Land of the Fee, Home of the Depraved
by David Sims
THE “swamp” is a euphemism that refers to the bureaucratic, unelected part of our federal government. It refers most particularly to the arrogant, legalistic part of the Executive Branch, but it has its minions in the Legislative and Judicial Branches of government also.
A bureaucracy may be necessary for governing a country as large as the United States, but bureaucratic organization is vulnerable to corrupt influences, to infiltration by power-mongers pretending to be civil servants, to barratry by lawyers pretending to have the public good uppermost in mind, and so on.
A swamp develops within a bureaucracy over time, as venal, arrogant evil-doers and their lackeys gradually become the dominant presence among the officials thereof.
I recently had a lesson in why you don’t want your country’s government offices to become a swamp.
I had it in mind to trademark the phrase “Solar System Empire,” so that I could put it on items of merchandise, such as tee-shirt and coffee mugs, and sell them for a bit more than they cost me to make, and in so doing earn a little money.
I didn’t know at the outset how much the process would cost. By the time I was made to understand that the $1175 in “filing fees” that I had already paid was just the beginning, that further fees would be forthcoming, I was very sorry that I’d lowered my dignity to the point of doing business with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
After I’d paid all that money (about a month’s worth of my income) for what was surely a very, very little work on the part of anyone in the Office, I was told, via an “Office Action” — mmm, how dynamic that sounds — that my trademark application was put on hold because of alleged imperfections in my paperwork.
Now, I am not a stupid man. But nobody gets a complicated course of government paperwork right on the first go, if he has never had any prior experience with that specific kind of government paperwork. For example, there are terms and numerical codes with which the novice is unfamiliar. Further, the USPTO didn’t specify the nature of those alleged imperfections. They merely told me that what I’d submitted wasn’t good enough.
It was clear that I was being pressured into hiring an attorney to represent me to the government. Apparently, a common citizen isn’t good enough to speak for himself, and there are penalties awaiting any citizen who tries to do so.
The swamp is mostly a collection of lawyers, who have perverted the offices of government in ways that benefit themselves and that hinder or burden others, especially when those others cannot easily afford to hire attorneys.
That’s why the swamp is bad. It is unjust by its very nature. Donald Trump was right to fight the swamp while he was President. The only flaw in his plan was that he wasn’t aggressive enough and he didn’t move quickly enough. [And, quite likely, assuming that he was sincere, he had close to zero allies, and plenty of enemies, even within his own party. — Ed.]
By the way, the USPTO ultimately rejected my application to trademark the phrase “Solar System Empire.”
I paid them money. They denied me service. A private company would not be permitted to do business in such a sleazy manner.
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Source: Author
Everything what is written in this article sounds as if the author describes Russia. The only difference is that in Russia you don’t need to hire an attorney (only the wealthy few do it). The bureaucratic system in Russia have established its own peculiarly effective mechanism of corruption. If you try to do some paperwork on your own, you can run along corridors of state offices for months with zero result. But when you come to the state office with any question, you are told that you can either do all paper work by yourself or to pay some fee and it would be done for you. Every government office in Russia functions this way. And it would be sheer stupidity on your part to refuse this kind offer, because… Read more »
How current is your information? I can easily imagine what you said in the Russia of the past but present Russia has made efforts to change that and promote digitalization of paperwork and procedures. In fact Russia has a ministry of digital development here are some stats in English on Russias push towards e-government.
Greetings David Sims. Perhaps you should create an artwork of those words, ‘Solar System Empire’, and photograph it. The artwork and photograph may provide sufficient copyright.and ownership of the phrase.
The vast army of paid civil servants make up the auxiliaries that come against us, bolstered by their pay and benefits and the great power a reliable paycheck confers. Remember, Rome fell when the paychecks stopped coming.
Add to that the signing away of their own free will to the ‘Union’ collective contract.
I voted for Trump (twice) but I’m not sure how sincere he was about anything other than Wall Street and Israel. In other words, Jews.
For someone with such supposed business acumen, he was horrible at selecting personnel for his administration. So bad that he would have done better randomly selecting people out of a phone book.This couldn’t have been an accident.
Either he was a total fool, too lazy to take an interest or had no control over decision making. Any one of these reasons suggests he needs to stay away from the presidency.
Since the American Revolution started, the masters at the central bank have been using front men, although the front men did not necessarily know they were front men, all they knew is that they were extraordinarily lucky. Trump clearly knew his lines. He was saved from bankruptcy for his acting antics and used as comic relief between wars. It is all theater and lately, theater of the absurd.
Trump was better, relatively speaking, than the other offered up, but most certainly not the best. To his detriment, he was made an example of for all to see, and was stymied from before day one. His feisty demeanor and strong ‘character,’ for lack of better word, could only go so far against the tide without virtue and integrity.
‘Drain the swamp’ was just campaign trail bs – like everything else.
That’s right, crumbs for the faithful.
Yes, but was he really draining it, or just replacing one rotten body for another?