The Laws of the Solar System Empire, by Imperial Decree
Lighthearted fantasy contains much worth thinking about
by David Sims
THE SOLAR SYSTEM EMPIRE (SSE or Empire) is an absolute imperial monarchy whose territories include all the space and all of the mass within 1000 astronomical units (1.496e14 meters) of the solar system barycenter, excluding…

by David Sims WHITE NATIONALIST PHILOSOPHY HAS a strong component of longtermism, which author William MacAskill defines as “the idea that positively influencing the long-term future is a key moral priority of our time.” The idea is that the people who live in the future are just as valuable,…

Will We Survive the Great Filter?
by David Sims THERE’S SOME ARGUMENT about whether there is a Great Filter for the evolution of Life that lies in the future. We can recognize some achievements of the Life of Earth that occurred in the past: • The formation of replicating molecules
• The formation of single-celled organisms via…
• The formation of single-celled organisms via…

Land of the Fee, Home of the Depraved
by David Sims THE “swamp” is a euphemism that refers to the bureaucratic, unelected part of our federal government. It refers most particularly to the arrogant, legalistic part of the Executive Branch, but it has its minions in the Legislative and Judicial Branches of government also.…

Until the Last Star in the Universe Ceases to Shine
by David Sims “UNTIL the last star in the universe ceases to shine.” Those words are emblematic of Brenda Lynn Jones’ promise to the Life of Earth and to her own race. It comes from an address she made, as Empress of the Solar System Empire, to the United Nations of Earth in the early twenty-second…

Brenda Lynn Jones and the Colonization of the Perseus-Pisces Supercluster
Excerpt from a novel by David Sims
“FIRST LIGHT,” said Brenda Lynn Jones, realizing at once that she had materialized from nothing a moment ago. Briefly, she felt homesick for a world that she had never seen and never would see. Instead, she saw the frame of a dataship around her, and, where…