Illegal Suffrage
by Douglas Mercer
IF YOU SAY YOUR country is a “city on a hill,” invaders will see it as a beacon that beckons. They see that the light is on — and they are drawn to it like leeches are drawn to blood, or Jews to corruption and money. And it’s no longer every Tom, Dick, and Harry who is coming — instead, it’s Jose, Okowomba, and Ho. Hell, even the old Anglo-Saxons said that America was the “asylum of nations,” and all those big-hearted “conservatives” got teary-eyed when all those (supposedly anti-Communist) brown Nicaraguans fleeing other brown Nicaraguans (who were supposedly Communist) headed to Everytown, USA. (I mean, do brown Nicaraguans even know what Communism is, beyond “zhe gringos hab exploided us”?)
Then the Jews propped up the “nation of immigrants” myth, as if America wasn’t a country of its own but always “belonged to the world” — and now you have Africans headed up through Panama to join the queue with the Haitians on the beachhead of the invasion.
The light is still on, and it’s no longer the asylum of nations — but just an asylum.
In Washington, DC you’re guaranteed Negroes at the top of the city, so as a practical matter if some illegals cast their votes for them it’s no matter; and the federal government can shut it down if they so choose. But this notion of illegals voting is picking up steam, and it’s ultimately the work of the Jews. Now they’ve turned America into a shooting gallery, where school shootings and big-city shootings pass almost without notice, and a favela, and a mixed-race flop house; now they’ve turned it into an economic zone for the Jewish financial sharks to loot at will. The final step will be to give the world the vote. I mean, overturning immigration controls was “civil rights for the world,” so how can we deny them the franchise? Eventually they’ll have so many dark-skinned coolies voting in America they won’t even need to steal elections.
The D.C. Council, the legislative body representing Washington, D.C., sent a set of bills to Mayor Muriel Bowser’s desk on Tuesday, one of which will allow illegal immigrants to vote in local elections. The bill allowing illegal immigrants to vote passed on a near-unanimous 12-1 vote following its first reading.
You still think this is your country? Think again, White man! Just because your ancestors came to it, found it, developed it, conquered it, created it, plowed it, built on it, and occupied it means nothing now. Too many White people fell asleep at the switch and let determined outsiders in tiny hats swarm in with a vengeance and wreak vengeance on the White man to whom they have sworn eternal enmity. Now the nice White country is no more, and the racial swamping is reaching a critical mass — Hell, not even the pro-crime, pro-sodomy, pro-“gender”-chop-shop, pro-alien, and pro-Jewish policies of the Democrats could elicit that vaunted Red Wave — not that it would have done a bit of good anyway. Soon the demographic slide will be irreversible, if it is not already; and soon politicians will be able to run outright on White genocide and get a landslide mandate.
The Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022, which unanimously passed the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety on Tuesday, would allow all noncitizen permanent residents to vote in local elections.
You can safely bet that among those “noncitizen permanent residents” are those invaders who have no right to be here, which is just about all of them. But in today’s political climate, what concern do illegals have of being called out for that? Pretty much none, that’s what. Why, for all of the fear they have of ever being deported, or even obsequiously and politely asked to leave, you might think that they are indigenous here, that they were born with the earth on which they stand. Didn’t Alexandria Cortez once stand on the steps of the Capitol and say she was standing on occupied land? And though here and there she is Jew-skeptical, she wasn’t talking about ZOG — she was saying that the White man on this land is an illegitimate usurper. She believes that we have no right to it — that it did and will always belong to them.
Local activist groups such as DC Latino Caucus as well as D.C. for Democracy were active in pushing for the issue. “Passage of this bill means that, for the first time in our lives, I and thousands of D.C. residents — immigrants who live, work, and pay taxes in the District — will be able to vote,” a local organizer and member of the Democratic Socialists of America, Abel Amene said.
This Abel Amene creature is one of those obscure Negro “activists” who skulk around the outskirts of power and from time to time get quoted in an article just like they’re Daniel Webster. Amene’s also here illegally and should be deported immediately to whatever godforsaken pest-hole he came from. But he wants to frame the situation as if he is your “neighbor,” a hard-working upstanding citizen of this fair land, with rights, immunities, and privileges just like your grandfather who’s a direct descendant of the English who set foot in Virginia in 1607. You can be sure we have him specially earmarked to be picked up in the first wave of arrests.
