Posts Tagged
Medical Science

Vaccination and Our Future: An Interview With John Massaro, part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 2 December, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom ON THIS PROGRAM we conclude with the third and final part of my ground-breaking interview with the author of the book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? — Mr. John Massaro. When we left off last week, we were discussing the…

Vaccination and Our Future: An Interview With John Massaro, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 25 November, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom THIS WEEK we continue with the second part of my important interview with the author of the great truth-telling exposé on vaccines, Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? — Mr. John Massaro. Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? is…

Vaccination and Our Future: An Interview With John Massaro, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 18 November, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY WE PRESENT the first part of my recent interview with author, world traveler, and activist John Massaro, who has written not only for National Vanguard, but for Wilmot Robertson’s Instauration magazine among…

All of a Sudden… Covid Disappears
by John Young I HAVE SEEN PEOPLE wondering… where are the new Covid-19 variants? To be fair about new Covid variants… they are occurring. It’s just that the regime has moved on to the next Thing(tm) and so they aren’t being put on the news. They basically realized that they were expending far too much of…

Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 7
by John Massaro LIKE MANY OTHER AMERICANS, and Europeans too I’m sure, I’ve fantasized about cleansing this planet of all the human bacteria that have proliferated far too long. While writing this book, I often daydreamed about writing another, my own version of The Turner Diaries, that legendary…

Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 6
Michael Yeadon by John Massaro I ALWAYS LIKE AN insider’s view of things. Thankfully, there are a few honorable people who work, or have worked, in the top public health agencies and in the big pharmaceutical firms. Michael Yeadon, former chief of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, is the most…

Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 5
by John Massaro AS I MENTIONED, the wheels of a global vaccination conspiracy had been turning for years before the jabs actually began — on December 14, 2020, here in the U.S. I must admit that, despite my extensive research, I was unaware of this. Conspiracies by their nature are hatched in secrecy.…

Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 4: Bill Gates
Bill Gates by John Massaro AS ONE WOULD EXPECT, the thrust behind the increasingly fierce injection campaign in the U.S. is heavily though not entirely Jewish. If it weren’t for Bill Gates, a gentile, we would not be in the extreme situation we’re in today. Over the past twenty years, no man or woman comes…

Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 3
Klaus Schwab by John Massaro ON AN IMPULSE, I recently skimmed through A.K. Chesterton’s The New Unhappy Lords, which I read many years ago, and which I quoted from earlier. I’ve read several fine books on the conspiracy, or better said conspiracies, among the rich and powerful, especially since World…

Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 2
by John Massaro THE FIRST REPORTS OF a novel corona virus, SARSCoV2, came out of Wuhan, China in late December 2019. I don’t know what happened, or didn’t happen, in Wuhan, though it appears certain that the slimy Fauci, who has flip-flopped at least fifteen times in his recommendations, and whom even…