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Importing Alien Overlords

by John Randolph

RECENTLY THE intolerable Establishment stooge Mike Lee shepherded through, on a cowardly voice vote, a bill that would inundate America with an inordinate number of smug, vindictive, and anti-White Indians who will work in our tech sector, harming innumerable White families including White children and add some more soldiers to the growing anti-White army. Think Priti Patel, Neera Tanden, and Nikki Haley, ghoulish high-testosterone foreign banshees who want to wail on the White man. They are the product of millennia of a jealously guarded color line of caste — but they’ll be the first to tell you that caste and the color line are the epitome of evil.

The idea of the bill is that our Tech Elites want Indians to man the posts because they are more amenable to alienating White people from the country.

The bill has the lying name of “Fairness For High Skilled Immigrants.”

Of course it’s not about giving these wogs “fairness,” it’s about giving them the keys to the White Kingdom on a silver (or brown) platter. The bill would jettison caps on migration and allow India to dominate our immigration system. That is, it’s no holds barred for these vicious subcontinentals to come here and take our wealth, our jobs, and our living space. It is estimated that over ninety per cent. of professional employment-based visas would go to the Indian elite over the next ten years. No wonder Modi said “Namaste Trump!”

It has been reported that the Act is heavily touted by the Indian lobby and Big Tech, as if no one saw that one coming.

And, in any event, we need to ask ourselves why we have “leaders” for whom it is a priority to be “fair to foreigners” — while even saying a single good word for White Americans is “career suicide”? We know why.

Pramila Jayapal (which is not an American name) is a Indian congresswoman from Washington State, the product of previous massive inflows of Indians to High Tech havens. Prior to that she was a civil rights advocate and the director of something fiendishly called One America, an organization whose goal is flooding the and ravaging America with the brown and the black in order to ethnically cleanse the natives. The original name for this putrid organization was Hate Free Zone, though White Free Zone is more like it. A vast flood of more like this Jayapal criminal is what we can expect now.

In the final throes of 2020 there was a mad rush to inundate us with future alien overlords: To add insult to injury, the House of Representatives (they don’t represent you) passed a bill that would allow every last godforsaken person who lives in the hyper-predatory province of Hong Kong to move to America and achieve Temporary Protected Status, thus never being subject to deportation.

One doesn’t need to be a genius in reading between the lines to know that Temporary Protected Status is traitor-speak for Permanently Protected Status. So now a bunch of bloodless mercenary Asian uber-capitalists can crowed in to our country and lord it over us from their feudal redoubts. It certainly makes one nostalgic for the time in this country when we had dignity and some instincts of self-preservation and passed laws with the august-sounding title The Chinese Exclusion Act.

Boris Johnson recently did the same thing for far gone Britain, plumping for allowing these predators from the former British possession into the former lands of the Angles and the Saxons.

A while back at one of their protests, the Hong Kongers were seen waving Old Glory, the sight of which made Ben Shapiro and Rich Lowry wet each other’s pants, so taken were they by the faux heart-stirring display of cornball Murrica love. But trust me, they have no love for America. They love only their race and our money.

Letting even one of them in is a racial sin of the first magnitude.

But that’s our country, don’t you know. From the South we import brown coolies and helots so Lupe can wash the upper crust’s toilets and Juan can trim their vast expanses of manicured lawns. And now, from India and Asia, we import brown and yellow tech workers and capitalists so they can join the underclass Blacks and Browns and overclass Jews in feasting on our blood.

During the passage of the bill to let in the Indians, some idiot called Tom Malinowski who apparently is an elected official said we can “self-confidently open our doors.” No, Tom we should self-confidently slam them shut — forever.

But with the likes of Tom in power we can look forward to a future with high-IQ coloreds at the top draining away our welath and raining down their hate on us, and low-IQ coloreds at the bottom committing the crimes, making our communities unlivable, and draining away our wealth in other ways. It’s sort of an evil one-two punch, a pincer movement which will eventually encircle the White people in the vanishing middle.

The browning of America is horror enough. But now we also import alien overlords.

They dream of building tasteless, huge McMansions in what used to be our country — and sitting behind their gates, controlling their serfs.

Welcome to America.

* * *

Source: Author

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NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
15 February, 2021 1:51 am

Isteroids . Left Isteroids .
The left is using female freaking masses of people for their own purposes. They use the natural hysteria and panic inherent in women to be a weapon.
Doesn’t it look like anything?
we press on women so that they press on their husbands. and then we get left idiocy.