The only dissenting opinion upon first reading was councilwoman Mary Cheh, who understood it was an uphill battle. “Futility is not my goal here,” Cheh said. “Could someone who was put on a bus from Texas and dropped off at the vice president’s property then vote in our local elections?”
Yes of course he could! What a dumb question, White lady. And what are you trying to be, some kind of Karen? She’s probably the type of woman who calls the cops just because some Negro tried to rape her. And as for the newly minted votes, hell, they could wind their way up from the malarial swamps of Panama, make the mad dash from the beachhead and hitchhike their way to DC by the Mack truck full and get that “Yo Voto” sticker. Hell, why not stop and vote in every county along the route, too?
It turns out maybe there is a reason why this Cheh lady is a tad skeptical of the narrative that asks us to picture Brown people waltzing into this country, “becoming Americans,” and, like graybeards, doing all the research on the candidates and ballot measures, studying all the nuances and niceties of the candidate’s positions, and casting their votes accordingly — the narrative that tells us that the long chain of American democracy stretches directly from George Washington to their brown hands.
“Earlier today, I stopped by my neighborhood bakery for what I thought would just be a moment, and my car was stolen. No one was harmed and MPD is in search of my vehicle. These things can happen in an instant, they are crimes of opportunity, so I urge everyone to stay alert and take precautions — like double checking that your car is locked, never leaving it running, and using anti-theft devices.”
Or deport the Browns and lock up the Blacks. But then futility is her calling card.
“Cheh’s questions are rooted in age-old xenophobia and racism. Immigrants are not complete strangers. They are our neighbors, family and if the bill is ratified, Washington D.C. will join neighboring Hyattsville and Takoma Park in having laws in place that will allow non-citizens to vote in local elections.”
That’s from our Black enemy Amene, in a letter to the local newspaper. And you can bet this Black media superstar is going to take no guff from a geriatric White woman! Her day has passed! They think the White world has passed the baton to the dark one; and do-nothing liberal scum like Cheh who have their cars lifted in broad daylight will do nothing about it except say “lock your doors.” You can be sure that her carefully crafted statement was meant to assure everyone that she is not (the gods forbid!) “racist.”
Anything but that.
There are believed to be over 50,000 illegals in the District of Columbia. One in seven D.C. residents is an immigrant, according to the American Immigration Council. Twenty-eight percent of D.C.’s immigrant population is in the country illegally, according to a separate survey by the group.
Double or triple those numbers if you want to get in the ballpark.
Tens of thousands more votes for the Democrat on the ballot in “de disrick” won’t mean a thing. But we’re starting to cross a Rubicon here, as surely as the invaders cross the Rio Grande. They want to make White people get used to this not being our country, to having no sovereignty. One man, one vote! Hell, one invader, one vote! One invader, ten votes. Democracy means opening up the floodgates to all comers; democracy means the end of White people; democracy is a Jewish psy-op aimed right at our heads.
Proponents of the bill say that the large immigrant population in D.C. — one in seven residents is an immigrant — is affected by the policies made by the local government and should therefore have a say in how the city is run. “Allowing our non-citizen neighbors, many of whom have lived and worked in the District for decades, to participate in our elections can only strengthen our democracy and our communities.”
The invaders don’t like the policies here? Well then, give them a say. Never mind that they hate us. Never mind that back in the favela-ridden bolt holes from which they crawled, there are no policies, just mud huts and dirt roads and chickens running around and voodoo being practiced and albino bones being dug up and drinking water that makes you sick and people dying like flies in the cesspools they call cities. But they have opinions, and firm ones too, about how we do things here.
Meanwhile, a judge struck down a similar law in New York City in June, arguing that allowing legal permanent residents to vote in local elections would be in conflict with the state constitution.
I’ll give that five years.
Despite the overwhelming support for the bill within the committee there are opponents who say that voting rights should be reserved for US citizens, including the supporters of an election integrity bill before the US Congress that would bar non-legal citizens from voting in DC.
Sure. The stalwart Republicans will rush in and save the day. Every now and then they make a faint noise that timidly suggests that the invasion isn’t all good. To be stupendously charitable to them, perhaps some of them simply blink at the hardness of what ending and then reversing the invasion would mean — and don’t have the ten-ton testicles it would take. But casting a vote in Congress? That does nothing, or maybe less than nothing.
If they are coming, you are losing.
To win you have to make them not come.
