My $30,000 Offer, update 2: Letter Published; $30,000 Claimant
by John Massaro
I NOTICED THAT Philip Caputo belatedly posted my comment of March 8th on his Web site, under his January 30th “dispatch,” and again I was surprised. I admire him for that, because it did not reflect well upon him, and he did not add his own comment as he had previously. I’d like to think that he read at least a few chapters of my book and began to have second thoughts about vaccines, but I have no idea.
The letter to Terry Bradshaw came back as unable to forward, because the little yellow sticker said there’s no such street as Pearson Lane in Westlake, Texas. Then why the Hell is it on the Internet? On Monday I’ll mail it to his fan club address in Shreveport, Louisiana, with a clear request that it gets to him personally, and we’ll see what happens.
Yesterday I received the first serious attempt to claim my $30,000 prize. It came from someone calling himself John Doe, with an extremely long and rather bizarre email address. I reproduce his submission here.
I’m here for the 30,000 offer.
By the fact that this was reposted on the National Alliance’s blog, and by just skimming your blog I can reasonably assume you’re pro-third Reich. Therefore I cite Hitler and his health minister Leonardo Conti as both being pro-vaccine. Evidence shows that Hitler saw vaccines as a tool for eugenics, not to be given to those of inferior genetic quality so that they’re inclined to have less kids. He even stated that starting rumors that vaccines were dangerous among colonized territories could prevent rebellions due to over population. He even goes so far as to say that compulsory vaccination should be only for Germans. My source for all this is Hitler’s Table Talks, a pdf of which can be found here:
The obvious counter argument to this is that Hitler relaxed vaccine mandates. However, Hitler clearly only did so as a political move, as the table talks clearly have him advocate for compulsory vaccination for Germans once the war is over.
As for Leonardo Conti, he wasn’t as public of a figure due to the nature of his job. But still, he advocated vaccination. He permitted the usage and development of vaccines. German researchers helped create anti-typhus vaccines under him to combat the epidemic in Spain. (Source: “Axis Internationalism: Spanish Health Experts and the Nazi ‘New Europe’, 1939–1945,” a pdf of which can be found at the following url):
I highly doubt you’re going to cough up the money, but on the off chance that you do, here’s my XMR address:
I had no idea what an XMR address is, and after googling it still don’t get it. Very mysterious. I chopped off the last twenty characters to protect the man’s privacy, if that makes any sense. This was my response, written earlier today.
Thank you for applying for my $30,000 offer. I should tell you straightaway that your challenge is entirely irrelevant. Whatever Adolf Hitler or anyone in his administration thought about vaccines has nothing to do with the work of any vaccine developer or book published on the subject. Nevertheless, I learned something new from your message – specifically, the close collaboration between Spanish and German health authorities during the Second World War – and I feel you deserve a response.
You wrote, “German researchers helped create anti-typhus vaccines under [German health minister Leonard Conti] to combat the epidemic in Spain.” I clicked on the link to the source you provided, which took me to a paper twenty pages long published in an obscure history journal. I read it. The brief discussion of a typhus vaccine ends on the sixth page (p. 296) with this sentence: “Spanish students were also invited to join international teams working on typhus vaccines at the military Institute for Virology in Cracow and the Behring Institute in Lemberg.” After that, the author changes direction and there’s no further mention of a vaccine for typhus.
I investigated further and learned that an Austrian, Rudolf Weigl, a Gentile who opposed the National Socialist regime and became a Polish citizen, first came up with a typhus vaccine in 1930. I must admit that I’d never heard of Weigl and this vaccine. The Wikipedia page on him begins with the kind of Politically Correct mush typical of this source: “Weigl worked during the Holocaust to save the lives of countless Jews by developing the vaccine for typhus and providing shelter to protect those suffering under the Nazis in occupied Poland.” It goes on to describe the technique he used, which was to crush typhus-infected lice into a paste. This paste became the actual vaccine injected into people. If this is true — and I have no reason to question it — it’s just one more example of what a totally crude experimental procedure vaccination is. Paragraph after paragraph of this Wikipedia article contains vague assertions, though near the end it does state that the vaccine was dangerous, without going into any detail. As with other vaccines produced in the first half of the twentieth century, it appears to have been quietly abandoned as a failure. Even the terminally corrupt CDC, which functions as a vaccine company, states on its Web site that there’s no vaccine to prevent typhus.
Returning to Hitler and Conti, this is what I wrote on pages 242-243 of my book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?:
Finally, a word is in order about vaccination policy in Germany under Hitler — another subject about which there are information gaps. My understanding is that vaccinations, which in National Socialist Germany meant only smallpox and diphtheria, were required by law — nearly everyone got them. Like all social policies, this was overseen by the proper authorities; in this case, it was probably the personal decision of Dr. Leonard Conti, the Minister of Health. The top officials in Hitler’s cabinet were very intelligent men, but apparently the vaccine dogma was so ingrained in their minds that childhood vaccinations were deemed beneficial without reservation. In Table Talk there is a passage in which Hitler expressed his awareness that some people did not believe in vaccines, but apparently, despite his extensive knowledge in many fields, including medicine, he had no opinion about them either way.
