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Shahi-Tump: Natural Purity versus Mixing With Your Inferiors
A strong race, purified by Nature, conquers; their mixed descendants are conquered — a lesson for all times, including our own. by Ryan Cavallius MOST STUDENTS OF INDO-EUROPEAN HISTORY are well acquainted with the fact that an ancient branch of that stock migrated into what is now Pakistan from…

Importing Alien Overlords
by John Randolph RECENTLY THE intolerable Establishment stooge Mike Lee shepherded through, on a cowardly voice vote, a bill that would inundate America with an inordinate number of smug, vindictive, and anti-White Indians who will work in our tech sector, harming innumerable White families including…

Aryan Invasion of India: Myth or Reality?
DNA evidence has shed new light on the origins of the Indian people, the Hindu religion, and the Sanskrit language. Pastoralists of the Andronovo culture from the Bronze age steppe invaded India from the northwest and brought Indo-European languages to the Indian subcontinent. These pastoralists…

Who We Are #22 — The Age of Exploration and Colonialism
By Dr. William L. Pierce
Centuries of Colonialism Yield Benefits, Perils Nearly All Black Slaves Went to Iberian America Economic Colonialism is Racial Treason
WITH THE CLOSE of the Viking Age in the latter half of the 11th century, we left the prehistoric period, with all its pagan vigor, behind us…

Who We Are #11 — Indo-European Conquerors, Aryans
By Dr. William L. Pierce
Indo-Europeans Conquered Middle East, Perished through Racemixing Mighty Hittite Empire Was Built by Nordics, Destroyed by Nordics Aryan Warriors Ruled Persian Empire, India Only Total Separation Can Preserve Racial Quality
BEFORE WE DEAL with the next Indo-European…

by Revilo P. Oliver IN Liberty Bell, June 1986, pp. 12, 49-52, I gave a summary account of an incident in Bhopal, India, and wrote the chemical formula that was the only possible explanation of the emission of lethal gases from a plant that the Union Carbide Corporation had mistakenly built in India. The…

Will Brexit Mean More Asian Immigrants?
WHILE MANY nationalists enthusiastically campaigned for ‘Brexit’ and are still celebrating victory in this year’s referendum, a little-discussed subplot of the Brexit drama developed further this week. For most Brexit voters, immigration was the most important issue at stake in the referendum.…

Told You So: India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan
by Revilo P. Oliver
IN JUNE 1986 Liberty Bell published the obvious explanation of an incident that had occurred at a chemical plant built and operated by the Union Carbide Corporation in Bhopal in north central India. Fumes of methyl isocyanate escaped from the plant and killed something more than…

My Indian Odyssey
by David Duke WHO CAN FORGET the day on which he first sees one of the Seven Wonders of the World? I vividly remember the details of the August day when I first saw the Taj Mahal. (ILLUSTRATION: Leprous Indian beggar) Armed with a camera and a frayed notepad, I trotted out of the YMCA at about 5:30 in the morning.…

A World Without White People: A Visual Look at a Mongrel Future
REACTING TO THE latest example of Leftist drivel to issue forth from the bowels of the Huffington Post, in which the idea of Whites becoming a powerless minority in America is celebrated, one has to accurately show what such a future will really look like. Many of the below pictures were used in an article…