Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 5
by John Massaro
AS I MENTIONED, the wheels of a global vaccination conspiracy had been turning for years before the jabs actually began — on December 14, 2020, here in the U.S. I must admit that, despite my extensive research, I was unaware of this. Conspiracies by their nature are hatched in secrecy. It was in April 2020 that Trump announced Operation Warp Speed with his usual oily pitch of great things to come. The shots were eight months away, but the wheeling and dealing behind closed doors, with billions of dollars up for grabs, which always accompanies major vaccination campaigns, had begun, with Pfizer and Moderna winning the big prize, and their lawyers hammering out a clause removing any liability for the vaccine deaths and injuries they knew were inevitable.
As 2020 wore on, I had an uneasy feeling about what was coming. There were few tangible hints, but what there was, was ominous. In May, the utterly repulsive Alan Dershowitz said “If you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.” I came across a 2017 clip of Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer of Moderna and an Israeli, discussing exciting new mRNA technologies and how the next class of vaccines would “hack the software of life.” Those words sent chills down my spine.
He had a little diagram of how it would work. Playing God, taking Nature into his own hands. Absolute madness. But naturally Moderna was playing it safe, insulated against any lawsuits, and as I later learned, after winning the government contract, Zaks dumped his company stock in structured sell-offs. Technically it was not illegal, but it was the epitome of sleaze, and made him very wealthy. Word is that he plans to leave Moderna in September 2021 for greener pastures.
On October 23, 2020, seven weeks before the injection campaign hit stride in England, the British government posted this notice on “The MHRA [Medicines and Health Care Products Regulatory Agency] urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADR’s reaction text are missed.” Here was proof that the top politicians in London knew in advance how dangerous this vaccine was, but approved its use in a mass vaccination offensive anyway.
I wrote earlier about the over-representation of Jews in the vaccine field, both at the pharmaceutical companies and public health agencies, which in practice are one and the same. I could have mentioned more Jews in the top slots at the CDC. The new director under Biden is Rochelle Walensky, member in good standing of Temple Emanuel in Newton, Massachusetts, conveniently just a few miles from Moderna headquarters in Cambridge, who on April 8, 2021 declared racism “a serious public health threat.” This is the mentality of the people who rule over us. Perhaps the CDC will soon be pushing an anti-racism vaccine.
But when I looked into the advisory committee dredged up from the CDC and FDA, which met to discuss emergency authorization of the Covid-19 vaccines in late 2020 — which needless to say was already a done deal — I saw so many Jewish names and faces that I thought I might’ve stumbled on the Knesset website. Further investigation revealed the kind of conflicts of interest you always find with these people. But that’s just half the story. The CEO of Pfizer is a Greek Jew, Albert Bourla, and the chief scientific officer is Mikael Dolsten, a Jew born and raised in Sweden. The billionaire CEO of Moderna is Stephane Bancel, a French Jew. Wikipedia states, “Bancel has been described as having a secretive approach to Moderna, and as being a tough operator.” That’s an understatement. Moderna is an extremely shady start-up company and Bancel a horrible person whom many found impossible to work for. Like Zaks, he unloaded a ton of Moderna shares through 2020 at great personal profit. The chairman and CEO of Johnson & Johnson is Alex Gorsky, who also is Jewish.
Pfizer and J&J have rap sheets a foot long. It’s always the same with these pharmaceutical companies. They commit crime after crime, destroy millions of lives, get hit with big fines and pay out a billion here, three hundred million there — just the cost of doing business. Then they go on their merry way to commit more crimes. No one ever goes to prison, much less to the gallows. And these are the companies that have injected 180 million American sheep, caused tens of thousands of tragedies already, yet cannot be sued. And their tribal cousins in the media just keep covering up for them.
It’s time to realize that these are criminal syndicates every bit as brutal as the most infamous Mexican drug cartels. In fact, they’re more to be feared. No one is forced to use cocaine or heroin, but the vaccine manufacturers, with their huge stable of bought politicians who pass laws mandating their products, are a different story.
And only a fool would deny that they employ assassins to get rid of people they regard as a threat. Their latest victim was Brandy Vaughan, a Merck sales executive turned anti-vax activist, who ran the website She knew she was being targeted, told her friends about it, and was found dead by her nine-year-old son in her Santa Barbara, California home on December 7, 2020. Dead from natural causes, the coroner dutifully reported.
Predictably, some vicious and deranged Jews were unable to control themselves. In a Washington Post piece of April 22, 2021 headed “We Should Soon Stop Catering to the Vaccine Holdouts,” Jennifer Rubin advocated making life impossible for those who cannot present secure proof of vaccination. Rubin has written so many knucklehead columns over the years that even her colleagues have long wondered out loud why the Post doesn’t fire her.
Seventeen days later, another unhinged Jewess, the washed-up entertainer Bette Midler, threatened unvaccinated children with this tweeted gem: “If my kid can’t bring peanut butter to school then yours can’t bring the deathly plague. Vaccinate or I’m bringing the Jiffy.” How charming. She was referring to peanut allergies, a by-product of the flood of new childhood vaccines in the 1990s, which are potentially fatal, so this was a thinly disguised death wish, not to mention just another mindless rant: If vaccines protect against disease, then vaccinated children need not worry about any “deathly plague” brought by unvaccinated children.