I dispute everything you wrote about Hitler’s position on vaccines (“Evidence shows that….), which seems like the usual slander in accordance with the rule that it’s permissible to invent any lie about Hitler as long as it makes him look bad. You provide a link to a pdf of Table Talk (a compilation of monologues and conversations, recorded in shorthand, on a wide variety of subjects conducted by Hitler in a relaxed atmosphere with his inner circle) but to no specific page on vaccines. I have my own copy of Table Talk, which I read several years ago, and I distinctly recall Hitler’s fleeting mention of vaccines. “Vaccines” is not listed in the 23-page index, and I was not about to search for the exact quote in this 722-page book. Perhaps my memory has failed me, and you can direct me to the pages from which you cite your supposed evidence. But again, even if you could, this is entirely unrelated to my $30,000 offer.
In any event, I’m glad you wrote to me, and I hope you find my disqualification of your challenge fair and reasonable.
(Note: Right after I clicked on “Send” my email came back as undeliverable. As I said, very mysterious. Well, I hope this guy checks back and reads what I wrote anyway.)
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Source: End the Shots
My problem with AH is he was constantly medicated on morphine. From “things I read about Dr Morrell and Hitler” was, he kept him medicated with “vitamin” shots thst were very popular with EVERYBODY. Even JFK was taking B12 shots with amphetamine. Everybody was taking diet pills. Opioids were ubiquitous and casually offered over the counter. Cocaine was recommended often. Anything by a jew is poison. Does it have to be injected?
Intellectually I disagree with the idea of putting up money against the validity of an idea. For one, it attracts people to the discussion who will argue in bad faith and support positions for financial reasons. It also gives the sponsor a massive incentive to not change his view on a subject even if confronted by fair evidence. I don’t think there are many if any examples of a person actually paying out after issuing such a challenge. It shuts down constructive debate.
Interesting perspective, but I totally disagree. What I’m doing with this offer, figuratively speaking, is telling big-talk pro-vaccine opponents, “Okay, you think you’re tougher than me? Then step into the ring and let’s see how tough you really are. Knock me out and I’ll give you $30,000.” And they won’t do it because they’re too chicken – or literally speaking, in this case, too ignorant. That’s what I’m trying to do here – expose their ignorance and embarrass them into silence. By now, it’s likely that thousands have read my offer, and this man, John Doe, is only the second one who has put up a fight – and like the first, not much of a fight. And I WILL pay anyone who knocks me out.
I have to ask, are you aware of the late Dr. Archie Kalokerinos? I found an interview he gave, and he went from being for vaccination to against it as he dealt more and more with the vaccination craze in the 70s. His work was particularly extensive in regard to the abos of Australia and africans. He found vitamin C, delivered intravenously or intramuscularly to be a much superior option. I’ll leave the interviews link below.
Yes, I read his book “Every Second Child” many years ago. The interview in your link, which I just read, offers an excellent synopsis of that valuable little book. You don’t have to share his sentimental attachment to primitive Australian aborigines to see how those kids were brutalized and often murdered by stupid and callous “public health” vaccination teams. The same kind of thing has been going on for a long time in many Third World countries, particularly in Africa. Dr. K was a good man in every way.
The word “vaccination(s)” appears multiple times in Table Talk, just not “vaccine(s)”.
With an electronic version (e.g. PDF) you could use the search function (CTRL + F) to instantly locate every instance of the word.
I gave this a try, but didn’t get far. My computer skills are basic, to say the least. Could you tell me on which pages (or in which “mini-chapter”) the word appears? I’m curious about this.
Are the mini-chapters numbered in your copy? They’re 152, 190, and 267.
Well I’ll be darned. You’re right, and so is John Doe (“Evidence shows that….”). I stand corrected. While Hitler wasn’t a zealot, his comments clearly indicate that he believed in the efficacy of vaccines (though as I alluded to, he said, in 152, “Some serious scientists are against vaccination). Genius that he was, he wasn’t right about everything. It was interesting to see that his three comments were spaced months apart, in 1942, but each time he tied them in to his low opinion of the Russian people – which opens up a can of worms. If I remember correctly, I once read that he made a fatal mistake for not throwing his full support, early on, behind General Vlasov, who led the Russian Liberation Army, but I’m not so… Read more »
I think vaccines are only the tip of the iceberg. Jordan Peterson’s personal experience recently exposed benzos as having the worst withdrawal of any drug, and this was new to him even as a clinical psychologist. When he sought help for akathisia, which he described as being unable to sleep for 25 days while being in a state of sheer terror, constantly electrocuted by a cattle prod, unable to stop moving, he was ironically diagnosed with schizophrenia. He was so desperate for relief he even went to Russia to be put into a coma for a week to ride out the pain unconscious, and then in Serbia, since apparently the first experiment didn’t work. According to Wikipedia, akathisia was deliberately induced using anti-psychotics (e.g. Haldol) in the USSR, in order… Read more »