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Chairman Williams: Letter on Immigration
Yet another letter The Tomahawk wouldn’t publish by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance PUT ‘tomahawk’ in NV’s search block and several letters I’ve written to the editor of my small newspaper of record here in Johnson County, Tennessee, The Tomahawk…
Chairman, National Alliance PUT ‘tomahawk’ in NV’s search block and several letters I’ve written to the editor of my small newspaper of record here in Johnson County, Tennessee, The Tomahawk…

Pressure Cooker Britain: Turning Up the Heat
The supposedly (according to the government and controlled media) “British” 17-year-old who murdered three White girls at a dance class in Britain, as shown in a Daily Mail headline. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 10 August, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom IN WHAT IS STILL occasionally…

Illegal Suffrage
by Douglas Mercer IF YOU SAY YOUR country is a “city on a hill,” invaders will see it as a beacon that beckons. They see that the light is on — and they are drawn to it like leeches are drawn to blood, or Jews to corruption and money. And it’s no longer every Tom, Dick, and Harry who…

Illegal Law
New Mexico’s Chief Justice Shannon Bacon by Douglas Mercer THERE HAVE BEEN ALL sorts of milestones in the invasion of our country — letting them attend our schools, giving them driver’s licenses, giving out so-called birthright citizenship, shielding them from the law by means…

Oh Those Words!
Demonstrating solidarity with the violent, System-funded and -organized George Floyd rioters in 2020, a jointly-owned subsidiary of anti-White globalist food giant Nestlé and Paris-based “private equity firm” PAI Partners announced that the corporation was changing the “derogatory” name…

Squatter’s Rights
Back of the bus, Whitey! (Actually, this invasion-promoting stock image — used recently by the dissident Chinese-diaspora publication, the Epoch Times — is heavily idealized, showing one out of six “new Americans” as White, and showing the rest as being considerably…

As Long As It’s Legal
No different from Patrick Henry: Welcome, new consumer and voting units! by Douglas Mercer A NATURALIZATION ceremony will have a Jew waving the red, white, and blue but inside he’ll be snickering and counting the days that White America has left. A naturalization ceremony will also get a conservative…

Germany is a Nation of Immigrants
Deutschland erwache. THERE IS A belief among pro-Whites, one which has thankfully become increasingly rare, that after enough Jewish outrages our people will spontaneously rise up and reclaim our lands. It will be a magical reversal that requires no effort, planning or hardship, you just have to…

Brown Apex Predator
Krishanti Vignarajah by Douglas Mercer MARTIN LUTHER hated the Jews but what did he think of the Sri Lankans? He probably didn’t think of them at all, but if he had he wouldn’t have thought much of them. But now a big wig wog from that country is living in America, has been educated at our expense…

Schrodinger’s Immigration Policy
by Douglas Mercer THERE WERE more than 188,000 attempted crossings from Mexico into the US in June 2021, the highest in a decade. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has said he is responding to the high rate of border crossings. If the Department of Justice and the courts have their way, when it comes to protecting…