Lastly, there’s our old friend Peter Hotez, who went bonkers in an April 27, 2021 article, “Covid Vaccines: Time to Confront Anti-Vax Aggression,” published in Nature, a print journal and online magazine that calls itself scientific. Hotez wants to see anti-vaccine groups dismantled, and wrote darkly of terrorism, nuclear armament, far-right extremist groups, and Russian-sponsored misinformation, while plugging the London-based Center for Countering Digital Hate, as well as a Virginia-based rumor-tracking analytics company. He wants to empower WHO, the UN, cyber security, law enforcement, public education, and strengthen international relations. He is one very sick puppy who recently got himself into a heap of trouble for making outrageous allegations against Sharyl Attkisson, the former CBS correspondent who often writes articles mildly critical of the vaccine establishment on her website. At this writing, Hotez has a defamation lawsuit hanging over his head.
I don’t want to oversimplify. The Jewish role in this whole Covid-19 saga, as in most of their destructive activities, is not black and white. There’s some gray. There are plenty of Gentile Cromwell types involved in this. Another gray area is Israel itself, where the government imposed lockdown rules that were harsher than in most Western nations, then followed up with an aggressive vaccination campaign. Some have suggested that the Israeli population was injected with saline solution, and the Jew duped the dumb goyim yet again. I don’t believe that. I’ve seen enough evidence on Israeli websites to convince me that Israelis have had their share of casualties, in addition to the fact that Jews, like Whites, are divided among themselves in getting or not getting the shot. Furthermore Netanyahu (now out of office), may have received a backhander from Pfizer and, gangster that he is, may not care if his own people are harmed. Alternatively, maybe he wanted to make everybody forget about all his crimes and make himself look like a strong leader in a futile attempt to get re-elected. I don’t know. Maybe also, he, or whoever makes the top public health decisions there, genuinely believes that mass vaccination is a good thing.
I believe this to be true of other world leaders, like those of Russia and Iran, who have foolishly bought into the vaccine dogma and the whole Covid scamdemic and, while wisely shunning the poisons used here and in Europe, are using vaccines like the Sputnik V which, from what I’ve read, employs the same dangerous biotechnology.
But let’s not avoid the million dollar question. We have this nexus of Jews who sit at the top of the CDC, the FDA, the vaccine manufacturing firms, the television networks and social media, not to mention those swarming around the vegetable Biden. In fact, the real acting president is Jewish chief of staff Ron Klain, who daily tells his mumbling boss what to say and do. Only a blind man could fail to see that there’s tribal solidarity at work here, even if there are some personality conflicts. Every one of them is on board with the plandemic and the vaccination campaign. It goes without saying that they all have criminal minds. All of them are engaged in a cover-up of an immense tragedy which has been going on for seven months now. Why don’t any of them raise their voices about it? Why isn’t Biden’s Coronavirus Response Coordinator, the Jew Jeffrey Zients, addressing the situation? What are their motives for not stopping it? The polio and swine flu vaccination campaigns of 1955 and 1976 were halted in much less time with only a minute fraction of the casualties, when it became clear that the vaccines were backfiring. Why in 2021 is it full speed ahead, fueled now by a fresh round of scaremongering nonsense about the Delta variant?
I answered these questions the best I could in the long chapter titled “The Jewish Factor,” so I’ll try to answer them in one sentence here: A sizable number of Jews are genetically driven to destroy civilization and murder people on a huge scale, even though it may ultimately lead to human extinction, including their own.
To be continued
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Source: an excerpt from the book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?
An excellent article that names names. I am not vaxxed myself and am intrigued as I poll various friends and relations on their vaxxed status. Amazingly, I have found that some of the higher educated are vaxxed while others who barely got through high school are anti-vaxxers. Who woulda thunk! The vax campaign, I believe, has forged a new segmentation variable, vaxxers and antivaxxers. It’s almost like a racial divide, but you can’t see it. It may well turn out to be one of the greatest tricks the Jews have played on us, after money printing.
The higher you get in the System, the more pressure there is to conform. Those with more education are often in the employ of the System in some way and to be threatened with the loss of their livelihood means a greater fall would be involved should conformity not be given as compared to the less-educated ‘working’ man.
I think that’s part of it but I think there is something more at work, some internal switch people have to either accept or reject a government mandate and this witch seems not to be connected to anything else, not gender, not education, not religion, not intellect, it seems to be its own thing..
We’ve now had two consecutive years of dramatic declines in life expectancy in the US. Even the CDC can’t blame it all on coronavirus. Particularly troubling is the decline in LE for White males due to suicide/drug overdoses/alcoholism. I wonder how many are from the vaccines.
Whatever the injections purpose is, it fulfilled something for sure.
It divided the population even more and broke down further the will of men to organize and gather, which is something that the government fears.
Was this event different than the Spanish flu scam? That was over 100 years ago and men were tougher back then, but still complied to that nonsense.
Zitat: “Wie viele Corona-Tote kannten Sie persönich?”