Put the military on the border with orders to shoot to kill and drop a few bodies in the desert. That will make them think twice. Or maybe just once. And then stop all government services to illegals: welfare, universities, secondary schools, health care, the lot. And make it impossible for them to be on anyone’s payroll. When the spigot runs dry, they won’t darken our doors. The “Global South” will stay put — and the ones here will flee like frightened rats.
How do you like your America First?
Illegal suffrage wont’ be an issue then — to say the least.
“We should be welcoming new voices and making voting more accessible to those who are not traditionally represented — not restricting voting to those who have already held power,” the committee wrote in a report accompanying the bill. “The committee believes that expanding the right to vote in our local elections to all non-citizen residents of the District makes a strong statement in support of these D.C. values. Allowing our non-citizen neighbors, many of whom have lived and worked in the District for decades, to participate in our elections can only strengthen our democracy and our communities.”
“DC values” are sodomy, chop-shop “gender ideology,” porous borders, and Jewish money.
There’s one laughable “restriction” in this heinous bill. Anyone and everyone can come and vote in DC, but they must meet one requirement. They must have lived in the District for 30 days. 30 days? Why not 30 seconds?
Once they are in you can forget about any useless Red Wave. Until we stop them, it will be just as the Jews intended. “Yo Voto” indeed: for the end of the White world.
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Source: Author
It’s unrelated to the article but you guys need to talk about Vincent Reynouard, a French revisionist who lived in the UK for 7 yeard and who has been arrested this week.
I believe British newspapers talked about it but I can’t post links online.
This is a serious issue and I hope you’ll talk about it
May I first reply to Mercer’s essay. A just memorial for a young woman form St. Charles Co. Maryland . A 26 rear old K-9 officer , who answered an early morning alarm for “suspicious characters ” loitering . They were ambassadors from Guatemala and San Salvador ,senor . WHo come ” to make your country a better place .” The K-9 officer , Stephanie Mohr released her Shepherd when the guests , invited by George Bush did not heed her demand to stop and identify themself . They were arrested and released but later she was prosecuted for a hate crime. She would be convicted by a chosen jury of illegals or worse liberals from DC neighbour of St Charles county and convicted without mercy 10 years in Federal… Read more »
Thanks for giving the readers one reason to stay as far away from the Abrahamic religions as possible. I hadn’t thought about the Tower of Babel from the angle, that you had explained regarding a story, that “the People of the Book” may cherish.
— Elfriede Lentner
Christian values still destroying white culture I see. Nothing will change until the problem is gone
Being against Christianity is ok, but being for a better life-philosophy and living by its word will hasten the end for faulty, false, or failing systems of belief. What is this better life-philosophy that I’m talking about here? Here is a great description of it put into practice:
I can remember when America could ACTUALLY be identified as a Christian nation. Let’s take it back to, say, 1960. I can remember virtually ALL of that long list of evils that are referenced day-in-and-day-out in all White dissident media as COMPLETELY ABSENT from our country back then. And remember, America had been virtually 100% Christian as to its population originally. In other words, from the beginning. And my recollections are of much loveliness about me. In print, in text-books, in visual media, in conversation, in society and the culture generally. And I could go on. Yes, I DO…remember it. And now? Now that America and the West HAVE UTTERLY ESCHEWED Christianity in all of its institutions and culture generally, an ugliness has descended upon us that IN NO POSSIBLE… Read more »
Netserve: I can remember when America could ACTUALLY be identified as a Christian nation. Let’s take it back to, say, 1960. — Let’s not. — [H]ow do you EXPLAIN THIS? How many can honestly employ the Correlation vs Causation…trope? It strikes as absurd…no? — What in Hell are you yapping about, Netserve? Did you even read Mr. Mercer’s piece? It doesn’t appear to me that you did. Be thankful that the ground has nearly been cleared of Jew-spawned Christianity and can now be supplanted by a racially responsible belief system without some mythical Jew superspook up in the sky that orders the White rail to the bottom and the Colored rail to the top. A sentimental return to your Christinsanity of 1960 with little girls in their white Sunday school… Read more »
I live in DC. I believe this bill became law by default after Mayor Bowser took no action on it after a certain amount of time. It seemed to me the local media gave it very little attention. However, I don’t read the Washington comPost so I don’t know how it was covered there. I’m curious to know how this will play out come November 2024 and the Presidential election. Since DC does not have a voter ID law, how will the citizens be separated from the non citizens in regard to the ballot they are given? First came the drivers licenses and now the voting. What’s next, being allowed to sit on a jury? Also, I believe New Mexico now allows non citizens to practice law there as long… Read more »