EssaysGuest opinion

All of a Sudden… Covid Disappears

by John Young

I HAVE SEEN PEOPLE wondering… where are the new Covid-19 variants?

To be fair about new Covid variants… they are occurring. It’s just that the regime has moved on to the next Thing(tm) and so they aren’t being put on the news.

They basically realized that they were expending far too much of their credibility pushing the Covid thing, and so let it die.

But the virus still exists, and because it’s a single-stranded RNA virus, it mutates quite a lot, creating lots of new variants. But for the most part, and for most people, these aren’t very dangerous.

And even if they were… well, like I said, they need to put this behind them.

Commercial real estate has become a serious problem, with so many people working from home — a trend that grew huge during the pandemic — and regional banks are highly exposed. Commercial real estate magnates don’t want to lose their shirts over yet another lockdown, and they and their banks have a fair amount of pull.

Basically, the Covid thing exposed how razor-thin and vulnerable our supply chains are, how fragile our infrastructure is, how suddenly we can have the same toilet paper rationing as the USSR, and how many people really can be working from home for better work/life balance. And it did serious damage to the commercial real estate sector, among others.

Meanwhile, it caused many people to question the regime’s credibility for the first time, with the mask, no mask, double-mask thing and then employers literally mandating an experimental shot.

They were bleeding credibility like a stuck pig, and commercial real estate magnates were squealing too, and regional banks were destabilizing.

At this point, if Covid-23 showed up and it was bona fide deadly, there would be no lockdowns — they would want you showing up to work even if you were hacking a lung into your boss’s face, because this regime’s continuity depends on people at least being able to have some toilet paper.

* * *

Source: Western Voices

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Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
16 July, 2023 11:03 pm

I never understood the t.p. hoarding thing. Nobody told me there was any threat of a t.p. shortage. But the shutdowns went overboard, in some places more than others, and in some, for an inordinate amount of time. Life as many knew it was upside down. A crazy social experiment and people of all races were going around resembling a diverse American version of modern day Japan with all the mask mandates, where previously they were typically only donned by surgeons and nurses in the O.R. Although much of the hysteria has finally passed and life has returned to a worse version of normal, there remain some vestiges, including some medical personnel still masking and assorted people here and there continuing to do the same. What got me in the… Read more »

25 July, 2023 12:09 pm

I remember perfectly well.

The very first day that the war in Ukraine started, covid was officially over in my job and they even stopped mandating mask and screening.

I don’t agree with the author about Covid existence. It was all a farse. A variation of the naked emperor tale where everybody pretended he wasn’t naked.

The only real thing was the aftereffects of social isolation, paranoia and fear mongering of a fake disease that never existed in the first place.

It was all a show up of how powerful the media is and their grip on the masses and other corporations.

What happens next? Collapse of the economy, which was desirable from our point of view but at the expense of further alienation.

Reply to  Jamie
26 July, 2023 6:57 pm

I completely Reject the claims that “covid-19” Did Not Exist. I suffered a case of Illness Unlike any Flu or Respiratory Infection I ever had before. Because it was already Clear that 1) the Disease had some evidence that it was ‘Artificial’ (a Bioweapon) and 2) the Entire jewmedia, and ZOG agents in many Countries, were endlessly Parroting the same ‘Story’, I stayed away from ‘Doctors’ and instead, used a Treatment Protocol by a French Doctor, who was one of the first (Real) Medical Practitioners who found that Ivermectin, Azithromycin, and Hydrochloroquinine was Effective in Curing it, and rapidly. I used his Prescription (fortunately having some of those Drugs anyway) and suffered only about a Week of ‘Illness’. Subsequently, the way the (((establishment))) tried to Ban those Drugs by any… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
3 August, 2023 12:16 pm

Greencrow on the Amish. Although Amish is not a religion for everyone, they maintain their racial integrity by abstaining from bring in racial aliens into their community. “The Amish are a perfect example of a large  group of people who are largely unvaccinated,” testified @stkirsch to the Pennsylvania  State Senate. Greencrow concludes: “Anyone who allows a  medical [so-called ‘health’] worker to  inject them with ANYTHING in this day and  age is an idiot. And any parent who allows  their child to be put on the roller coaster of the over 60 ‘recommended’ childhood  vaccines before the age of 18 is a child  abuser. It’s got that bad. I don’t know  how parents even function nowadays – between the lethal vaccines and the filth they’re pouring into the kid’s brains… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
13 August, 2023 10:27 am

Covid scamdemic prosecutions are now on the way! Dr. David Martin is now an established  champion in the covid war. This global  intellectual property expert led the  way exposing decades of patents and  other intellectual property evidence  of the premeditated covid crimes,  including premeditated mass murder,  racketeering, and fraud. That evidence  is now the backbone of cases in the  courts that are going after covid  arch criminals. “It does not matter what clinical  trials have or have not been done,  we must be focused singly on the  criminal prosecution of terrorists  who have now aided and abetted in  the murder of millions of people.” If you thirst for justice, here are  the 12 refreshing minutes: There are good doctors who have given  up their salaries to fight this war… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
7 September, 2023 11:41 am

The list of vampires: • Deserving special mention is the dapper doctor  who was once the highest paid employee of the  U.S. government, Tony Fauci, who also got to  kill hundreds of thousands when he invented AZT,  the drug that killed most of the victims of the  so-called AIDS epidemic. Notably, Fauci also  murdered beagle puppies when testing one of  his poison products. • Bill Gates, of course, the Microsoft guru  whom history will remember as a demon rubbing  his hands with glee as he contemplates  inoculating the whole world with his poison jabs. Other pests include the homicidal maniacs in  charge of the destruction of White society: • Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer • Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna • Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca • Alex Gorsky,… Read more »