
A World Without White People: A Visual Look at a Mongrel Future


REACTING TO THE latest example of Leftist drivel to issue forth from the bowels of the Huffington Post, in which the idea of Whites becoming a powerless minority in America is celebrated, one has to accurately show what such a future will really look like.

Many of the below pictures were used in an article with the same title that was written by yours truly some months ago, using the cesspool of modern India as a model for what happens once the spark of creativity and brilliance disappears from a civilization.

Note that some of the images you will see are quite graphic in terms of gritty realism, but are captioned by a bit of comedy in order to lessen the blow. However, the fate of all we hold dear is not something to laugh at, nor is the nightmare we leave to those who come after us if we fail to change course.

It’s hard to remember that many of these filthy subhumans had White ancestors that built their land into a great civilization. Now, only ruins, feces, and grime remain. No interstellar probes or moon bases for these teeming masses.
It’s hard to remember that many of these filthy subhumans had White ancestors that built their land into a great civilization. Now, only ruins, feces, and grime remain. No interstellar probes or moon bases for these teeming masses.
Not really seeing the whole concept of stronger racial hybrids in this creature. It is also unclear if this is a massive tumor, or something more bizarre.
Not really seeing the whole concept of stronger racial hybrids in this creature. It is also unclear if this is a massive tumor, or something more bizarre.
Failing to fully understand the concept of sanitary cremation, the mongrels dump the half-burned remnants into the Ganges River. At least the massive catfish enjoy regular mealtime enrichment.
Failing to fully understand the concept of sanitary cremation, the mongrels dump the half-burned remnants into the Ganges River. At least the massive catfish enjoy regular mealtime enrichment.
The basic design of the toilet also seems to have escaped these glorious equals. Yes, many of them use their fingers instead of toilet paper, or even leaves. Coming to a town or city near you.
The basic design of the toilet also seems to have escaped these glorious equals. Yes, many of them use their fingers instead of toilet paper, or even leaves. Coming to a town or city near you.
How these “people” haven’t completely succumbed to an outbreak of disease remains a mystery. The white bundle is a half-decomposed corpse.
How these “people” haven’t completely succumbed to an outbreak of disease remains a mystery. The white bundle is a half-decomposed corpse.
There is a good chance that White men once had this area paved with cobblestones. Now, feral moo-cows, and a dog, graze on a healthy diet of trash.
There is a good chance that White men once had this area paved with cobblestones. Now, feral moo-cows, and a dog, graze on a healthy diet of trash.
Privileged Whites, you must learn the wonders of diversity’s food chain. First the crows and ravens indulge on the rotting intestines of a deceased individual.
Privileged Whites, you must learn the wonders of diversity’s food chain. First the crows and ravens indulge on the rotting intestines of a deceased individual.
Then the flies and baby maggots appear for a session of gross gorging.
Then the flies and baby maggots appear for a session of gross gorging.
The third step involves wild dogs arriving for some nutritious mystery meat; likely replete with joyful vitamins.
The third step involves wild dogs arriving for some nutritious mystery meat; likely replete with joyful vitamins.
And we conclude with a mass of liquid flesh and bone. Oh, the circle. The circle of (multicultural) life!
And we conclude with a mass of liquid flesh and bone. Oh, the circle. The circle of (multicultural) life!

The choice is yours to make, White Man. What kind of a fate do you wish for your children?

* * *

Source: Occidental Dissent

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