CommentaryEssaysJohn Massaro

Journal of a World Gone Mad, part 3

Klaus Schwab

by John Massaro

ON AN IMPULSE, I recently skimmed through A.K. Chesterton’s The New Unhappy Lords, which I read many years ago, and which I quoted from earlier. I’ve read several fine books on the conspiracy, or better said conspiracies, among the rich and powerful, especially since World War Two, to rule the planet — to impose globalism, international communism, one world tyranny, a new world order, whatever you want to call it. To my mind, Chesterton’s book is the best of them, because he is eminently logical and doesn’t duck the taboo issues of Jewish subversion and racial mongrelization, especially in his native England, where even in the early 1960s, when he was writing, non-White immigration was well underway, as was the humiliation and destruction of the White man in Africa, as some British colonies buckled under to lunatic Black rulers, while others dug in against the betrayal of worthless politicians in London — a precursor of our current Black Lives Matter movement.

The role of international finance, the behind-the-scenes pressure applied to spineless world leaders, the perfidy of the United Nations, the hidden hand directing global affairs — nothing has changed. In Chapter 24, he lists the mostly obscure names and positions of nearly a hundred men from North America and Europe established in government, media, academia, banking, foundations, big business and the military who had met in secret more than once, in lavish surroundings, with strict security precautions, to discuss — what? As Chesterton makes clear, only a fool would deny that there’s a conspiracy at work here.

The faces have changed in the last sixty years, of course, but they are the same unfeeling, mechanical creatures conspiring to rule over a global plantation, to control the lives of a raceless, spiritless, degraded humanity. They have morphed into what today appears to be the foremost organization of power addicts, an elitist club known as the World Economic Forum (WEF). The only differences today are the ascendance of technocracy, the push to vaccinate, and the fact that the conspiracy is out in the open, right in your face if you care to open your eyes.

In late 2020 I read two books co-authored by Klaus Schwab, a half-Jewish German national and the founder and executive chairman of the WEF, which was formed in 1971. These books are Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, published in 2018, and Covid-19: The Great Reset which came out in July 2020. These books have to be read to be believed. I had occasionally come across the ideas he expounds, but they seemed so far out that I didn’t take them seriously and never looked into them. That was a mistake. He is for real with his “trans-human” agenda of merging man with machine, literally creating a new being who will be “a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.” The technology of injecting sensors into the body, which monitor vital signs and convey them to cell towers, is already here and marketed on Recently I came across an interview Schwab did on Swiss television on January 10, 2016 in which he discussed planting microchips in our brains. Naturally, he’s big on vaccines, and has said, “People who refuse to be vaccinated are a health threat to everyone else.”

Like Bill Gates, a close colleague, he comes across as a reincarnation of Pol Pot. He envisions a world of total surveillance where everything is electronically connected with everything else, thoughts can be read by police, and get this, human organs can be printed by 3D technology (Shaping the Future, page 145). His two greatest mentors are the death merchants Henry Kissinger (who in addition to his war crimes in southeast Asia, pressured the government of Rhodesia to take the primrose path to black Marxist rule, with the inevitable dispossession and killings of White farmers after the country became Zimbabwe), and Nelson Mandela, about whom I’ve written enough.

It would seem that, as part of his dystopian plan to phase in a new version of man, the White race needs to be phased out. In fact, Schwab claims he was deeply affected by the death of George Floyd, and the WEF website,, has much boilerplate discussion about ending racism — only White racism, that is.

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The media-instigated anarchy and race riots, which tore through nearly all major cities and many large towns in America, was, of course, the other major event of 2020. Whether George Floyd died of a fentanyl-induced heart attack or of suffocation from the knee of a rogue white cop, is irrelevant.

Floyd was just another Black bum in a country whose cities are overflowing with Black bums, a drug addict and a career criminal, who once did five years in a Texas prison for sticking a gun in a woman’s stomach during a home invasion, which in itself justified an appointment with Old Sparky.

What is relevant is that the Jewish cabal that decides what is “news” used this incident to ignite the American racial powder keg, and touch off more racial explosions around the world. Once again, the awesome, unrestrained power of the media was on full display. This, of course, was just one in a long series of media attacks against White police officers working in the hopelessly crime-ridden big cities who have to deal with Black animals all the time.

A racial explosion has been brewing for decades, and we’ve seen it happen before, but as someone who lived through the summer of 1967, I can attest that, even though the scale of mayhem and destruction in 2020 was about the same, back in ’67 there was no toppling and defacing of statues, no invasions of White suburbs by menacing Black mobs (some of which took place very close to my home), no “cancel culture,” and no shaming or persecution of any Whites who deviated one inch from the party line of “systemic racism” and “White supremacy,” which are as fictitious as the Covid pandemic. And this time the raw hatred and contempt for the White race was thrown like acid in our faces, including implicit and even explicit calls for murder in both the news media and social media.

On October 3rd, 400 members of the “No F__king Around Coalition,” a Black paramilitary group, marched heavily-armed through Lafayette, Louisiana, a city of 120,000 with a White majority. A similar march took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the hundredth anniversary, on June 1, 2021, attended by Biden, of what the media ludicrously described as a senseless White-on-Black racial massacre, which ended with the tribal chief whipping up the crowd with the usual megaphone rhetoric and exhorting them to “kill everything White in sight.”

I thought of the Hitler quote in which he describes how the Jew gradually erodes all the foundations of a civilized society until he feels confident enough to drop the pretense of social justice and begin the butchery. Crushing lockdowns that temporarily or permanently ruined so many lives, combined with a determined attack on orderly White society, employing Antifa and Black Lives Matter anthropoids as shock troops — what we had here was a classic Bolshevik revolution, calling to mind George Lincoln Rockwell’s novel definition of communism as “the organized mutiny, led by the Jews, of the biologically inferior people of the world against those who have created civilization.”

Any doubt about the Jewish role should have been dispelled by a brazen full-page ad that appeared in the New York Times on August 28th, 2020, sponsored by more than 600 Jewish organizations, from the mighty Anti-Defamation League down to the local activist synagogue. The eye was drawn to “We speak with one voice when we say, unequivocally” — then below that, in gigantic block letters — BLACK LIVES MATTER.

And it soon became clear that this latest planned racial uprising was tied in with the Covid hoax, as in New York, where Black throngs were exempted from the face mask and social distancing requirements that were being zealously enforced by that city’s politicized cops. Around the country, thousands of violent Black felons were released from prison, ostensibly to prevent Covid from spreading in those facilities. And the connection was also evident in the corporate world, especially professional sports teams, many Jewish-owned, so proud to proclaim “Black Lives Matter” on billboards and stadium signs, while requiring all non-playing personnel to participate in the senseless obedience ritual of wearing face masks. For not wearing masks on the sidelines, several NFL coaches were fined $100,000, their teams $250,000.


To be continued

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Source: an excerpt from the book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?

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10 November, 2022 8:59 pm

The unfortunate thing is that many younger whites are thrilled with the ideas of trans-humanism. “It’s the future and there’s nothing to be done about it”, or “It’ll be so cool to have all of this info on a HUD in my eyes”, etc. Since they have such a low value on race, becoming a cog is appealing. Elon Musk is a huge influence on the young and technophilic, since he’s so friendly with the WEF and is in line with their ideas expect them to churn out more obedient bots for the future. The suspicions people have about Schwab and his ilk haven’t really hit Musk and some people have a real zealousness for the man so he’s useful in filtering WEF ideas to a mass that is certainly… Read more »