Reply to  NEW ORDER needed on earth
16 February, 2021 6:49 pm

Women are far more susceptible to propaganda, advertising and peer pressure than men.
Women (and older men) are also far more likely to fall for pretty lies about ‘peace’, ‘prosperity’, ‘safety’, ‘security’, ‘comfort’ or similar things than (young) men.
Which makes them the ‘soft underbelly’ of a society, easily influenced – and easily weaponized against their own men…..

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
17 February, 2021 1:07 am

The bottom line is that Jews stimulate the internal desire of the female masses to dominate society. Take the wives away from their husbands and they will surrender. They use matriarchy and impose it on purpose. Including thanks to Christianity, communism, paganism. All liberalism is matriarchy.Women are more hysterical. This allows the same Jews to use them against us. An hysterical whore who everywhere and everywhere screams about the lack of someone’s rights, while not knowing what a right is and where it is used. This is the same real weapon. Moreover, the calming down of these hysteroids leads to an even greater social reaction. The most important thing is to whip up hysteria.If only snot flowed and the tears of an innocent whore of the goddess. The woman is… Read more »

Reply to  NEW ORDER needed on earth
17 February, 2021 7:05 am

I don’t think Paganism per se is at fault, it stresses bot male and female deities – at least original, ethnic Paganism does. What the New Age neo-Hippies call ‘Paganism’ is really just one of many code words for homosexual, they’re not Pagan at all, they just want to be ‘different’ any way they can. Women being the way they are wouldn’t be a major problem in homogenous societies without hostile alien elements constantly working to destroy the tribal structure. It is true that traditional Paganism was way too accepting of others, including their belief systems, that did change for a time when the Norse found out about Charlemagne’s tretament of their Saxon cousins to the south, which kicked off the so-called ‘Viking Age’. Sadly, the Celts still haven’t learned,… Read more »

15 February, 2021 12:50 pm

Separación territorial, única opción..

16 February, 2021 1:07 am

I wonder if the civil riots have begun in Russia. Russia have been getting these invaders as well, all by their overlord Communism. England, I wonder how they will feed all those mouths, especially since they are not part of the EU anymore. I wonder how long before they are depleted of money. I know they are beseeching companies to do business in England. Fat chance, knowing how high in taxes a business pays. Trump will be right when he said they won’t be able to control them.

16 February, 2021 9:11 am

It’s strange that India is not complaining of a “brain drain” as Britain did during the 1960s when many of its scientists migrated to the US.

Reply to  guest
16 February, 2021 6:52 pm

First guess: The Indians who show up as IT personnel in the West are the top 0.001% of a population of what ? – 1.2 billion ? India probably doesn’t notice their absence because India never even knew they existed….

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
17 February, 2021 6:51 pm

from what i hear, it’s hard to notice anything in India save for the stench of mammal feces…

22 February, 2021 2:10 pm

Because the jews have been inbreeding (endogamy) for centuries, many share physical characterics that are visible, expecially in the eyes, nose, teeth, and height. After studying these features, it’s pretty easy to identify a jew when you see one, such as Neera Tanden, who is obviously an indian jewess. Another one many have missed so far is kamala harris’s mother Shyamala Gopalan, who is also an indian jewess. Seethe ugly mug for yourself here:

Victor Arminius
Victor Arminius
23 February, 2021 11:37 am

I have seen a rather disturbing video concerning an apartment complex in West Virginia whereby the Feds evicted everyone and moved them to other apartments that were inferior in quality to make way for 400 Arab immigrants who will now populate the apartments whites had to evacuate. Can somebody look into this? I know that the powers that be want to flood majority-white states-especially conservative red states- with non-white immigrants who will vote blue and thereby ensure Democratic rule for time and all eternity.

WN lady
WN lady
4 March, 2021 3:18 pm

I learned after regrettably living in one Indian-rich metropolis of Canada, as well as working in insurance, that you never trust an Indian with your health, your wealth, or your house (medicine, finances, and home construction, respectively).

As to East Asians, they indeed become an overclass. They decimate White populations with their economic competition and high rates of White-Asian intermarriage. They’re your boss, teacher, landlord, politician. Many will state they escaped Asia to raise children in a more relaxed environment, but the reality is they bring the competitive environment with them, presumably because they prefer competing against Whites in new, environmentally pristine conditions.

Reply to  WN lady
5 March, 2021 7:27 am

And to their advantage WN lady, these East Indians stick together and aid one another in political, social, and other endeavors. We Whites are more than capable of doing the same, being a part of the National Alliance is the best platform where only committed Whites can network and benefit each other while serving Our Cause. It’s for us and us only. I recommend joining us if you qualify.

Learn more here: