunity to read — the health warning inserts that come with each vaccine dose?
  • When his fertility problems first appeared shortly after his marriage, Mr. Massaro was told that in a bizarre immune reaction — likely caused by vaccines — there were antibodies covering his sperm cells.
  • This immune dysfunction led directly to fertility problems and indirectly to the tragedy of his children’s autism and other defects after fertility doctors were called in.
  • This terrible tragedy led to his decades-long research and ultimately to his writing Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?.
  • From 1981 to 1986, Mr. Massaro received at least 15 travel-related vaccine shots, and the only “warning” of possible adverse effects he ever received was a question as to whether he was allergic to eggs.
  • Most Americans never get to hear the other side of the vaccine story — though that is changing.
  • John Massaro is on a mission now to alert people, especially parents and potential parents, to the dangers of vaccines — and he does not hold back the truth about the very important Jewish factor.
  • and much more!

You can get your own copy of Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? by visiting

I’m Kevin Alfred Strom and please be sure to be with me next week when I’ll continue this important conversation with author John Massaro, right here on American Dissident Voices.

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Art Moenck
Art Moenck
18 November, 2023 12:49 pm

While these warnings come too late for many of us, I appreciate them now and hope future generations do as well. That the jewed government would do this seems shocking to most, those few awakened to the post WWII order now see this fits in the pattern of genocidal behavior our enemy rulers have shown us time after time this past century or longer. Poisoning the wells again!

Separately, we shall surely hang by the nooses they prepare for us. Together we may avoid that fate. Join us,

Mr. Walrus
Mr. Walrus
Reply to  Art Moenck
31 December, 2023 11:35 am

I can shed some light on this since I was a molecular biologist with tons of Immunology experience in and out of the lab, and I worked for big pharma until I left and started my own business. Now it would take a while to explain my blunt assertions, but at the end of the day trust your instinct – it comes from a higher power. I did indeed work on Corona virus in grad school and liposome delivery of Nucleic Acid “vaccines” (they are not vaccines- but GMO) in biotech. I learned everything about corona replication cloned its sloppy replicase etc.I’ll make it short, and the kinda person who didn’t wake up with the 9-11 big lie will not take me seriously…. so be it. There never was a… Read more »

German Nationalist
German Nationalist
18 November, 2023 1:56 pm

The March of the Kings = The March of the Unvaccinated

We unvaccinated people are kings. Maybe someone will remember my warnings from the terrible plandemic period.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  German Nationalist
18 November, 2023 8:36 pm

You’ll have to enlighten us about your warnings, German Nationalist. The link to your youtube channel only provided music.

German Nationalist
German Nationalist
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
4 December, 2023 1:53 pm

Jim, das ist eine Grafik, die ich in der Zeit der Plandemie – online und offline – verbreitete. Sie war natürlich mit einem adäquaten Text versehen. Weitere Beispiele werden folgen.

Jim, this is a graphic that I distributed – online and offline – during the plandemic. Of course it was provided with adequate text. More examples follow.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
18 November, 2023 4:03 pm

You can get your own copy of Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? by visiting. — Presently our online bookstore still has a dozen or so of Mr. Massaro’s large format, definitive work on the subject that are signed by him for just $20, plus p&h. First come, first served. Blurb: Vaccines are experimental blends of biological and chemical junk that don’t work and have maimed or killed an uncountable number of people. The big lie that they have “saved millions of lives” has been repeated so often and for so long that most consider it the indisputable truth. Yet any serious investigation will reveal that there are no vaccination success stories, only myths taught in medical universities and served to the public by the fake news establishment, both of… Read more »

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
18 November, 2023 10:15 pm

Great interview, gentlemen. This covered a lot of ground. I’m against the Covid shots, but I can’t say I’m anti vaccine overall. For example, due to puncture wounds, I’ve had several tetanus shots over my lifetime. I also used to be on immunosuppressants for a long time, so I caught everything. I had pneumonia, and later got a shot for it. The flu shots were once aimed at those over 65, but I eventually kept getting those vaccines because I kept getting respiratory viruses, and was sick of always getting sick. People used to suffer from TB, lying there in a feverish sweat, coughing up blood, often dying before 35. Nowadays, with all the foreign invasion, especially from Mexico, there have been reported uprisings of cases of TB, because they… Read more »

Reply to  Nom De Guerre
19 November, 2023 10:38 pm

Should children be pumped up with numerous chemicals before they are even one year old? Should that be mandatory or the purview of the parents? Did nature intend that chemical concoctions be injected straight into the body, where defenses aren’t as strong as they are through ingestion, where homeopathic medicines generally pass through? Homeopathy is the ounce of prevention to allopathy’s pound of cure. One must also ask is this regimen of vaccination producing a stronger race or does it create an environment that doesn’t give the immune system the exercise that it needs to be effective all throughout the life of an individual. Does this environment create weak people or allow weak people to perpetuate their genes and thereby drag the future of the race down as immune systems… Read more »

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  torch
20 November, 2023 7:58 pm

I must admit that I’m not up to date on homeopathy nor hydropathy, the latter of which I never heard of. Nor am I up to date on certain chronic conditions, such as diabetes, which I thankfully don’t suffer, but last I checked, diabetics needed the chemical concoction of insulin injected regularly. The condition I had to take tablets for was an autoimmune disorder that occurred no matter how good my diet and hygiene were. Sometimes, these things can happen and some can be serious. Another thing I’ve been unaware of is babies being immunized. In contrast to John Massaro’s and Kevin’s experiences with getting polio sugar cubes in school, I believe I had something to prevent polio when I was 2 or 3…the memories were fuzzy, but I kept… Read more »

German Nationalist
German Nationalist
Reply to  torch
4 December, 2023 2:14 pm

Torch, the idea behind vaccinations is to enable even the weak to survive and thus reproduce. Vaccinations, if effective at all, therefore have a counter-evolutionary effect.